Michael Ramirez for August 06, 2015

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    twclix  almost 9 years ago

    Right you are! That’s the most accurate interpretation of this toon, though poor deluded Mike Ramirez obviously didn’t intend it to come out that way. Nice, Brock, thanks!

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    murphydh  almost 9 years ago

    What bothers me is Obama’s tone. He is so derisive of the Republicans. What he (and the population) has forgotten is how for the first two years of his presidency, when he didn’t need the Republicans, he would not talk to them or take their meetings. Now when he needs them, he’s inheriting the relationship he shaped. And blaming others for his frustration. There’s no hero and no victim in this government.

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    ubablackhamma  almost 9 years ago

    @ D Murphy Didn’t Republicans fire the first shot after his first election that they would do everything in their power to ensure his presidency was a failure? Make him a 1 term president. I mean I clearly remember hearing those words uttered. Wait a minute, that was McConnell who said it. Somebody will try to say that never happened though. smh

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    murphydh  almost 9 years ago

    @BlackHammaUBA and @OldCoal – Ha. You’re probably right. Though it’s a mistake to call it the first shot. They’ve been at this since Bush 1 and both sides are acting like children, or like squabbling spouses. I’m most angry at whoever is pouring fuel on the fire at the moment. In his speech, it was Obama. The week before, it was probably the Republican legislators. I’m just sick of everyone pointing fingers and saying “He started it!”, and half the nation listening to it and despising the other half of the nation (both ways).

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    kline0800  almost 9 years ago
    @Brock Olee….

    Question for you….did W.J.Clinton’s “diplomacy” agreement with North Korea prevent their Nuclear Program build-up?-This world cannot afford to “wait and see” whether Obama lied to the USA and the world about his “arrangement”!-The proof would be large craters and a “disappeared” target, which is likely to be Iran’s #1 priority, eliminating Israel. And if they get the long-range missile they want, #2 will be the USA. There is no “recovery time” on nuclear war hits.-And Obama’s “argument” which is pure Moronic Fantasy, that “the people in Iran don’t want to nuke Israel & the US”…good grief! The people in Iran have ZERO POWER and cannot stop the “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” leaders from using the nukes they plan to get and no paper “arrangement” will slow or stop them

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    “…so the US has more than $100 billion that it legally confiscated from Iran.”Actually, most of that $100 billion is money owed by Asian (mostly China) countries who bought oil from Iran. This is why Republicans who claim “we can get a better deal” are delusional. If this agreement gets scuttled, the rest of the world will say, “We gave you a chance, but you obviously don’t want an agreement” & go back to doing business with the Iranians, including supplying them with nuclear technology.

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    kevinanne  almost 9 years ago

    No, no no. Make no mistake – the republican objective is clear: war. War keeps the military complex moving, which is our single largest spend in the government. Keep the military moving and stocks like Haliburton, Boeing, General Dynamics, etc. go up and the billionaires continue to make money. There is nothing economically to be gained by negotiating peace, but there is an entire industry centered around war. Not to mention control of the oil reserves like we did with Iraq.

    You didn’t really think Iraq had WMD’s right?

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    Dtroutma  almost 9 years ago

    Well, the Republican claims of terror and fear and a “nuclear Iran” are indeed totally made of lies. Anything that reduces the profits of their war machine sponsors, and increases the chances for peace, is of course anathema.

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    DrDon1  almost 9 years ago


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