Pat Oliphant for May 02, 2014

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    ConserveGov  about 10 years ago

    Exactly! Very good toon of the Twin Dummies getting played by the Russian thug.

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    piobaire  about 10 years ago

    Chamberlain was playing for the time needed for Britain to arm and train. That is one view of the history.

    The important, current, question is, what would you reccommend the US do in the current situation? What would you do, rather than just criticize two people with the toughest jobs there are?

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    edward thomas Premium Member about 10 years ago

    To paraphrase John McCain: Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb again. That appears to be the right’s only solution to any international problem. Of course, none of them will be in harm’s way until Russia retaliates.

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    ajnotales  about 10 years ago

    @ConserveGovNext time you pass a mirror, take a look … Another example of Twin Dummies there, too…

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    emptc12  about 10 years ago

    I suspect there are such tunnels all over the world, dug by business as well governments: underground wars. One can occasionally feel the tremors in skirmishes about territorial rights. Although big wars directly among major powers haven’t been waged for decades, the ground underneath us all is riddled with cavities and eventually there will be a collapse somewhere. Ukraine is doomed, a mere sinkhole in international concern. That’s my metaphor for the day.

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    meetinthemiddle  about 10 years ago

    Given how badly the last 2 wars we had were messed up, one might say it undermined our credibility that way, too

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    badcyclist Premium Member about 10 years ago

    ConservGov: You guys have been in Putin’s pocket for years.

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  8. Jollyroger
    pirate227  about 10 years ago

    Maybe Obama can an Iran-Contra type deal? Nah, that’s so 80’s and so GOP.

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    oneoldhat  about 10 years ago

    USA to ukraine “give up your nukes and we will protect you” // bho to ukraine " sucker"

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    emptc12  about 10 years ago

    Interesting term, “Indian giver.” When I was young it meant somebody was finagled out of an object and then asked for it back. Or, it meant an insincere giving of something and then to take it back when that person changed his mind. Of the several meanings, the worst is the following: that in misunderstanding the economic dealings of Europeans, Native Americans gave away large areas of land for trinkets and then, in finding the extent of their mistake, tried to use it as before or ask for it back. You and I are from another time, when the phrase was a schoolyard taunt. The phrase is now offensive, and I hope it’s not making a comeback. .I hate to complain, but in reading “Right-wingnutistan,” I have to object. I assume you mean that imaginary place to be a backward country full of unreasoning, violent-minded people. I guess it was common to pick a Slavic nation and mock it with a play on the name (confer Al Capp, with “Slobovia”; Scott Adams, with “Elbonia”); and these days, a Muslim nation with –istan as the ending. But doesn’t this reveal a subtle insinuation that those nations are backward and inferior? And that since Ukraine is in that part of the world, that its people can be ignored without much thought? Having lived in cities where ethnic communities sneer at each other’s supposed lack of relative cultural worth. I’m pretty sure that’s not your intention. But I know in my neck of the woods the scent of insult would be felt: Them’s fightin’ words!.I guess that that’s the problem in trying to be humorous and insightful at the same time. Mark Twain wrote something to the effect that it is not possible to write a burlesque so broad to avoid having somebody take it seriously. See, now I typed “burlesque” and “broad” in the same sentence and so somebody might accuse me sexism..Thanks for your time.

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