Robert Ariail for January 21, 2015

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    kline0800  over 9 years ago

    Obama’s fairy tale and fable! The shadow of crisis is just beginning!-Obama’s legacy may be the “Veto Prez”…..-the 6th SOTU list of errors, lies and bad judgments just keeps growing. Jobs? There are 92 million without jobs, not counted in the “employment rate” of working and looking for jobs on unemployment benefits people in the total workforce.We are short 6 million “new jobs” of an average recovery.-the Economy? Years of 2% annual “growth” is a “Recovery”?-O claimed the lower oil/gas prices; this in spite of the fact that his administration fought tooth and nail to prevent USA increase in production and the “boom” was 100% Private Sector in spite of Government roadblocks. The permits were activated from the Bush administration era!-The federal debt was $10.6 Trillion Jan.20, 2009; now it is above $18 Trillion and climbing.-O’s “2 years free junior college” will be paid for by middle class parents with a “tax free”NOT college savings plan, with new taxes.-“Out of Iraq”? O called for Congress to authorize a war against Islamic State… Iraq!-Where is O’s “broad coalition including Arab nations…”?-O called for Congress to not do sanctions on Iran…this while Iran enriches uranium and builds new reactors!-Our next “crises” will be bigger and deeper. Will the GOP Congress have the spine to stop or at least delay Obama’s schemes? Obama and Congress took oaths to SUPPORT THE US CONSTITUTION, not to “do what we think is best”!

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    DrDon1  over 9 years ago

    Changes during Obama administration:

    Unemployment rate is down;GDP is up;Number of medically uninsured is down;U.S. dollar is up;Federal deficit as a % of GDP is down;Stock market is up.

    So, President Obama does deserve some credit for the above.

    Yes, we still need to do more regarding jobs, infrastructure, immigration reform, etc. BUT, tax cuts and “trickle-down” economics are not going to solve our problems!

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    Manhunter808  over 9 years ago

    The reason the US dollar seems “up” is that it’s just deteriorating slower than other currencies.

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    lonecat  over 9 years ago

    Oh my god, it went from the very top of the chart to the very bottom of the chart!!!!

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    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    Actually, the ‘toon isn’t a shadow, it’s the GOP standing at the edge of a precipice like Wiley Coyote, about to have his plan go down. Dust “poof” below in the next panel.

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    ^^Note how those of “retirment age” have gone up during Busy/post Bush, and veterans have crashed, especially disablec. It’s interesting to see from the various charts who IS working.

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    eugene57  over 9 years ago

    None so blind and deaf as those who stick spikes in their eye and ears so they cannot understand the world around them.But please, continue showing us what conservatives fear.

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    echoraven  over 9 years ago

    Notice the decline is steeper under Obama though… almost like he is “super shrub”…

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    echoraven  over 9 years ago

    “…Obama came in with a tabula rasa and thus all the drop in work force participation is due to his policies…”.The massive regulatory behemoth that is the ACA just MIGHT have had a cooling effect on hiring as companies researched ways to NOT GET PENALIZED by it.

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    twclix  over 9 years ago

    Church guy, you are in way, way over your head and keep digging the hole. OK, let’s take a deep breath. Causality. Got it? What causes what? How do you isolate the variables and assess the data? You have to measure variables independently, isolate the impact of the variable in question, and then draw tentative conclusions. After drawing a reasonable conclusion as suggested by the facts, you try to test the hypothesis you derived to determine the statistical significance. I know science is not your strong suit, but nothing you have shown is dispositive as to the causes in the rate of participation in the labor force. You can continue to howl at the moon if you like, but it doesn’t lend any more credibility to your argument. OK, Iget it you think Obama is responsible, maybe you’re right, but the probabilities of this being true are diminishingly small.

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