Mike Luckovich for November 20, 2014

  1. Inbox 4660
    goweeder  over 9 years ago

    If anyone gets this, please explain.

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    hippogriff  over 9 years ago

    As Acton said, “All power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

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    Zen-of-Zinfandel  over 9 years ago

    Humor overload!! Back in 72 NBC thought the Fat Albert cartoon was too educational.

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    fontenelle  over 9 years ago

    If the allegations are true, Bill should have kept “Fat Albert” in his pants.

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    tomielm  over 9 years ago

    “innocent until proven guilty.” Whatever happened to that? Oh, right, that was before “judgment by social media.”

    I’m stuck with the question: Why now, if these alleged acts took place years ago? What is their motive? And who is motivating them?

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    My concern is two-fold; 1. How many of these women pursued him, or made themseles “victims”? and 2. Numerous investigations of allegations back then led to NO criminal charges being filed. Lewinski was NOT some poor innocent waif. Gary Hart didn’t go hunting for groupies, nor have many other actors, musicians, and politicians in the public eye.

    RAPE, is typically an act of violence, NOT SEX! Recent renewal of the issue, like a woman having to put every acquicence in writing before a guy can take the next step isn’t exactly the way the real world works

    Rape IS also a serious crime, and I have no tolerance for it, which is why I taught my daughter, before she started dating, how to turn a potential rapist into a eunuch! (In one “oops” incident, a guy grabbed her from behind, in what was intended as an “innocent prank”, and she responded “instinctively” as trained, but only sent him to the hospital with a concussion and broken ribs. NObody who knew her ever repreated the error!)

    Cosby may indeed may have acted poorly, but WHY is this “news” again, decades later???

    DOCTOR (PhD) Cosby has done a lot of good, and focused on blacks being responsible fathers, mothers, and citizens, and critiziced gang cultures and “poor” behviors.

    Now they’re saying he has to defend himself, yet again, How much of the “fire” under this smoke is because all the women they’ve interviewed, are Caucasian?

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    lonecat  over 9 years ago

    I don’t know — I’m not in a position to know — if the allegations against Cosby are true or false, just as I don’t know about the many other allegations that have been made against various men in the public eye in recent times. I’m not going to defend Cosby, nor will I attack him, since I don’t know the truth. But here’s what I do know. In the last few weeks (following the accusations against Jian Gomeshi) a lot of women, including some friends of mine, have been telling about their own experiences, and it’s pretty clear that there has been a lot of unreported sexual harassment and rape. It really does happen, and it’s not that rare. We need to face up to this. We need to make it absolutely clear to all men that this sort of behavior is simply not acceptable. There are no excuses. You don’t do this. It’s wrong. It’s a very serious violation of another person’s body and self.

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    hippogriff  over 9 years ago

    dtroutma: Cosby does not have a PhD, although he has bandied about his doctorate sufficiently to give that impression. His terminal degree is a DEd, which is roughly the equivalent of a second Masters, and is generally required for one wanting to be in local school district politics higher than principal.

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