Rob Rogers for July 30, 2015

  1. John adams1
    Motivemagus  almost 9 years ago

    ZING! Huckabee shows himself for the vile little huckster he truly always has been.

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    Combatcarl  almost 9 years ago

    I seem to recall when hick Huckabee left his post as Arkansas governor, he and his wife asked for assistance (from the people of Arkansas) to furnish their house.

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    ARodney  almost 9 years ago

    As someone said recently, it’s rare and precious to hear Obama compared to both Adolf Hitler AND Neville Chamberlain in the same speech!

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    frodo1008  almost 9 years ago

    Oh yeah, let us go into a trade war with the rest of the world, that is certain to help our economy just as much as the policies of the former administration did! If the rest of the world decides to end the sanctions because our incredibly stupid Republican Congress does not approve the best deal we are likely to ever get from Iran, (which could only serve the puposes of the hardliners in Iran just fine) then the rest of the world is going to end the sanctions, leaving us all alone (well with Israel, but I don’t think they do much trading with Iran anyway). And then there will be absolutely NO control over any kind of nuclear devices Iran wishes to build! Wouldn’t that be great!

    It is not even the slightest bit patriotic to think that the US actually controls the rest of the world, after all, we are only outnumbered by some 23 to 1. And, if we continue down the current line of non thinking of our Congress we are certainly going to find out just how much we do not control the rest of the world, now, are we not?

    Besides, which just how much do you even think that sane ordinary Americans even want to control the rest of this insane world anyway?

    With all of the rest of the world observing just how well Iran lives up to the conditions of this agreement, how on Earth would they get by just ignoring it anyway? They have even needed the direct help of such as the Russians to get as far as they have, just how are they supposed to fool those same Russians? To say nothing of all of our own intelligence gathering staellites and other intelligence gathering capabilities anyway. If the Iranians are that good at such a great deception, then just perhaps they should be the winners here anyway. I would like to think that you are far too intellignet to even believe that at all!

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