Steve Benson for March 25, 2010

  1. Image013
    believecommonsense  about 14 years ago

    The incitement to violence is becoming ever more transparent. I keep waiting for GOP leaders to denounce it. Nope. Boehner issues a mild statement, but won’t speak on camera.

    Stop. Let’s stop the encouragement of violence.

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    kennethcwarren64  about 14 years ago

    No GOP leader will step up and speak out. They need those people, that’s their voting block.

    When your whole plan is build on getting people scared and angry so that they will get stupid and vote for you then you need to have to do whatever it takes to get more people scared and angry.

    It is much eaiser then coming up with programs, plans, ideas, and policies to fix our problems.

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  3. Horsey
    ANandy  about 14 years ago

    Benson failed to include words like “spendthrift”, “wastemonger”, “prodigal”, “squanderer”, “rounder” with which I can identify.

    It is enlightening who drags out a racial issue; who are the racists?

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  4. Dscn1514
    willikiii  about 14 years ago

    I’ll accede to the “Baby killer” comment as fact. We all heard it!

    Show me the proof on the others.

    It isn’t there. Only the accusations from the ones that directly benefit from the charges.

    THEIR credibilities are certainly in question!

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    4uk4ata  about 14 years ago

    “Benson failed to include words like “spendthrift”, “wastemonger”, “prodigal”, “squanderer”, “rounder” ”

    Why should he? They apply for both parties.

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  6. John adams1
    Motivemagus  about 14 years ago

    ANandy, it wasn’t the Democrats who brought out the “N-word” and spat on John Lewis – after which Glenn Beck surpassed himself and objected that the Democrats’ linking arms with Lewis meant they were presumptuously daring to compare themselves to civil rights leaders…like John Lewis. I think we know where reality stands on this issue…

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    cdward  about 14 years ago

    Every single Republican ought to be jumping up and condemning these threats (and actions now, if I heard on the radio correctly).

    It is UNAMERICAN to threaten or harm another based on their political beliefs and/or votes.

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  8. Stan
    wminfield  about 14 years ago

    If threats were made they are reprehensible. But to assume they are from Republicans is a rush to justice, and possibly an agenda by nuts on the far left. Our worthless media jumps at the chance to spin stories for their ratings and to push their agenda without any investigation.

    Tea Parties have been peaceful and only violence I have seen was instigated by SEIU thugs. A left loon hangs himself and makes it look like Republicans killed a census worker in KY. A Left loon breaks into a Democrat’s office in CO and makes it look like a Republican did it with racial intent.

    The comments that Stupak released were harrasment (and wrong), but I wouldn’t call them personal threats; and we don’t know the background of those who made them. There is passion on both sides of the aisle. Each side assumes their passion is correct and anything else is incorrect. People have the right to call their congress people to tell them their feelings, but it should be kept civil.

    If any politicians are making false claims just to get sympathy/cover from voters for the way they voted, or to draw attention away from the issues I hope they are prosecuted as any ordinary citizen would be for making false claims.

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    Jaedabee Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Michelle Bachman hasn’t said she wants Republican constituents “armed and dangerous?”

    As for “anti-gay epithet” riiiiight, we haven’t heard numerous statements by Republicans equating us with bestiality recently? Seriously, the bigotry is running rampant.

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  10. Marx lennon
    charliekane  about 14 years ago

    And we thought “Rethuglican” was just childish name calling.

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  11. Dsc00100
    zekedog55  about 14 years ago

    I take comfort knowing the ANandys of our nation suffer each and every time they see President Obama.

    Racism, strong in it’s heritage of generational hatred, is self consuming.

    It’s the hatred, stupid!

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  12. Dsc00100
    zekedog55  about 14 years ago

    ^ “…the African American schools.”

    Well there you have it! The school is an African American.

    Or, plural, the schools are African Americans.

    Or should we try possessive? The schools are African American’s.


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  13. Buddy
    lalas  about 14 years ago

    wminfield IF they’re receiving threats? Listen to the news buddy.

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    lonecat  about 14 years ago

    No racism apparent in any of these posts. No, none at all. Did you see any? I didn’t. Nope. Not a word. I guess it’s all made up, then.

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    Justice22  about 14 years ago

    A response will not make anyone a believer nor improve the situation. I pray no one losses their life over this which is intended to save lives.

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    Straytski  about 14 years ago

    All these news people at that “racist” rally and no one has any proof of those allegations? I’m shocked, shocked I tell you that Democrats would falsely accuse people of racism, they never ever use the “race card”. And with polls from CBS and Rasmussen today showing that a majority oppose this travesty of a bill; you can’t assume that it is the right that is making threats and such. (If it actually happened). 41% of the Dems polled by CBS are against this B.S. Bill.

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  17. John adams1
    Motivemagus  about 14 years ago

    Funny, straytski, that’s not what the polls say that I saw - they all say a bump of approval is happening.

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  18. Dscn0012
    cfimeiatpap  about 14 years ago

    Remember Halliburton?????????? I’m happy we have those honorable republicans protecting our best financial and patriotic interests…………..

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  19. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member about 14 years ago

    There was no racism. It’s purely coincidence that the first non-White president had his birthplace questioned. Or that he’s a secret Muslim because he visited a madrassa. Or that there was a call for a return to literacy tests (historically used to bar black voters) because many low-income blacks voted for Obama. Purely coincidence…

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    kennethcwarren64  about 14 years ago

    One of the nice things about being a racist is that if someone calls you on it all you have to do is look shocked, shake your head, and say “There you go playing the race card again.” and (as far as your concerned) it brings the arguement to an end.

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