Henry Payne for February 16, 2015

  1. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Let’s don’t forget to honor the former president who invaded Iraq.

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  2. Mooseguy
    moosemin  about 9 years ago

    I think the two greatest presidents we’ve ever had, both men of unquestioned integrity, deserve better than how America honors them. Car sales, above, etc.

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  3. Missing large
    kline0800  about 9 years ago

    Never mind what the Idiots do.-This is a dedicated day to review our history of outstanding Presidents beginning with the Father of Our Country, George Washington, who led the Revolution to free us from England’s rule and from the church-state kingdom.-Abraham Lincoln was the president that kept the Union together and started the correction of slave-holding that Christians in England and America had been demanding; Rev. Wilberforce in the UK, and many others on both sides of the Atlantic. (Moslems, on the other hand, still to this date are practicing slavery and have NO Muslims demanding a stop to the human slave ownership/market.)-Both Washington and Lincoln were men who lived with honest speech and honest actions, and put the creating and keeping of our Nation of Liberty under God on the Priority List as @1. -(alas, how far our leaders have fallen from the examples of our greatest leaders….the closest to Washington and Lincoln would be Ronald Reagan who used 8 years to undermine and work for the collapse of the USSR and also was an honest man with our Liberty his #1 Priority)

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    Washington was a man OF his time, and Lincoln was a man FOR his time. From slave holder and not really competent military officer to President of the new nation, to freeing the slaves and hating war, but preserving the union through a war he hated.

    Hmm, historic precident for the last 30+ years or so of “change” in America based on the “Reagan revolution”.

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  5. Missing large
    kline0800  about 9 years ago

    Of course in 1776 our Founders were Liberal, the true liberals who wanted Freedom to set up a New type of government of men, but the majority were either Christian or respected Biblical principles, so they designed a system for a religious and moral framework, that would never work if the majority of citizens were pagan. (either you believe in the Bible God or you are one of many versions of PAGAN).- Today, and most of my lifetime, I graduated high school 1948, the American Liberal was trying to lead America away from and out of our original “under God” government. By 2014, they had largely succeeded by brainwashing the government school system students with omitting true US history and eliminating God and Bible and school choice.-The Christian Conservatives since 1950 have tried to recover our Godly Heritage, and are trying to correct nation-killing errors done by Libertines who falsely call themselves “liberals”!-George Washington came from a father and mother who were Christian and taught him at home and taught him well.Abe Lincoln sought to educate himself and became a lawyer before he ran for political office. In America’s 1700s and 1800s educated parents (example Democrat Wm.J.Bryan of Ilinois) taught English and Latin and Greek and it was a better education than any liberal public classroom ever provided.-Washington’s faith helped him lead the Revolutionary Army, the odds were heavily against a victory, but he spend much time on his knees seeking God’s help in the war. No chaplain could be found for 2 years of the war, so Washington himself was the regular Chaplain. When our government began, the first thing Congress did was to order an edition of the Bible from the government printing office.Christian teaching for Indians was a priority, funded by the government. Christian services were held in government buildings. The First Amendment for religion was practiced by the early Congresses. Congress created a Chaplain office for its own sessions.-(to immediately “free slaves” in 1787 would have broken the new government and possibly started a new civil war! And slaves freed without public sentiment favorable to helping them start new lives of independence were in more trouble than when working as slaves. But God helped America change attitude and the 1860s war did bring freedom to slaves descended from the Africans brought to this land long before the war of independence.)

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    “disgusting”, when those “good Christians” couldn’t destroy native culture, language, and civil government (we adopted the mode of the Iriquois Confederacy for our government), they destroyed their livelyhood (agriculture in the east, bison in the west) and if that failed, they just destroyed their bodies, men, women, and children, often indeed burning them alive in their homes, maybe that’s the history ISIL now calls on? Yes the European occupation of the Americas was indeed a horror and massacre of “biblical proportions” executed (literally) by those “good Christians”.

    Our “godly heritage” would seem to be more murder than mercy, and that’s what’s driving the wars in the Middle East, complete with drones and modern weapons so no “good Christians” are put at risk to bring death and destruction to “them” (whoever, and whereever, they may reside).

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  7. Me 3 23 2020
    ChukLitl Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Back to the ‘toon, it would be more appropriate to have sales on dentures & formal men’s hats.

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  8. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    ChuckLitl: “tricornered” so they can try to screw their heads back on, and stovepipes to accommodate airheads?? Dentures so they can gnash their teeth over “politcs”?

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  9. Bouncing moonwalker
    Anweir88  about 9 years ago

    No, it proves that Saddam’s shell game/bluff fooled a lot of people, including his own military, but you don’t want to hear that.

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  10. Bouncing moonwalker
    Anweir88  about 9 years ago

    I suggest you look up the word “pagan” in a dictionary. You’ll find that you are incorrect. Heretic, perhaps, but pagan, nope.

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  11. Antiliberal mousepad
    FishDog93  about 9 years ago

    Gee please tell us what it’s like to be so enlightened, & so self-righteous! Do your feet touch the ground when you walk? Exactly what proof do you have that we were :lied into war"?? I mean besides you all knowing & omnipotent opinions. I know you hate Bush & you just so much want to rail against him. Yes, yes all the other intelligence agencies around the world were in on this “vast right wing” conspiracy. That must be it! Even the UN! Yes the overwhelming majority of republicans voted for the Iraq war, but it did have large democratic support. That is, before they could get their liberal spin narrative out there & be against it.The funniest thing is that every one of your posts that you lecture "CONservatives " on perfectly describes you! It’s just so sad that you are so “self-righteous and indignant” that you cannot see that!

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  12. Antiliberal mousepad
    FishDog93  about 9 years ago

    That’s is true! Our founding fathers were very radical for their time. I can’t imagine them even suggesting succession today. Could you imagine the name calling & hysteria on the left!! How dare they speak out against an all powerful ruling government in which you have no say! Don’ they know they are to stupid to know any better & need a string government to tell them how to live their day to day lives? And how dare they suggest that we take up arms? Only simple minded barbarians use weapons! And who are they to suggest that Man can be independent, self-govern himself, & be free to make his own decisions Don’t they know the government is suppose to take care of you from cradle to grave??

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