Lola by Todd Clark for February 23, 2014

  1. Eyeballs
    P-B  over 10 years ago

    Why anyone would buy in an HOA is beyond me. Some time, I just might want to paint my shutters orange, and I don’t want anyone to try and stop me.

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    jeanie5448  over 10 years ago

    my daughter has a house in a HOA and I know they have to have just about everything pre approved. When they built their house they had to redesign the front of the house because the HOA said it didn’t have enough brick…….bull!

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    djsabc  over 10 years ago

    Actually, HOA’s are pretty great if you want to sell your house. It actually keeps people from doing things that might lower property values like painting their shutters orange.

    They are also great for keeping out overly conservative people who don’t really care about property values because they plan to stay at the same house forever.

    Right next to our neighborhood is one that doesn’t have an HOA and you should see how bad it looks. If you look it up on-line our houses have about a 15% higher value.

    Do they sometimes go to far? Yes. But overall is it worth it? Yes.

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  4. Lounge a bof
    sbchamp  over 10 years ago

    “Compliance!”Max approves

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    Comic Minister Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Great glasses knock off!

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    cbrsarah  over 10 years ago

    It’s a snow fort for cryin’ out loud. It isn’t even going to be there when spring arrives you HOA dolt.

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  7. Eyeballs
    P-B  over 10 years ago

    Busybodies come in all political stripes. One side won’t stay out of your wallet, the other won’t stay out of your bedroom. HOA’s are the worst of both.

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    chief  over 10 years ago

    HOA’s have to much power and should be outlawed.

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    water_moon  over 10 years ago

    We had a good HOA, if you wanted to change your fence ( we had shared fences) or your house color or roof you had to get it approved. That took a week and I only heard of one person complaining because she didn’t know what color the painter was using (WTF?!) You couldn’t leave your garbage cans out all the time, or park RVs/boats on the street for more than 2 days (the local law was 25 hours, but the police never enforced that.).But meanwhile they fixed the sidewalks. They organized a petition to get the roads resurfaced. People weren’t allowed to let their dogs run loose and poop all over other people’s yards or bark like mad. And when the water co wanted to make all 145 houses pay plumbers to put in special water pressure regulators that were not code when our homes were built but are now so they could raise the pressure for the new subdivision going in next to us, the HOA made the water company put ONE regulator in at the front of our neighborhood, saving each homeowner about $1200 out of pocket and required to be done in 30 days.

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