Ted Rall for February 01, 2010

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    Gangsteroflove  over 14 years ago

    You mean Haitians have insurance?

    Is an act of God covered by insurance?

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    sirrom567  over 14 years ago

    “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”

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    mattro65  over 14 years ago

    Some people need to get a life instead of spewing their hateful bulshirt. I didn’t even bother to read freitas’s nonsense. It’s a waste of time. I did notice his crapola about single white males and Medicaid. I applied for it and got it. Jerk!

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  4. Mis piernas
    esn  over 14 years ago

    I don’t understand why in the USA democrats=left Republicans=right of center. For People like Scoottfreitas to not understand that democrats for the most are actually on their side is baffling to me. Sure there are a few minor differences that we have been convinced are big enough for us to make that run for the urns. I am guessing that by filling every open space of dialogue with the non-sense of obama=socialism, keeps any other real ideas out of any ones sight. As soon as any real independent thinking comes up it is quickly dismissed as “crazy” worth to made fun of etc etc. Ridiculous conspiracy theorists only help fuel the “independent thinking is whack” rants. Obama, as well as the Clintons and every other democrat is just as pro-corporate business, pro-war, pro-war profiteering as your average Republican. And every Republican in the last, what?, 10 governments have been as fiscally responsible and for individual freedoms as your average Democrat. I am neither. I am not afraid of guns so I don’t really understand the nonsense of the gun control debate. I am for fiscal responsibility and I am totally convinced that both parties are absolutely nothing but out for the interests of their own elitist interests bleeep the big picture of the national economy. Both have used war and corporate welfare as a tool to do their best to bring our economy to the ground.

    I understand that for people like Scootfreitas never really having seen or heard (I am sure they have never heard one; they are to busy ranting to listen) a real socialist this is difficult to understand. They are content in their isolated reality. Leaving that artificial reality means taking real and emotional risks that they are not willing to face. They are to full of overconfidence that they are correct they never stop to think for a second to examine the real world near and far from them.

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    Jaedabee Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Good ol’ Republican health care bill - does NOTHING to stop insurance companies denying you due to pre-existing conditions or dropping you the second you get sick. Let’s trust the insurance companies to “do the right thing!” So to answer Scottfreitas’ rant in two sentences: why do so many poor people vote Democrat? Because Republicans don’t care about them. Democrats are spineless and unorganized and have allowed this bill to be watered down by a bunch of people who have no interest in the public, but at least they remain the more well-intentioned of the two. Too bad there’s no viable third option.

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    ken591  over 14 years ago

    I had a dent in my car and got new insurance. Then when I wanted to get it fixed I was told it was pre existing and the insurance company wouldn’t fix it. There oughta be a law.

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    eepatte  over 14 years ago

    scottfreitas, are you real? Do you really want to be one illness or accident away from bankruptcy, like almost everybody else? Do you really think that social security and medicare shuns republicans? Do you think that welfare, whether for “lazy slackers” or those who really need it, amounts to anything close to corporate welfare? Do you really think that corporations should get priority over American citizens? Two things, Mr./Ms. scottfreitas: One, you do not really think about that which you see. You are poisoned by your own prejudices. Two: You are a detriment to yourself, your society, and your planet, i.e. an a**hole pure and simple. Mostly simple.

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    spelvin2002  over 14 years ago

    The troll does what a troll does: writes merely for the inevitable reaction and enjoys it hugely when he gets the attention.

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    bradwilliams  over 14 years ago

    Scott seems to be a very sad man. I pity him daily.

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    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago

    Haiti has had poverty for a long time, due to occupation, then dictatorships where those with all the money ran everyone, and everything, into the ground. They filled the folks with terror (the tan-tan) and hopelessness.

    In the U.S. we have multi-married billionaires taking bonuses in the millions of dollars for running their companies, and the public, into the ground, projecting terror and hopelessness onto the populace.

    Rall’s metaphor is correct.

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    Jaedabee Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Multi-married?! How dare you sully the SANCTITY of marriage, dtroutma! Stout protectors of marriage never ever get divorces!

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    kennethcwarren64  over 14 years ago

    If you walking in a big city and see someone standing on the corner shouting at the sky, do you walk up to them and try to reason with them?

    NO, so why try to respond to their posting, it only incourages them – millions and millions of Pixels are dying because of you.

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    Lavocat  over 14 years ago

    Then we’re all just one tectonic shift away from oblivion.

    There but for the grace of an earthquake go I.

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    audieholland  over 14 years ago

    Esn36: you are right.

    The answer is simple though: in a single party (Demopublicrats) system that pretends to be a two party system, they will always need propagandists who decry and condemn the so-called “other side” of the “political spectrum.”

    To keep the sheep busy thinking it will make a difference to choose between a left-handed butcher or a right-handed butcher.

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    luckyjean22  over 14 years ago

    What is it with commenters writing huge long old comments that go on and on? Left or right, I’m sick of ‘em. If you’ve got that much to say, start a freakin blog.

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    MiepR  over 14 years ago

    Scott, you do realize you’re delusional?


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