Dana Summers for November 04, 2015

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Dear lord is there no end to how little you think before you draw?

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  2. Vn steves update
    griffthegreat  over 8 years ago

    Portugal legalized all drugs about a decade ago, crime and addiction is down. No booze laws of 1920’s lead to all sorts of corruption in law, legislation, and bad things. I’ve never even smoked pot by the way, or used illegal drugs.

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    lesmcf  over 8 years ago

    I absoluely abhor drugs of any kind, nevertheless,I do not believe that being a “duggie” necessarily makes you a wife beater, thief, etc. Now the drug vendors, that’s a different story.

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    DrDon1  over 8 years ago

    Is Dana addicted to non-critical thinking?

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    randolini Premium Member over 8 years ago

    I think Mr. Summer’s may be talking about the most dangerous drug in America, Alcohol, although a Cannabis user might come home and attack a bowl of fun size Snickers.

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 8 years ago

    Summers needs to take a look at the actual criteria. Most are low level USERS, and non-violent LOW LEVEL dealers.

    Having busted a lot of them, there’s no connection to the violent crimes in the toon for this class of offenders. Never busted a violent marijuana user btw, but almost every alcohol abuser was, bar fights, domestic violence, and carnage on the highway.

    A wise attempt to finally get rid of “Reefer Madness” claims of “conservatives” in law enforcement and prosecutions/ sentencing, for decades since the 1930’s.

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  7. 2192946 misterfantastica
    eugene57  over 8 years ago

    Is Summer’s using the same deceitful practices as were used in Houston, Tx to defeat the LGBT non-discrimination law?By George, yes he is.

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