Nick Anderson for June 28, 2015

  1. Earth
    PainterArt Premium Member almost 9 years ago

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 9 years ago

    Good sign.

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    DoctorUmmmNo  almost 9 years ago

    There is a method to their madness… How long before someone sues a Church for refusing to marry them?

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    katzenbooks45  almost 9 years ago

    Don’t be a twit. The ruling applied to state governments. Churches will still be allowed their doctrine – you haven’t seen a rash of lawsuits from women suing the Catholic Church for not allowing them to be priests, have you?

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  5. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    @paintersart. I know many good Christians too and fakers as well. Easy to spot the difference. Strangely the fake ones act more pious!

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  6. John adams1
    Motivemagus  almost 9 years ago

    Not so. Research suggests that homosexuality is selected for evolutionarily, which is why it appears to be at a relatively consistent percentage across history.

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    canFunny  almost 9 years ago

    Nick, that is a nice image you are trying to sell, and now that the celebration is well under way, I thought a reminder will be nice to have at this time. Who is going to celebrate all those children abused by homosexuals at those schools we all know about, who is going to celebrate all those kids abused by their coaches and sport leaders. Who is yet to protect those children in Asia who are sold to provide sex to homosexuals, which in this country dress as innocent lovers wanting to get married. Who is going to protect children who are abused by their church leaders. And please, don’t tell that those people have a different definition or some other psicological tittle; by definition a homosexual is a person who engage in same gender sex, and doing it to children and destroying their lives is the same thing. That is how it starts, doing it to the defenceless. Rise your flag, shout to the world, have the cartoonists sell that pure image you all want, but still the uglyness is going to follow you, because as long as there are unprotected children homosexuals will take their chances. Blaming the parent for not protecting their children is a poor and a sorry excuse.

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    canFunny  almost 9 years ago

    @BandusiaAny so Called “hetereosexual” who sexually abuses a child is not a “hetereosexual”; is a homosexual. Unfortunately, in many cases pedophilia does starts with homosexuality, either as a pertretator or as a victim.@old coalKeep the Republicans or Democrats out of this, It’s all about the immorality done to children.@Jase99It seemed as I have touched upon a tender nerve in here. And the moment you all start asking for statistics and numbers; it’s because you want to hide and divert the attention. The truth is, even though I am well, I have the disturbing experience of wittnessing too much of the suffering caused by abusers, as in this case homosexuals abusing children. When you have in front of you a devastated child, who refuses to trust anyone, who refuses to even speak of his ordeal, who refuses even to have hope; then, any credentials, statistics, or even accept words of comfort are moot. If I bother myself in giving you facts to look up, you’ll say that they are doctored, so what’s the point. I speak for my self, I’m telling you of my experience in the subject. What consenting adults do, it is non of my business. My concern is what is being done to children.I was never abused as a child, I was blessed with a discerning mind and was able to walk away from bad situations, however, my siblings and many of my friend did not enjoy such gift, and now they have to deal with the ordeal of being abused, just like many of the other children who have pass in front of my eyes.Call me bigoted or what ever other name you want, but as I said before; you can not escape the uglyness, it’s going to follow you forever.

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    debauche  almost 9 years ago

    Only halfway. They can still spawn… just not together.

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    kaffekup   almost 9 years ago

    How about it, you made a kind of sense for once. And now, gays can actually get that license!.Norman, frequently you make sense. You’d be lovely guy if you could bring yourself to get over this antigay obsession.Where in the Bible does it say you get to enforce it on everyone else? And don’t tell me Leviticus; Christianity threw that out centuries ago.

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    manteo16nc  almost 9 years ago

    Ah, the sweet smell of voter suppression-oops I mean politically correct entitlement. Personally, I don’t care if homosexuals call themselves married or not, but they should be letting the states decide this one. This was the position many gay people took; but some leaders got impatient and greedy. So now we have a controversy that will last who knows how long(like abortion but without the body count.)

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    kline0800  almost 9 years ago are witnessing the opinions of this generation of REPROBATE MINDS, that Paul the Apostle wrote about in Romans chapter 1: 18-32. Verse 28 correctly prophesied that because the people who reject God’s Word and God’s Savior Jesus Christ are exhibiting the results….“even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a (King James language=) REPROBATE MIND….”-Actions of bragging sinners follow the reprobate mind, visible in America up to and including the US Supreme Sodomy Court. (God have mercy and bring evil to repent and change to Your Holy Good.)

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