Jeff Stahler for March 25, 2014

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    ConserveGov  about 10 years ago

    The first 2 are earned through a lifetime of hard work, while Obama(non)Care is for the lazy welfare types looking for a handout.

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  2. Barnette
    Enoki  about 10 years ago

    For what I’ve dumped into social security I could have had another $250,000 in my 401K…..Medicade / Medicare was supposed to cost $1 billion at most and was paid for initially with my social security money that LBJ raided emptying the accounts to pay for his Great Society failure. It too provides mediocre services and is a massive drain on the Federal budget..Obamacare is now four years old and they can’t even get enough people to sign up to make it break even. The policies are more costly when Obama and his Minions of Ignorance promised they’d go down (“…$2,500 a family per year…” a number pulled out of Obama’s lying posterior), promised that you could keep your coverage and doctor, promised that the plans would be “better” and that there would be greater choice.Instead Obamacare is one big tax and spend lie foisted on the American people by Progressive Leftist Democrats. Just like everything else the Progressive Left does it is a train wreck.

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  3. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member about 10 years ago

    I know some actual people who have been effected by Obamacare. There’s my aunt. She had a rough time getting a job because she’s diabetic and potential employers didn’t want to deal with the insurance issues involved. Now she has her own insurance and a new job. Then there’s my niece, who can stay on her parent’s plan until she’s 26. Until Obamacare, she didn’t have insurance. Personally, Obamacare is closing the donut hole on my Medicare, which means it will pay for a lot of medication that would have been my problem before Obamacare. And, there’s my brother who was staying on a job he only needed for the insurance because his wife has chronic respiratory problems and if she had gotten really bad it would have wiped out their savings. Now he has Obamacare and he’s retired. Another person who has benefited is the lady who took the job he no longer needed. I don’t personally know of anyone who has had a problem with Obamacare, and those who are featured on TV so far have turned out to either being lying or too stupid to actually check out how it works. So, if you folks who are screaming about how bad Obamacare is have some actual cases of people who have been harmed and offset all of these benefits, put up or shut up.

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    magicwalnut Premium Member about 10 years ago

    We the People should be happy that We the People are looking out for We the People…not pissed off because We the People have compassion for the less fortunate among us.

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  5. Barnette
    Enoki  about 10 years ago

    What? Is there something wrong with that? I’m not taking from others. I earned and worked for what I have.It is the attitude that I have some obligation to give to others, deserving or not, even by government force if necessary that is wrong. I feel sorry for those deluded fools that think the government is the means to level the playing field.There are those who have done better than I and those who have done worse. Some find things in their life more important than wealth, for others that is the yardstick of success.If you had and have a happy life the way things are for you then, in my opinion you won, rich or poor. I also think that envying what others have and trying to get the government to take what you, and you alone, think is “fair” from them is far more evil than building your own fortune.I pity you for envying what others have and wanting to take it from them as some sort of punishment for their success and happiness.

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    l-empress68  about 10 years ago

    If you’ve lived long enough, you know that all programs got off to a rocky start. They all survived. I would rather have Medicare, still imperfect, than have to survive with no insurance at all.

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    stevenjohns  about 10 years ago

    The Amish are also exempt.

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  8. Barnette
    Enoki  about 10 years ago

    Then Nantucket you should be advocating for getting government out of the way rather than more government..The number one driving force between the massive increase in the cost of education has been government. Loans and other government subsidy drove up tuition costs and in turn have made education unaffordable… Unless you want a massive debt that never goes away…..Jobs may or may not be stable. Short of government subsidizing losing industries the job market is in flux most of the time. The best guard against losing your job is having a good range of skills that you can use to gain and keep employment..Community and family are better than a faceless bureaucracy in supporting someone needing it..Government is not the fountain of wealth creation. It is a taker. Obama had it wrong..Yes, there are greedy people. I know some myself and really don’t like them any more than you probably would. One guy I went to high school with now runs a company that makes drones. I wouldn’t work for him on a bet. I saw him kick partners and people that got him where he is to the curb more than once.I also don’t want the government taking huge chunks of my earnings in a vain attempt at wealth redistribution. It never works and history proves it. Let me decide how and when to help others.The most vile thing there is is Big Government.

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