Steve Breen for August 27, 2015

  1. Kw eyecon 20190702 091103 r
    Kip W  almost 9 years ago

    Can’t talk about it now! It’s too soon till the next tragedy.

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  2. Idiocracy  1
    Dave Ferro  almost 9 years ago

    Liberals… smh

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    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Automotive deaths have been steadily declining because of improved laws and technical safety improvements. Gun deaths have been increasing because of no regulation and new laws permitting any moron to buy one. Personally I think all of the violent films and first person shooter games are encouraging people to use them more. It is definitely getting worse. In Chicago. Cars are getting shot up on the expressways almost daily for no apparent reason other than road rage. Thirty or forty people get shot every weekend. I guess you can ignore the problem until a bullet comes through your windshield on the drive home after work.

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  4. Art1c 2
    dre7861  almost 9 years ago

    For some very eye-opening gun statistics:

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    rallsolo  almost 9 years ago

    Remove guns and you will still have roughly the same amount of violence including murders. Gun control nuts want everyone to believe it is the gun that is the problem. The real problems are much harder to tackle, but that doesn’t matter when one can obsess over an inanimate object as though it has a will of its own..When guns were banned in the UK, the murder rate was actually higher than it was at the time of the ban. This was true from 1998 to 2011. In their infinite wisdom and because banning guns worked so well, the UK has now banned the carrying of most knives unless it is for your job and you are currently doing your job. Surprisingly, the banning of knives has not had much effect on the murder rate in the UK. I suspect bats will be next.

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    rallsolo  almost 9 years ago

    I keep asking the same question, yet have not received any replies. The reality is the gun control nuts are really out for banning guns, but know they can’t achieve that without going through gun control first. It is all there in what they write. What they claim they want can only be achieved through a gun ban, not gun control. Unfortunately, they are not intelligent enough to understand the simple fact banning guns will not stop violence because they are only addressing a symptom, not the disease itself.

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 9 years ago

    New Zealand as noted in Martens posted chart has a very low gun homicide rate. They register gun OWNERS, not the guns and regulate “non-hunting appropriate” weapons. Our host down there had no problem owning his guns, and found their system quite reasonable. With my concealed carry permit basically registering ME as well over here in my state, I’d approve such a national system here, precisely because it leads to MORE RESPONSIBLE owners, who do keep track of their weapons, and their use.

    That alone greatly reduces the use of firearms by nuts, or criminals, as noted in the chart for “developed” countries.

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    rallsolo  almost 9 years ago

    So how is registering gun owners going to reduce gun violence? How is registering gun owners going to make them more responsible? Do the criminals have to register too? How do you propose forcing them to register? Most criminals aren’t allowed to own guns in the first place, yet that doesn’t stop them now. How is having their name on yet another list going to stop them? Lots of unverifiable claims, but nothing to back them up.

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    rallsolo  almost 9 years ago

    I see you couldn’t answer even a single question from my post. And you wonder why I sneer at you? Really?.I have laid out where we should focus our attention and efforts and it would have a demonstrable effect on violence of all sorts because it addresses the causes of violence, not the tools. You refused to even look at what I wrote because it didn’t jive with your adoration of the Swiss and then all you do is whine. How is it you claim you are having a serious discussion on reducing gun violence when you can’t even explain how your solutions of registrations and regulations will reduce gun violence? The vast majority of said violence is committed by people who don’t follow the law in the first place. .We have all kinds of rules and regulations around drugs, including the outright ban of many of them, yet criminals are still making, distributing, and using drugs of all kinds. Sensible regulations are all fine and good, but there is a point where more rules and regulations including increased punishments do nothing to address the issue. What assurances can you give everyone that the details of your new gun laws you refuse to discuss will actually reduce gun violence? We need more than your “good word” that what you preach will actually come true.

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  10. Sunset on fire
    Fuzzy Thinker Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    For all those 2nd Amendment folks and Politically Correct police, I apologize in advance for trying to use common sense. Social Scientists are always citing statistics when describing an issue. How about this statistic from the FBI- Nearly half of all homicides with a hand gun involve a b!ack person. It looks to me like it would be a good idea to remove guns from B!acks and shootings would drop 50%. The homicides using hammers, etc. will probably go up. It’s kind of like squeezing a balloon in your hand- the bubble shows up elsewhere.

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    rallsolo  almost 9 years ago

    Wrong yet again, Martens, but keep it up. People who have been reading my threads know I have addressed some of the issues you now bring up as though they are your own like poverty and fixing the welfare state. Your complete lack of honesty only highlights the failures of the policies you push. You still have not shown how licensing is going to have any impact at all on violent crime as the average gun owner is not involved in violent crime. You need to address the criminal element which none of your socialistic BS has done. .So once again I ask you, what laws would actually have an impact on violent crime and WHY? Gun licensing and gun education might boost awareness in the general gun owner population, but they are not the problem. Statistically, CCW holders have a much better record than the police do when it comes to guns. You can keep repeating the same tired old schtick, but without anything to back up your claims, all you’re really doing is making stuff up..So when are you going to stop whining and start addressing the points I’ve made?

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    rallsolo  almost 9 years ago

    And you have never answered a single question, while ignoring what I say. So I ask, what is the point of debating someone who refuses to debate and, when he loses said debate, deletes all his posts so nobody can see how badly he lost? Man up an answer the questions presented to you if you want people to take you seriously.

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    rallsolo  almost 9 years ago

    So still no answer to any of the questions? Didn’t think so. And what difference does your sex make? Regardless, I expect you to continue to run from the debate..Once again I will ask you, what gun control laws would actually make a difference in gun violence and why? You are the one demanding the new laws. You should at least be able to address what you demand.

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    debauche  almost 9 years ago

    And, anybody that disagrees with the world according to halslater is also a shill? Egotistical but interesting.

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    rallsolo  almost 9 years ago

    I see you are still running away from the questions..I’ve seen that report on CT and their supposed drop in gun murders. The problem with their assumption is that it is just that; an assumption. They ASSUMED that the murder rate would go up from 1995 without the law, and thus predicted that any drop from 1995 has a direct causal relationship with the new law. Except correlation doesn’t prove causation and CT followed the same trend as the rest of the country since 1995. If their theory was correct that CT has a 40% drop since 1995, you should be able to see that drop in their murder rate compared to the rest of the country. But you don’t. If their theory was correct, the murder rate for the US and CT should have divergent paths with CT going down and the US going up. But you don’t. Simple common sense disproves the made up statistics. Like Mark Twain liked to say, there are three kinds of lies; lies, damn lies and statistics. .And since you keep avoiding it, I will keep asking it. How is more regulation going to stop the criminal element from using guns? Criminals don’t follow rules and regulations. It is their defining characteristic. Think a criminal is going to submit themselves to a background check they know they will fail? Of course they’re not. They will find a way around the regulatory road blocks. All regulation does is make it harder for law abiding citizens to obtain guns, which is the ultimate goal of gun control people; make it so hard to get and keep guns that guns are, for all intents and purposes, banned except for the elite and the criminals.

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  16. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 9 years ago

    debauche: as I had the ulterior motive of shooting and killing deer I should be in a mental ward for eating venison????

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  17. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 9 years ago

    And btw: Miami has some of the loosest gun laws, and a higher kill ratio than Chicago.

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    rallsolo  almost 9 years ago

    Just what I expected. You’re running away from addressing any points made. Couldn’t explain the lack of drop in CT gun murders outside the made up statistics, so instead toss personal insults to cover your incompetence. Ah, the liberal ingnorati. They think they know it all, but can’t actually debate it or even think about the issue.

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