Michael Ramirez for August 18, 2014

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    ferengi19  over 9 years ago

    We got our freedom with a revolution. Food for thought?

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    I Play One On TV  over 9 years ago

    Actually, our government did it for them. TSA, NSA, lack of oversight for FISA court, PATRIOT acts I and II, Military Commissions Act….the list goes on and on. We acted like ‘we hate our freedoms". And our feckless cowering “leaders” took them away from us. Don’t look for them to ever come back.

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    frodo1008  over 9 years ago

    Which is EXACTLY what the Middle Eastern extremists would want to do to us! So, tell us “Oh Wise One”, just who is right here?

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    ConserveGov  over 9 years ago

    While I do support our prez’s air strikes against ISIS, it seems to be way too little, way too late.Hopefully he will finally listen to our foreign affair experts that are saying ISIS is much more dangerous than Al Queda ever was.More finances, more heavy weapons and more fighters with both American and European passports to bring the Islamic Terrorism to us.We should be dropping leaflets letting citizens know to leave ISIS strongholds and then carpet bomb the terrorist held towns.Otherwise, we will be once again saying “Man, why didn’t we see this attack on an American city coming”?

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    Wow, considering Iraq, and Saddam, had absolutely nothing to do with EITHER “rock”, until Bush screwed up and intensified the radicals with his invasion, the ‘toon couldn’t be more wrong. 9/11 was about a small group of radicals ticked off at our dreams of empire, and occupation of Saudi territory ((by their view). The effort by the U.S. and a few “allies”, like Great Britain, to re-institute the “Middle East policy” of Britain and France post WW ONE, was an old history they could point to; quite accurately, unfortunately.

    It might be of interest that China’s successes stem from them moving into countries to back business growth, and economic growth in those countries, not just by threatening them with bombs and military force. Wow, those “dirty commies” being more “Capitalist” than the Capitalists!! Irony iindeed.

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    braindead Premium Member over 9 years ago

    The invasion of Iraq. The gift that just keeps on giving.-Thank you George W. Bush. Thank you Republicans/Fox "news viewers.

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    Jason Allen  over 9 years ago

    “Easy fix… nuke the middle east, problem solved.”Which would murder millions of innocent people, render a whole lot of land uninhabitable and unsafe to obtain the oil we’re still addicted to, and galvanize the surviving Muslims to declare all out war and use nuclear weapons on the US. Your “solution” managed to solve zero problems, but at least you managed to create several new ones.

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    Bigmack Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Do you actually mean that?…. You’d murder millions of innocents for short-term political gains? All that “nuke ’em” crap might sound sensible to your beer-buddies, but not among the non-sociopath general population.

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