Jim Morin for July 04, 2014

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    ConserveGov  almost 10 years ago

    Less government=Better government.

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    Random Nick Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    @mikefivePick one bigger. This planet only, please. Timeframe is yours.RSVP

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    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    I agree, the conservatives really like big government as long as it helps them. They could get immediate agreement to scale back a defense industry that maintains a military that is bigger than the next sixteen countries combined. They keep approving programs that the admirals and generals testify that they don’t want. Quarter billion dollar fighters. it is not like the oil industry is falling on hard times with $5 a gallon gas (much more overseas) The oil industry subsidies could go away tomorrow. The 10,000 page tax code could by dramatically reduced if all the special interest tax loop holes were eliminated. Clearly they love their version of big government. It is the part that actually helps the poor and middle class they want to shoot with their AK-47s.

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    Jason Allen  almost 10 years ago

    No one can truthfully argue that the US military isn’t the most expensive in modern times. However, before you make your assertion, you have to look at the size, scope, and inflation adjusted price of the historic militaries of Rome, China, and other great civilizations of the past.

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    ferengi19  almost 10 years ago

    love my country——-fear my government

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    dzw3030  almost 10 years ago

    That was during the biggest military conflict in history, much different than today’s troubles.

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    frodo1008  almost 10 years ago

    The economy that FDR inherited was in far worse shape than president Obama inherited. Because of this, FDR literally had to push to get the economy going. At that time the military did not need to be number one, the economy needed to be number one. And because of the programs of the New Deal, this countries industrial base was indeed ready for WWII, and became not only the largest economy in the world, but produced more war materials than ALL of the other combatants of WWII put together! That is history, try looking it up.

    I totally agree with the four presidents whose busts are on Mt. Rushmore. But if there was to be room for one more, it would have to be FDR’s! Most historians would agree (and I have read a LOT of history) that FDR was indeed the greatest president of the 20th century, just as Abraham Lincoln was the greatest of the 19th, and George Washington the greatest of the 18th. Although strangely enough, my own personal favorite was FDR’s cousin, Teddy Roosevelt (if for nothing else, along with such true environmentalists as John Muir founded the greatest National Park system the world has ever seen!!

    Everyone, please have a great, safe, sane, and thoroughly enjoyable fourth of July!!!

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    Jason Allen  almost 10 years ago

    “And.. that went bust because of it.”Rome didn’t fall because of it’s military expenditures. Rome fell in part because of a massive trade imbalance with the East drained coffers while the citizens were too busy sitting their @$$ in front of the TV Circus Maximus. China fell because the the Forbidden City was hopelessly out of touch with the rest of the country and bureaucrats were busy taking advantage of a child emperor for their own gain.

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    Jason Allen  almost 10 years ago

    Hitler was able to get as far as he did because, much like the ongoing situation in the Ukraine, Europe failed to do much of anything about it. The major powers in Europe were all to happy to give in to Hitler’s land demands just as long as it didn’t involve loosing any of their territory.

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    William Bednar Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    “Less government=Better government.”?#Humm, I’m guessing that:

    “No government = best government”?

    Would that include individual “State Government” or is the above equation limited to just a centralized “Federal Government”?

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