Chip Bok for July 17, 2014

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    6.6TA  almost 10 years ago

    Apparently, a significant number of people think that the border is not secure.

    This brings up a question or two: What, exactly, is meant by a “secure border”?

    Do we need to make all our land borders look like East Germany’s border with West Berlin used to look?

    How high does the fence between Alaska and Canada need to be?

    Do we lay mines on all the salt water beaches?

    Put a troop out, 24/7, on every meter of border — land and sea? With orders to shoot to kill?

    A reality check on “secure” would be nice to have.

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    Tim Culberson  almost 10 years ago

    if you had thousands of people coming across the border without permission or thru the legal means, then it is not secure and walls are not a bad idea. I live in Texas, and it is bad.

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  3. John adams1
    Motivemagus  almost 10 years ago

    Oh, get real. This is a remarkably lame comparison. CHILDREN crossing the border in desperation to flee violence that took their homes and families hardly compare to a military invasion.

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    Mneedle  almost 10 years ago

    That is not why they are coming. They are coming so that Harry Reid and the rest of the anti-America crowd can then say that these “anchor babies” need their families and a new policy will be implemented. The new policy will do away with border entirely. Meanwhile people who have been trying for years to come here legally are being discriminated against in the worst way.

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    hippogriff  almost 10 years ago

    KlondikeMike: Gerrymandering to dilute minority voting strength, unto the third and fourth generation; inequality in the criminal justice system; slums and ghettos, redlining, unequal schools; etc. My congregation is 2/3 hispanic, 2-4 generations out of Mexico, first generation out of Little Mexico. Indeed, eight years ago they lost their traditional barrio church building because American Airlines Center, with municipal help, took all their parking space.

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  6. Green d18 sided dice
    TripleAxel  almost 10 years ago

    “In late May, the U.S. Border Patrol interviewed unaccompanied children (UAC) and migrant families apprehended in the Rio Grande Valley. Of the 230 total migrants interviewed, 219 cited the primary reason for migrating to the United States was the perception of U.S. immigration laws granting free passes or permisos to UAC and adult female OTMs traveling with minors. Migrants indicated that knowledge of permisos was widespread across Central America due to word of mouth, local, and international media messaging—prompting many to depart for the United States within 30 days of becoming aware of these perceived benefits, according to the same reporting.”

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    1. “The fence” obviously is an idiotic expense that does NOT work!

    2. The fact that the majority of folks, and kids, ARE being picked up, shows the understaffed Border Patrol IS doing a pretty good job, given the real situation on the ground.

    3. We need to change immigration law BACK to what we had before,with “guest worker” programs to let them come here to work, pay taxes, then take their profits back home to support their families if it is ECONOMIC forces at work.

    If we’re talking people escaping from the cartels, let’s go after the people at the TOP of the hard drug trade (including illegal “prescription” drugs, like Limbaugh was doing) and throw THEM in prison, as most are actually AMERICANS running the money machine!

    “Legalize” in some form marijuana, decriminalize USE of drugs(go for treatment, even providing free drugs to reduce other crimes associated with the high cost of habits), and maximize penalties only for large sales and distribution folks, taking the emphasis off the street dealers, and putting the severe penalties on the “godfathers” in the trade.

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    hippogriff  almost 10 years ago

    Tigger: You have documented your ignorance. What evidence do you have that I cheered Democratic gerrymandering? Especially considering I am not a Democrat but rather a County Chair in the Green Party. As Ralph Nader pointed out, “Choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil.”.KlondikeMike: Yes, those whose ancestors came legally despite the discrimination, and yet their children, grandchildren, great…etc. are still facing discrimination.

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Or he would have helped block the foolishness of defending a country with militia, the British would have faced regulars instead of open-carry wannabe soldiers at Bladensburg and Washington would have been saved.

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