Lisa Benson for May 31, 2014

  1. Pl1
    Masterius  almost 10 years ago

    Or maybe the point of the cartoon was to indicate the prevalent outlook of kids to choose junk over nutrition, because their parents aren’t teaching and inculcating healthy eating?

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  2. Ghost
    Devils Knight  almost 10 years ago

    If it is so bad then you must agree that people should no longer be aloud to things like Pepsi and coke and chips and other junk food including fast food like McDonald’s and Burger King with their food stamps that they should only be aloud to buy healthy food like vegetables and milk right

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  3. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 10 years ago

    I tend to resent Federal Mandates but I love it when the Federal government makes good suggestions (as long as it is based on the LATEST science).

    There are a group of kids going to school who receive a reduced price or free lunch and it is the only healthy meal they will receive all day. Given that situation; I can see why the Federal government would want to make sure it is healthy and stays healthy.

    But those kids aren’t getting fat on school lunches. They are getting fat because mama is feeding them McDonalds and Burger King when they get home because she never learned the life skills to prepare a decent meal for her family. Once she got her first kid at 15 she got her own apartment and foodstamp ration and she didn’t have to go to school or listen to her parents – The Evil result of Johnson’s failed war on poverty.

    For those of you who argue that there aren’t any fresh foods and vegatables in their neighborhood – I say Bull$@#$. They are out there but Franny Foodstamps might have to go down the street a few blocks and carry those groceries home. And Yes a good sized apple costs more then McDonald’s cheeseburger but we cut out other luxuries from our life so we can afford to buy our kids healthy food – like cigarettes, booze, soda, and drugs.

    And what about my kids (now down to 1) that also have to use that same caffeteria? They eat a good breakfast and want a smothered baked potato for lunch on a cold day; or a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch, Why shouldn’t they be able to buy what they want. Every one of them was underweight in school because of genetics and the demands of their after school activities: Sports, Chores, Boyscouts, 4-H, etc.

    I really am tired of Government intervention where they try to shape public institutions so that they are best suited to serve the dumbest, laziest, and least responsible part of our population.

    School lunch programs should offer choices and teaching a love for FRESH (not boiled mush) vegetables and fruits isn’t hard. But it is stupid hard to get kids to like food that has been made devoid of salt and oils.

    Why can’t we put the little fatties in a special part of the lunch room like we put the little slow kids in a special classroom so they don’t slow the class down for the normal kids? Then the normal kids can have a decent lunch.

    And tell Freddy fatso he can eat with the normal kids when he drops another 8 pounds. Until then he eats gruel and vegetable paste with his overweight friends. Oh, that’s right, it’s wrong to use the carrot AND the stick to teach kids right from wrong. Social engineers have stepped in and told us that only by giving them high self esteem will they succeed so we don’t want to make them feel bad about their bad eating habits.

    I have news for those social engineers – You can’t give a kid high self esteem. You can create opportunities where he/she can EARN self-esteem but simply praising kids for whatever they do leads to another generation of failed parenting like we see going on today.

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    Technojunkie  almost 10 years ago

    The feds have no idea what’s healthy. They subsidize the wheat, corn and soy that junk food is made from, which gets fed to both humans and livestock and is healthy for neither, they demonize healthy saturated fats, they strangle small farmers who try to escape the industrial system, etc, etc, and we’re supposed to quietly do what they say? We’d be far better off if the feds would just go away. Their meddling created this mess. Stupid fascists.

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  5. Picture 1
    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    That damn evil government, I don’t know why they want to try forcing schools to provide healthy school lunches or any lunches at all. We could reduce taxes! The kids should be encouraged to provide for themselves. Their hunger will encourage them to get a job or perhaps forage for food some other way. They can compete by taking food from classmates or starting a little drug business or just going hungry. It’s their problem to solve.

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  6. Tigerfarts
    SpicyNacho Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    How did he “deride” (to laugh at in scorn or contempt; scoff, jeer at; mock) Truist? All he did was disagree and it allowed you the opportunity to be condescending to someone you feel superior to and may have not caught an auto correct on a mobile device.-Once again, we cannot disagree with anyone like TTM on the all knowing far left cauze we all morons on tha right.

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  7. Mooseguy
    moosemin  almost 10 years ago

    C’mon kids! You’re gonna have to learn to do a lot of things you would rather not as you grow into adulthood. Get a head start NOW, and eat your vegetables!

    I hated broccoli as a kid, but love it today. (But I STILL hate Brussel sprouts)

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  8. Kw eyecon 20190702 091103 r
    Kip W  almost 10 years ago

    When we went back to China, everybody was impressed that our daughter tried most anything. They said their kids wouldn’t give traditional Chinese veggies (bok choy, for instance) a chance. They also said their kids just stayed inside and watched TV instead of going outside to play.

