Lisa Benson for March 30, 2016

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    Captain Colorado  about 8 years ago

    We can only hope.

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    Crabbyrino Premium Member about 8 years ago

    The sole crime is the vast waste of time and money chasing NOTHING. Once again, a Republican Congress is doing NOTHING to better the country.

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    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Just another delaying tactic so they can stretch the investigation out for the remaining eleven weeks of primary voting. So far they have found nothing of substance. She did what was common and legal at the time. I really wish they would have spent the millions of dollars expended on Benghazi and the email investigation on fixing some bridges and roads.

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  4. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  about 8 years ago

    In the name of compassion, everyone please be prepared to console a conservative when the FBI find no criminal act, make a few recommendations for administrative changes in the use of email, and close the case without fanfare. After pumping up each other’s hopes and being convinced by FOX pundits, conservative legal commentators, and conservative pollsters that Hillary has almost single-handedly destroyed the nation with a Blackberry, and that they will have to defeat her with substantive policy issues. Hillary against this motley band of ambitious pretenders on substantive issues and they will understandably be in deep shock.

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    GordonSwink  about 8 years ago

    Ah. More sweet, sweet propaganda. Notice there’s no mention of Condi and/or Collin facing the same investigation. NEITHER OF WHOM WILL BE PROSECUTED EITHER!! Right wing shill!

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    BCKC Premium Member about 8 years ago


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    Dave Ferro  about 8 years ago

    AAAAAaaaaaa…. SPLAT!! And the country cheers…!

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    DrDon1  about 8 years ago

    Did Benson consult with Varvel before she put ink to paper?

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    Dtroutma  about 8 years ago

    As with they Starr “investigation”, nothing criminal actually going on, but millions spent for nothing IS cheap compared to the billions spent on the B-1 and F-35 in support of the MIC, that really does deserve further investigation.

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    PainterArt Premium Member about 8 years ago

    It seems like Republican’s have little to grab on to and are unwilling to debate issues..Just replace Clinton in the cartoon with the Republican Party and the cartoon will make sense. The Republican Party is hoping the FBI will catch them and save them with their manufactured scandles of Clinton..Good Luck.

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    PainterArt Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Josh Marshall: Experts Agree Clinton Indictment “Chatter Is Just Plain Ridiculous.” As reported by Talking Points Memo editor, Josh Marshall, law professors and former federal prosecutors have told him “to a person” that the chances of an indictment are a “far-fetched” idea and that “on the possibility of an indictment, most of this chatter is just plain ridiculous — a mix of ignorance and tendentiousness”:.

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    BE THIS GUY  about 8 years ago

    Checked all the major news outlets; there is nothing new on the email issue. When conservative cartoonists have a slow day, they go digging through their files recycle and old stuff — see Gary Varvel’s cartoon today.

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    ED CANTWELL  about 8 years ago

    Really? One more dead horse toon out of the GOP echo chamber. What is this supposed to mean? “Don’t count on Hillary she’ll be in jail by election day?”.

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    Mike Herman  about 8 years ago

    Maybe this guy can use the “it wasn’t marked classified” defense:

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member about 8 years ago

    “So, when did the FBI tell you that?”The FBI acknowledged that Clinton is not a target of their investigation last month. Guess you missed it.Aside from the demands from Congressional Republicans that the FBI investigate, an investigation is needed to confirm that nothing more sensitive than the open secrets published by the Washington Post & New York Times was sent or received through the private server. They also want to check if the server was hacked. At this point, it looks like the answer is no to both of those questions. There will be no indictment. There will be more clear & strict direction about only using government operated systems for official business.

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  16. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Ok, folks who get their news from right wing “entertainers”, let me break it down for you.It looks like most, if not all of the “classified” emails were received by Clinton, not sent by her. If she only received genuine classified material, there’s not much grounds to indict.So far, it looks like all of the “classified” emails were either information that was already published by major media or was disputably marked as “classified” after the fact. Most of the “classified” information is regarding statements by foreign diplomats, which is supposed to be “classified” according to some folks in government, even if it’s a public statement or as innocuous as, “The Belgian Under Secretary of Syrup liked the waffles at the reception.”Among the emails, are repeated confirmations that information considered really sensitive can’t be relayed through any system that isn’t heavily secured. Clinton complains on multiple occasions that she can’t get something that was already published by a major news outlet.One of the big questions I’ve had about the matter, is why did Clinton choose to use her own server over government systems? Clinton was exclusively using a Blackberry to receive routine correspondence.She didn’t even have a computer at her desk, not that she spent much time sitting at her desk. She had requested a more secure device (Obama has one), but was denied. Like her predecessors, anything really sensitive was delivered on paper or verbally by her subordinates. She opted to keep her Blackberry for personal & routine business matters. There have been a few comments here from people with first hand information about how cumbersome it is to use even the less secure government systems. I do find it amusing that she used a Blackberry because it’s a sure sign of someone who isn’t very tech savvy & probably doesn’t send much email. Have a field day with that, Republicans. I doubt any of the current candidates are especially tech savvy. Case in point: Trump has a Samsung Galaxy, does not use a computer & usually dictates his emails to a staffer. I’m curious to know if the younger candidates are any better, but that research can wait.

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