Mike Luckovich for November 13, 2015

  1. Aishwarya01
    rnrnetmails  over 8 years ago

    Mike’s having it easy today – but everything about Trump is too easy for toonists!

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    frodo1008  over 8 years ago

    Does anybody even begin (including Donald Trump) to think what it would cost the taxpayers (you know, those the ultra conservatives are supposedly so concerned about) to seperate out some 12 million peope from the general population, make certain they really are illegals (thus having to keep them while that is being done), and then shipping them across our border far enough south that they can not come back!!

    Which would need the absolute cooperation of the Mexican government, to say nothing of the Cartels that have been smuggling such illegals over the border for years now? It has to at least be in the hundreds of billions of dollars!!

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  3. Pnutbowlavatar
    Thomas R. Williams  over 8 years ago

    Moralistic, Slanderous, Gimpy, Racist, Bilious, Febrile and Delusional?

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  4. Blmc150922
    sofartotheleftimright  over 8 years ago

    So how many of the illegal immigrants that probably work for Trump are going to be deported?

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    canFunny  over 8 years ago

    Actually Trump is following the Obama administration example. The present administration has deported more people than any other administration in the past, while still making everyone believe the opposite.

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 8 years ago

    Trump doesn’t hire aliens, he just marries them, to punish ’em.

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  7. Beacon 5
    doverdan  over 8 years ago

    Kasich mentioned the horror of Trump’s proposed Great Expulsion..Just imagine President Trump’s new army of Federal cops digging around every Hispanic home in the US to finding the illegal eleven million, (some may hide like Anne Frank)

    Then imagine Trump Feds dragging those people from their homes across the USA, then loading some in trains like Hitler did the Jews, and pushing them across the Mexican border. .During all this most of those people involved would have cell phones and be sending live pictures all over the world..Pictures of little girls screaming, clinging to US-citizen grandmothers, .Live photos of Mr. Trump’s thousands of newly-recruited (and probably poorly trained) Federal cops dragging away the young and the infirm. .Eleven million is a lot of people. At least a few are bound to be psychotic. Some would surely resist, even with firearms perhaps. Would the US Army have to be called out?.Who knows? But one thing we DO know is that all of President Trump’s efforts will be depicted live—in glowing color—on the internet.,With so many millions involved, and the necessary use of force, we must expect hundreds of fatalities. Many of these would be children and old folks. .Countless errors would be made in identifying illegal immigrants. Our courts would be filled with claims of government illegality..What would the Mexican people demand their government do in the face of such a violent treatment. The UN, etc.

    Kasich was right, it would be a tragedy.

    A new “Trail of Tears.” — but this time on the Internet.

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    kaffekup   over 8 years ago

    Since we’ve never kept a treaty with Native Americans, why start now?Just stick with the fantasy of a 3000 mile long unbreachable wall. In fact, let’s get Herman Cain back to show us how to electrify it.

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