Michael Ramirez for February 05, 2010

  1. Missing large
    PaddyJaye  over 14 years ago

    Nandy: You should should change your handle to Inanity.

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    comYics  over 14 years ago

    I heard that social security was being given to foreigners, and since they did not put in to social security nearly as much as United States Citizens, social security was running out. Each job requires social security to be taken out for the benefit of each working american, there should be absolutely zero reason that it is drying up.

    It’s been about 10 years rumuring it will end, it will end soon, none for you or me. Well there isn’t any reason for that to be the case, unless it was given to older illegals entering the country.

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    kennethcwarren64  over 14 years ago

    I am sure that Ramirez didn’t plan this way, but I think that most of us look at this cartoon and think: “This what would have happened if Bush had had his way and tied Socal Security to the Stock Market” – wouldn’t we be having fun now if he had succeeded!

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    Libertarian1  over 14 years ago

    When it was first set up there were 9 people paying in for every recipient. Now the ratio is down to 2:1. We keep expanding the eligibility lists because Congressmen are trying to buy votes with promises. Yes, it will be bankrupt soon and todays 20-30 year olds will be in trouble.

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  5. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  over 14 years ago

    comYics: Ah yes, those “foreigners” again, they’re to blame for all your ills, blasted illegals! I say we burn them. :-| (unless they’re paying into the system which is therefore actually bankrolling those in it! And with lower birthrates among most citizens, you need immigrants. Yes, pesky foreigners again :p)

    Which political party decided to start giving annuity payments to immigrants?

    Neither immigrants nor anyone else is able to collect Social Security benefits without someone paying Social Security payroll taxes into the system. The conditions under which Social Security benefits are payable, and to whom, can be found in the pamphlets available on our website.

    The question confuses the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program with Social Security. SSI is a federal welfare program and no contributions, from immigrants or citizens or anyone else, is required for eligibility. Under certain conditions, immigrants can qualify for SSI benefits. The SSI program was an initiative of the Nixon Administration and was signed into law by President Nixon on October 30, 1972.

    An explanation of the basics of Social Security, and the distinction between Social Security and SSI, can be found on the Social Security website.

    Source: www.ssa.gov

    Those eligibility lists at first excluded most women & minorities, as well as offspring borne out of wedlock, intermittent workers, and initially workers in agricultural labour, domestic service, government employees, and many teachers, nurses, hospital employees, librarians, and social workers…

    Source: Wikipedia:Social Security USA

    I apologise for wading into what is essentially an American argument here. However, when I see “foreigners” being maligned, I step in. The same argument I heard above I hear here in the UK. It is bulls*. If your system is creaking, it isn’t because of foreigners. They are easy scapegoats and time and time again, the first to be maligned anywhere.

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    comYics  over 14 years ago

    That’s not what I said.

    Your not processing facts from my comment. Your simply baseing your reply to emotion and race card tactics.

    Think omQ R, or be prepared to suffer the same ignorance from yourself as your dishing out.

    If illegals came into the United States when they were 40+ years old, they were not already contributing to the social security, therefore if they collect social security and did not put in, they are getting cash from hard working americans that have contributed from the day they started working.

    Believe me omQ R, I could care less about skin colors. Your so touchy about that subject, Im thinking you were profiled sometime and it left you a little bitter. Get over it omQ R, unfortunately everybody has been attacked in one form or another by wickednesses. It’s time to grow up and discipline yourself to fighting those with loose mouths that only come trying to start trouble and defending the ones that are actually helping.

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  7. Missing large
    Magnaut  over 14 years ago

    Bush was and still is right about Sociial Security…..the only way to save money is to keep it out of the hands of Government

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  8. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  over 14 years ago

    comYics: I was profiled by Israeli border controls. They profile everyone and not “just” according to appearance or religion (one of my surnames is Sephardic), that’s the point I was making. I didn’t particularly feel any more or less discriminated against; so I therefore think you misread my comments that time. But yes, I am touchy on the subject of bigotry, especially such as shown by you. You are one with a “loose” mouth which is why I point your words out. There is no race card being raised as race hasn’t been mentioned. As for displaying ignorance, your posts more often than not tell us a lot about what you don’t know. Like your country’s social security system. Illegal immigrants don’t collect social security. They’re undocumented so therefore cannot. If a social security number is false, it entitles the holder to zero benefits. If immigrants are legal or later become citizens, they still need to qualify for benefits which I understand is proportional to what was put in. I can stand to be corrected on this but then show me. Chances are that they will actually get less from it than they put in over the long run. This benefits you.

    Pesky foreigners. :-|

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  9. 100 2208
    parkersinthehouse  over 14 years ago


    once again we see the poison of dishonest leadership - i’m guessing comyics is republican since all of his rantings parrot gop standards and fears

    i just talked with my mother this morning - she’s afraid her social security will be stopped - she’s 89 years old - and i am so pissed off that fear tactics are the best gops can do for their people.

    i think you’re right om - that benefits are proportional to what was put in

    my guess, in terms of the program, is that the government will reassess the system of pay in/payout. it’s not like we didn’t know about the social security shortfall - for decades. biggest pay in from baby-boomers will probably be the last payouts, but we’ll hope that another formula will be in place first

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  10. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago

    If you don’t pay in for at least 40 quarters, you can’t get “Social Security benefits”- period. What’s overlooked is that many AMERICAN workers who work “under the table” for short term gains in not paying taxes- end up NOT able to qualify for Social Security, and whine when cut out.

