Lalo Alcaraz for January 28, 2015

  1. Cicada avatar
    Dirty Dragon  over 9 years ago

    The GOP crying over inequality? I know their symbol is the elephant, but somehow a crocodile seems a better choice here.

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  2. Qc1
    agrestic  over 9 years ago

    I’m not sure the GOP would even seriously complain about this sort of inequality. They love themselves some super-rich donors!

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  3. Qc1
    agrestic  over 9 years ago

    Meh, that’s nothing. I know of one union that’s going to spend something like $10 thousand! Poor Kochs are gonna be swamped.

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  4. Grey justice
    SKJAM! Premium Member over 9 years ago

    You mean the U.S.? He has relatives in Mexico, but was born on the north side of the border.

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  5. Androidify 1453615949677
    Jason Allen  over 9 years ago

    What, he’s automatically a foriegner because he’s Latino and speak Spanish?

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  6. Qc1
    agrestic  about 9 years ago

    YOU try to go there when every time anyone comments with an opinion you don’t like you actually take the time to dissect each part of the comment

    Um, yeah, that’s called airing differences. Which is a key part of democracy. I suppose long diatribes on what an awful person I am could also be counted as part of democracy in action. They’ll just tend to not be as productive or informative.

    I still really think you need to seek a place where all your subjects agree with you on all points

    I’m perfectly happy being in dialogue with people I have disagreements with. You might try taking your own advice, though, since it seems to cause you yourself no small amount of dyspepsia when someone disagrees with you.

    You have shown me nothing but the snobbery and arrogance

    Meaning what? That I won’t take your inflammatory statements with a silent smile? That I disagree with you on very core, substantive points, and say so, and have facts to back me up?

    until you decided to take on a personal vendetta to shush me for daring to challenge your position of opinion

    This is an extremely puzzling statement, since I’ve never once tried to “shush” you, and at least a couple of times have encouraged you to keep posting. Maybe you take my having very good arguments as an attempt to shut you down? Be assured that it is not. But you’d be more effective in your arguments with me if you actually came back with solid facts of your own. Or took the time to dismantle my arguments logically. Or substantively rebutted my disagreements with what you write.

    we moderate conservatives

    No, you’re a pretty right-wing conservative. It’s just that the crazies in the GOP leadership make you look moderate by comparison. It’s like the Muslim Brotherhood claiming they’re moderate because they’re not Islamic State.

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  7. Qc1
    agrestic  about 9 years ago

    Except the word hadn’t come up at all here until you yourself just wielded it. In fact, the suggestion of it didn’t come up in this thread until you brought it up. So I can only assume you’re engaging in that activity that sue has accused me of—you’re trying to shush me! (Sorry, I must pause to swoon.) Not terribly surprising, really. Both of you seem to get extremely agitated when your assertions are substantively challenged. (And by the way, you don’t know my gender. This is something that drives your fellow poster indiethink a bit nutty.)

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  8. Qc1
    agrestic  about 9 years ago

    is calling someone a racist, and “shusshing” them

    The quote you used directly before this question did not accuse anyone of racism. It did imply that sue is so comfortable with whatever status quo she’s presented with that she’d just see those freedom fighters as troublemakers who should go away. But maybe you’ll never get that.

    By the way, where’s the “shushing”? Sue’s perfectly capable of replying to my comments. And she does; just not in any way that’s actually substantive. In fact, unlike you, she has pretty much never attempted to even bring out any facts that might refute my arguments. She just sees red the first moment she sees any words that imply “I disagree,” and proceeds with really quite hilarious ad hominem attacks from that point on.

    Your replies will be met with silence. I don’t reply to racists.

    Hmm… seems that you’ve resorted to what you consider “the last refuge of a liberal scoundrel.” Particularly as you claim that this is your final communiqué. So are you a liberal scoundrel? Or is any conservative who calls someone racist (and that, without any substantive backing) just an innocent, well-meaning lady or gent? I think I’ll assume the former. It’s more fun.

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  9. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Wait. What about the “Mega Ricos”?

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