Family Tree by Signe Wilkinson for August 18, 2019

  1. Marvin
    Smokie  over 4 years ago

    Here is a thought: On Labor Day put your phones down and actually have a conversation with someone.

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    donut reply  over 4 years ago

    Had a car pull put in front of me and other car in front of the high school. We both had to brake pretty hard. When the driver got to the the corner she was in the lane to turn right and had a green arrow to do so, but she was stopped and was busy texting. Surprised the cars behind her didn’t lay into their horns. Since school is out now this had to be one of the administrators.

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    RonBerg13 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    The kids are creating their own new world, and it won’t be like your old world.

    In the new world, people will be online constantly, communicating, exchanging data, spreading ideas – instantaneously around the world. There are scientific indications now that it will be directly through connections with a person’s nervous system.

    It will be a part of their youth and their life as newspapers and landline phones were for your youth and your life.

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