    The Civil Service Retirement System also took in larger payments than SS to provide a PENSION, not a supplement. When that system was replaced by the new system combining social security with mandatory investments in stocks- the “new” folks under FERS (Federal Employees Retirement System) have most commonly lost huge amounts of their “savings”- especially the more they invested in stocks. Over time- stocks will usually provide a return, but under both Bush 41 and Bush 43, these investors lost most of what they “gained”, and saw their retirement “nest egg” become Humpty Dumpty.

    FERS is also ending up costing the taxpayers MORE than the old CSRS system!!

    SSI is a different program, and is the real problem with the actuarial tables on sustainability.

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  11. Buddy
    lalas  over 14 years ago

    Thanks Reagan. Thanks Greenspan.

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    comYics  over 14 years ago

    Here’s the layout of my point of view. Yes some things about social security benefits is a little puzzling to me. I am not loose mouthed, Im not trying to start problems with others. On my paycheck social security is deducted, every paycheck. It has to go somewhere intended for social security. Of course social security is not given to illegal’s, that is obvious. I don’t collect social security, as I am not retired as of yet. Im referencing to those foreign peoples that come to a country and become a citizen after five years of however varied length’s of time’s it takes to become a citizen of a country. My question is, How much do those that became citizens versus those that are currently citizens get from social security when they are ready to recieve it? Would you want to give me a portion of your retirement plan when I have not contributed to it? No, of course not. Your retirement plan is intended for you to use, not me.

    Im not against foreigners living in a country not of birth, The United States is built with loads of foreigners unless your a Native American. Though I don’t agree with your entire post, it makes sense to me that every country should only give to each citizen an amount equivalent to what each citizen has put in. That is what I am enquiring about.

    Radish, in one sense, it is part of retirement, because it basically works the same way as a retirement check. You put in a portion you get a portion back, same as a 401.

    dtroutma, I can understand people getting upset with not being able to collect social security just by observing the situation. They have social security taken out of their checks and then cannot collect when that is exactly what it is for. I say just invest I a retirement plan and don’t expect anything. It almost sounds like another excuse to take from your check.

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    comYics  over 14 years ago

    A 401plan works the same way, in that you cannot withdrawl until retirement age, unless you are willing to take about a 50% cut from your 401 savings or so.

    Not really interested in whether you call it by a different name, same principle.

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  14. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  over 14 years ago

    comYics: You stated, not asked: ”I heard that social security was being given to foreigners, and since they did not put in to social security nearly as much as United States Citizens, social security was running out.”

    So it is the foreigners’ fault.

    You stated: ”Each job requires social security to be taken out for the benefit of each working american”

    Social Benefits are not limted to Americans but legal residents, too. Foreigners.

    You stated: ”It’s been about 10 years rumuring it will end, it will end soon, none for you or me. Well there isn’t any reason for that to be the case, unless it was given to older illegals entering the country.”

    You state your belief it was being given to older illegals.

    You then refute my post wth this reply: ”Your not processing facts from my comment. Your simply baseing your reply to emotion and race card tactics.”

    You again point a finger at illegals in your next post: ”If illegals came into the United States when they were 40+ years old, they were not already contributing to the social security, therefore if they collect social security and did not put in, they are getting cash from hard working americans that have contributed from the day they started working.”

    A few Americans then post following our posts…

    And you backpedal: ”Of course social security is not given to illegal’s, that is obvious.”

    If it’s obvious why then did you say…(look above)

    You continue with ”How much do those that became citizens versus those that are currently citizens get from social security when they are ready to recieve it? “

    Again, not only citizens receive social security, all those who have contributed to it AND qualify, do (min of 10 years or 40 quarters).

    You also say ”That is what I am enquiring about.” You weren’t enquiring, you were stating as if they were facts.

    You claim: ”I am not loose mouthed, Im not trying to start problems with others.” But you are loose with facts and were putting blame squarely on foreigners in general, not only undocumented immigrants.

    Your next couple of posts still show you know little about your social security. I’m a foreigner and I now know your social security isn’t a retirement scheme (as I had thought). I read our fellow posters’ comments and learnt from it even though I cannot usefully use it for myself but surely you can benefit from reading up on it. I also looked up information from your government’s website explaining how social security works; I even provided url links. You could do it, too.

    You just said: ”Not really interested in whether you call it by a different name, same principle.” I suggest you care to differentiate what is SS, SSI, what 401 plans are, what a FERS is, what a CSRS was…

    There will come a time when you will regret not having thought about it sooner.

    And why don’t you phone up the SS yourself and inquire about proportional benefits. i.e. are benefits linked to how how much one puts in, instead of spreading false facts.

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  15. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 14 years ago

    <======Yes, social security is a ponzi scheme. That’s why I was trying to give to wall street. Those corporates know how to turn a buck on tax payer dime. Just look at those bail outs I handed over to them!

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    comYics  over 14 years ago

    omQ R said: And why don’t you phone up SS yourself and inquire about proportional benefits. i.e. are benefits linked to how how much one puts in, instead of spreading false facts.

    If you don’t know the answers omQ R, you should have just said so. :)

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  17. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  over 14 years ago

    comYics: If you didn’t know the facts, why didn’t you just ask instead of stating myths as facts. :)

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  18. Missing large
    comYics  over 14 years ago

    Mine are facts, those from other countries(definition is foreigners incase your not smart enough to figure that out or try to call it a rascist statement), that collect social security illegally doesnt help that countrys citizens regardless of your disbelief.

    Example: http://www.nytimes.com/2002/05/20/us/foreigners-obtain-social-security-id-with-fake-papers.html?pagewanted=1

    Example 2: http://www.house.gov/paul/congrec/congrec2003/cr013003.htm

    (Obviously an issue)

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