Brian McFadden for April 14, 2014

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    frodo1008  about 10 years ago

    However, just as there have been good Democrat presidents, there have also been good to even great Republican presidents: Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt,and Dwight Eisenhower all come to mind. But our current Republicans would not like any of them as they were willing to compromise their ideologies for the good of the nation, even if that meant taking a liberal position now and then. Heck, I do not even think that Ronald Reagan could be even nominated by our current bunch of tea party types!!

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  2. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Having given some thought to the matter, I’m fine with GWB spending his free time painting, rather than engaging with politics.

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    Jason Allen  about 10 years ago

    Oh, Bob Ross. How we miss your happy little clouds.

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  4. Pnutbowlavatar
    Thomas R. Williams  about 10 years ago

    The Painter of Lies.

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  5. Lifi
    rossevrymn  about 10 years ago

    Didn’t see this coming. I wonder what percentage of liberal cartoonists worked the Bush is painting piece. Talk about your mind control.

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  6. Frank frazetta wolfmoon s
    ossiningaling  about 10 years ago

    Paints quite a picture doesn’t he?

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    retpost  about 10 years ago

    The last panel is his legacy.

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    frodo1008  about 10 years ago

    You know, while I did generally (not always, I think GWB did do some worthwhile things) did not agree with his governmental policies, I did actually like his general humorous humanity. He actually made Gerald Ford seem adroit by his stumbling around. And that incredible stupid grin was hilarious!!

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  9. Mooseguy
    moosemin  about 10 years ago

    Tigger, I told you in another ‘toon the other day that it wasn’t exactly like that! Yes, Lincoln was mulling over such a plan, but no ex-slaves were to be coerced into going.In January 1865, after Gen. Sherman completed his march through Geogia, Sec. of War Stanton traveled to Savanah, and with Sherman, they visited with a group of free black leaders. They asked them what they wanted: to return to Africa, or colonize Nicaragua. These leaders answered “Why would we want to go to Africa? We don’t know anything about Africa! We were born HERE! This is our country. All we want are the same rights and protection that all other (white) Americans get.” He & Stanton tabled the plan.

    Lincoln knew that there was going to be a lot of trouble after the war, and with the upcoming passage of the 13th amendment, banning slavery altogether. Southerners, any many Northerners did not agree with Negro equality with Whites, and would not stand for it. The Radical Republican congress was going to insist on full, immediate enfranchisement: Citizenship, voting rights, and right to run for public office .Lincoln was preparing to now battle his own congress. Lincoln wanted a gradual assimilation, over a period of years. He did not want to antagonize the Whites by moving too quickly, knowing that violence would be inevitable. But, Booth murdered him, the Radical Republicans had their way, and newly freed Black slaves were then subjected to years of merciless torture and lynchings. After Grant’s presidency, the Republicans then made a deal with the Southern states, and sold out the Blacks to keep themselves in the White House.

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