Jen Sorensen for January 06, 2015

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    WestNYC Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Ms. Sorenson; Hispanic and Asian lives matter too. It is appalling that you show so little compassion towards them. RIP NYPD Officers Ramos and Liu.

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    michael Premium Member over 9 years ago

    The NYPD’s childish and nonsensical behavior shows just how much they need to reform their procedures and culture. The fact that police officers are killed in the line of duty does not give them a pass for needlessly killing unarmed civilians.

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  3. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 9 years ago

    The NYPD members who not only turned their back on the mayor, but shamed themselves AGAIN at the second funeral, despite the explicit request of the Police Commissioner, should be encouraged to leave the NYPD. Now. If you can’t work there, then you shouldn’t work there. This job is too important to be left to people who think they can’t follow the law or the chain of command.

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  4. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member over 9 years ago

    They demonstrated that they don’t believe that American police departments have a problem, and there is no way to solve what you refuse to acknowledge exists.

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    manteo16nc  over 9 years ago

    Can you spot the difference? Republican President Calvin Coolidge “there is no right to strike against the public safety” and MSNBC’ s Jamil Miller writing that police don’t have the right to protest?

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    manteo16nc  over 9 years ago

    BTW, those Internet tough guys and gals who want to fire thousands of police officers-you volunteering to replace them? Suit up- you can go on foot patrol in Bed-Stuy in the freezing cold TONIGHT!

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  7. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  over 9 years ago

    Ah, but there are no guilty police officers, evidently. To whom does the public turn its collective back?

    And what makes you say the mayor disrespects the police department? If you read his words, you may notice that he did not disrespect the entire department. Sometimes telling the truth hurts people’s feelings. It’s still the truth.

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    Wacky Jacky  over 9 years ago

    Hey hey, you better take this strip down. Any perceived attack of police will soon be a hate crime you know.

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    Alabama Al  over 9 years ago

    The message is clear: Support your local Police State.

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  10. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    What I’ve noticed after years of dealing with New Yorkers (the city, not the whole state) and their Jersey affilitates, for years, is that the NYPD seems to have a fair and representational segment of jerks in their midst, parallel to the population. The “big apple” has long had more than it’s fair share of worms, starting with that Wall Street infestation being worst.

    Which 2 more cops shot there, but they’ve survived, and the armed perp has been arrested. How dare they try to intervene and stop crime, must have deserved getting shot?

    Bad cops SHOULD indeed not be cops. Bad politicians SHOULD be thrown out of office by voters. BAD reporters and media moguls SHOULDN’T be in the business controlling what people receive as “information”. There are many shoulds and shoudn’ts out there, but America seems not a sleeping giant, but a sleeping sloth.

    btw: I’ve watched the tape of the Garner arrest many times now, at NO TIME was he ever actually choked to block either breathing, OR the carotids blocked. The arrogance of the law he was violating, written by those politicians, and demanded by those “good (arrogant and privileged) citizens” of New York City showed there shouldn’t have BEEN a confrontation to enforce such an obscenely profit motivated law.

    STOP blaming all cops, good, or even “bad” for doing exaclty what represents the will of the politicians, and the people who ELECT THEM! Bad laws make a lot more bad cops, like J.Edgar Hoover, than bad training or “personality traits”.

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  11. Sylvester012a
    pbuckland Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Were any of you self-appointed experts present during the grand jury deliberations of either the Brown or Garner cases? Did any of you see or hear the evidence that was presented or hear the questions asked by those jurors? Do you have any evidence to support the charges that those grand jurors did not do their job in a responsible manner or allowed racist sentiments to cloud their judgement? Have any of you researched the records of grand jury decisions over the years to see whether there is a tendency towards bias when members of the police are being investigated? Have those prosecutors never brought indictments against police officers or successfully prosecuted them?

    All you have seen are edited videotapes in each case which are but an extremely small portion of everything that happened in each case. Both of these so called innocent civilians who lost their lives were committing felonies. Both resisted arrest. There is reportedly testimony and forensics that indicate that Brown assaulted the officer and attempted to grab his gun, and that the shooting occurred when he again charged toward the officer. The force used to take down Garner was probably necessary given his resistance and size. In any event it was no more than we see in many such cases. The police have no way of knowing underlying medical conditions when presented with situations that could possibly escalate if not immediately controlled.

    In any event, we are entitled to agree or disagree with jury decisions, but we are not at liberty to bring havoc over those with which we disagree. Looting, burning and rioting is not protest, nor is it taking the sort of action that is allowed to us in a civilized society, i.e. seeking legal compromise, expressing our feelings at the ballot box and so on. Nor is it ethical to turn our protest into a hatred of an entire group of citizens, the majority of whom are totally innocent of the accusations against a few. By doing so we are guilty of profiling and some sort of “ism” which ironically is what we are supposed to be protesting against happening to us.

    The killing of innocent police officers is reprehensible, and doing so, and calling for such in mass protests, regardless of which officers you are targeting is a hate crime, period. Police “baiters” are no better than the race “baiters” such as Sharpton and his ilk. It is time for the U.S. to get on with obeying the laws and acting responsibly before your country explodes into anarchy, which I can assure you will not be an improvement.

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    manteo16nc  over 9 years ago

    So, ‘ReFlex 76’, you’re saying NYC doesn’t need so many police officers? Well, big talkin’ Internet tough guy, why don’t you actually live there and find out? BTW, Matt Bors lives in…wait for it…Portland Oregon!

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    Swartzeagle83  over 9 years ago

    So, if Jen Sorensen gets mugged on the way to the office she is going to blame the cop that doesn’t respond to the incident rather than the criminal violating her rights? We can only hope that at least the mugger has the same background as her so that “justice” can be done if he is apprehended.

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  14. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    ^The videos showed him speaking while on the ground being cuffed, then showed an officer repeatedly checking him before the EMT arrived to assure he was breathing in "coma position and the EMT confirmed as she escorted him to the ambulance that he WAS breathing and had a pulse.

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