Rob Rogers for August 24, 2014

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    Manson was only one of many Americans. Norway had their own nut. Pinochet, the Argentine generals and the “disappeared”, Pol Pot, Kim (take your pick), there are a lot of bad people who do NOT represent their entire culture. One and a half billion Muslims, 360 million Americans, a billion and a half Roman Catholics (Think Inquisition, which the last Pope who retired ran the office that was indeed, “the Inquisition”), less than 20 million Jews- but they have their own assassins when a leader seeks real peace, the point is: when has such a broad brush been applied to so many, when only a small percentage make up the “nut brigade” if the whole picture is taken in????

    When “leaders” distort the message, and the myth, bad things have happened all through history, especially the history of religions based on the most violent set of laws ever set down, yes, stoning anyone you basically disagree with, or don’t like, is so “civilized”… amazing how that “love thy neighbor” message gets lost whenever the alternative is available.

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  2. Picture 1
    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    I would like to see a much more public condemnation of IS by the “good” Muslim population. They tend to be very silent on this evil.

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  3. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Could you explain the relevance of that comment to the subject at hand, or do you even bother to read the comics before you post?

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    How many stories in the concerned press during the two years Foster was held by ISIS?

    What’s the ratio of dead civilians in Gaza, Iraq, and Afghanistan, to civilians killed in Israel? OUR Middle East incursions ARE primarily to defend our oil supply, and/or Israel’s interests, so that relationship is important to note.

    ISIS just like other “splinter groups” around the world, like the old IRA, and hundreds of more current religious nuts from ALL the “bible religions”, shedding blood for their “faith”, and they’ve been doing it for centuries.

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    Robert C. Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    OK, I looked at your second link (first doesn’t go where I think you intended)…and will speculate that there were reports on the fates of most of those journalists…in the media of their home cities and nations. Few are from western nations and agencies and most were in areas of political strife – “combat” zones. This, though much too high, is NOT ‘world record’ numbers…and many 2nd & 3rd world nations do not hold in high regard the ‘Journalism" profession and Freedom-of-the-Press. Some of these dedicated, motivated folks feel obligated (for whatever reason) to not “Phone-it-In”, and knowingly, I would hope, put themselves in mortal danger for their craft. Your inference that their fates are ignored or that they should be reacted to more strongly than the thousands who had no choice…to whom injury and death was delivered, in their homes and workplaces without their leave or any choice, is disingenuous, at best. Stories about Foster (or any of the hundreds of others) would not likely have effected any of the outcomes for those involved…and, there’s enough blame to go around for all, but you appear to be willing to give a “PASS” to those you favor, without critical thought as to their portion of responsibility. I disagree.

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    Unlike Rome, Canterbury, Salt Lake City, Islam has no single “leader”, would it help? Yes, I find the same thing disturbing, but those 30,000 Christian Sects come up with folks like Jim Jones, Koresh, et al, all too often as well. Killing for faith is perhaps the worst, whether other “sinners”, or possibly worse, your own flock?

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  7. Jollyroger
    pirate227  almost 10 years ago

    I can only hope drones “follow” these clowns and they are “liked” by hell-fire missles.

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  8. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    An American reporter was released alive, it’s barely making the news. They have to get the stories together on how this is bad?

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