    Anecdotal evidence, yes.

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  9. Kw eyecon 20190702 091103 r
    Kip W  almost 10 years ago

    Yeah! Who wants a healthy, educated workforce anyway? Not the 1%! In a recent poll of the super-rich, they believe we spend too much on things like that.

    I’m sure they appreciate your support, if they ever think about it.

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  10. Missing large
    oneoldhat  almost 10 years ago

    so instead of finding a lunch that the kids will eat it is better that the kids toss the lunch and go across the street to mcd or taco bell // is michelle going to provide lunch of watercress soup , hickory bacon salad , italian sausage and ice pops [sidwell]

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  11. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    We opened a new school in the north county 18 years ago, and one of the innovations was a salad/fruit bar and choice of “good” vs “garbage” foods. The salad bar was extremely popular immediately as was the choice of fresh foods over chicken strips, but pizza remained popular.

    18 years later, those healthier food options ARE still the most popular. But, it’s also still true that many of those kids come from low income families who can’t afford “fresh” produce, and/or don’t know what fresh veggies even look like in the raw! It’s amazing to watch their amazement when they see. They gobble those foods up, because they don’t see them at home.

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  12. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    “TED LIND = Brain dead”-Well, not Braindead.-The cartoon should depict Congress as the ones who ain’t budging. Not until the other green thing is dangled in front of them.

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  13. 300px little nemo 1906 02 11 last panel
    lonecat  almost 10 years ago

    My goodness, such a fuss about broccoli.

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  14. Frankiefishville
    H P Hundt Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    The way to prepare brussel sprouts is to steam them to crisp/tender then fry them with some bacon; almost everything’s better with bacon.

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  15. Mooseguy
    moosemin  almost 10 years ago

    Revolutionary General Knox was fat. Able, industrious, loyal and dedicated to Gen. Washington, but he was FAT. Just before the Battle at Trenton, he made a remark that he hadn’t had lunch yet, and was hungry. At this, General Glover (Marblehead MA) berated him “IN AN ARMY THAT HAS NOT HAD A DECENT MEAL IN A MONTH, AND IS STARVING, FOR AN OFFICER TO BE FAT IS TANTAMOUNT TO TREASON!”

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  16. Ghost
    Devils Knight  almost 10 years ago

    actually that was done intentionally to see who would be the first one to try and change the subject to my spelling and avoid what the problem is in fact if they are getting free lunch at schools because they cannot afford it then they most likely are on food stamps so why don’t the lazy parents get up and make them lunch to take to school with the food they buy with food stamps instead of having me pay for I am so sick of have to support lazy people with my tax dollars

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    Mike Herman  almost 10 years ago

    Moochelle’s plan is working at least as well as Barry’s Stimulus and Obamacare fiasco.

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  18. Tigerfarts
    SpicyNacho Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    What are you a bad magician on the side? All your definition does is reword the one I gave, and you still won’t answer how he derided him vs. just disagreeing with him.-There was no point of your comment to refute other than the lame crack at partisanship at the end and you critiquing his grammar. The fact that it took you 5 paragraphs to try and spin your comment rather than answer the question tells a lot.

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  19. Tigerfarts
    SpicyNacho Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Does this Paul Ryan joke fit into your description of take something out of context and “cherry pick what supports your position and ignore EVERYTHING else”?

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  20. Tigerfarts
    SpicyNacho Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Your funny little attachment about Republicans is just silly, but somehow you think it is a provacotive point and moves debate forward? Oh wait, or are you just generalizing and insulting those that don’t agree with you again?

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  21. 300px little nemo 1906 02 11 last panel
    lonecat  almost 10 years ago

    I grew up in a little southern town. The elementary school had one class of about 30 kids per grade, so not quite 200 students. We didn’t have a cafeteria or a lunch room, we just brought lunch and ate it at our desks. There was a slop can at the back of the room where the kids would throw their scraps, and one student would have the task of taking the slop can out to the garbage. Our teacher discovered that one or two kids would always volunteer to take out the slop can, and the reason was that they didn’t have enough to eat so they would take from the slop can to get lunch. She told the principal, and he found some money in the school funds to subsidize the kids in each class who weren’t able to bring lunch. This was all done very quietly, and I didn’t know about it at the time. I guess that’s an example of a liberal crime against nature. He should have let them go hungry.

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    NoCons  almost 10 years ago

    Every so often, I peruse Lisa’s “comics” to see if she has come up with anything intelligent, or even funny.Not yet.Keep trying, Lisa!

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