Robert Ariail for February 04, 2015

  1. Missing large
    echoraven  about 9 years ago

    Good and relevant toon.

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    What does our use of napalm and white phosporous weapons say about us?

    What does it say when we launch two wars on nations that had absolutely nothing to do with the attacks on 9/11/01, yet Saudis were evacuated on an “emergency” basis by Bushco?

    Radicals, especiaily VIOLENT radicals, are a problem in many religions, countries, and political “organizations”, or just nuts like Kazinski, Rudolph, McVeigh, who act as “individuals” drawn to a cause, that may not even accept them, only increasing their fury at “rejection”?

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    cripplious  about 9 years ago

    Prince Harry went to Afghanistan with his unit once he was outed as being in combat he was shipped home as a danger to his few soldiers. IT would be the same with the children of any parent in a position of power, who can be used if the child is captured.

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  4. Mooseguy
    moosemin  about 9 years ago

    OK: not all Muslims are terrorists. But I still would like to see some of the other Islamic states put some ground troops together and clean out that new Calphate, re-draw the map of Iraq, and do their part in bringing peace and prosperity to the people of this region.(Boy, what a dreamer am I!)

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  5. Qwerty01s
    cjr53  about 9 years ago

    “It never fails to amaze and disgust me that America hating leftists will go to any lengths to make faux comparisons between the USA and terrorist atrocities.”-Are your saying that American did not use napalm to set people on fire in Viet Nam? Are you saying that American did not set people on fire with white phosphorus? History shows we did. I don’t see a great deal of difference, except America did not lock the victims in cages and record the resulting fiery death to share with the world.- Acknowledging wrongs American committed does not mean “Leftists” hate America.

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    twclix  about 9 years ago

    My goodness, but you certainly have outed the “leftists” haven’t you? Your insightful and deeply moving comment demonstrates a rare understanding into the hearts and minds of the leftists you excoriate. The really fascinating element of your comment is this: while the so-called leftists have their blind spots, as do we all, the moral certainty that seems to accompany your wisdom is absolute until you decide that it isn’t. Hmmm…that certainly seems right. The world is morally black and white until YOU decide that something is wrong. did you ever stop and wonder why the IS idiots dress their victims in orange jumpsuits, huh? Could it just possibly be that they are dressed to look like Gitmo prisoners? Nah, that can’t be it. So then, how would you feel if some drone “interrupted” your wedding party? How would you feel if a massive force of, say, Japanese, chose to invade your country even though it was Canada that attacked them? (Canada, good joke!!!). No, your sense of moral outrage at directed at the unpatriotic Americans who want to cut through the violent propaganda of their country and tell the truth, no matter how painful. As a deeply patriotic American I, for one, refuse to bow down to the false patriotism that worships all violence carried out in my name. I have been ashamed of our behavior, and, if I prayed, which I don’t, I would pray for peace and understanding. If an enemy attacks me, I will fight, and fight brutally, swiftly and without remorse. Faux comparisons indeed.

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    eugene57  about 9 years ago

    Time to put your toys away and take a nap.

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    twclix  about 9 years ago

    I have no idea what you mean by right and left. I could, I guess make up a stereotype saying this or that. But does that describe the feelings one has for ones own country? You can have your fun with labeling and libeling, but it doesn’t advance the cause for peace, forgiveness, tolerance, understanding, empathy, respect, and the other ethical values I hold dear. Can’t you at least make some sort of effort to “walk a mile in another’s shoes” and apprehend the horror of humanity killed by immolation? Yes, we at least hope to hold ourselves to a higher standard even as we tumble off that precipice with disturbing regularity. But that’s no blank check excuse to commit multiple unforced errors with horrific and lethal result.

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