Jen Sorensen for December 31, 2013

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    ConserveGov  over 10 years ago

    Somebody has to offer solutions to Barry’s horrible economy the past 5 years.

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    lopaka  over 10 years ago

    conservegov- you first….

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  3. Barnette
    Enoki  over 10 years ago

    When unemployment “insurance” stops being covered by employee and employer pay in and starts being covered by taxes it is no longer insurance. It is welfare by another name..After 26 weeks put the person on welfare and call it what it is. The Democrats don’t want to do that because their demands for endless welfare in the past have given welfare a horribly bad connotation. So, now they want to smear unemployment insurance by turning it into secret welfare like they did with the Earned Income Credit.

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    TCulberson  over 10 years ago

    wow! wonder what would happen if people had to actually save for an emergancy instead of depending on the Democrats to hand them things

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    woodwork  over 10 years ago

    ever heard of catostrophic events that wipe out a person’ssavings…like a major recession?

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  6. Lifi
    rossevrymn  over 10 years ago

    Joue de vivre, Jen

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  7. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 10 years ago

    HAHAHAHAHAHA! Man, your satire is really hilarious. Imagine anyone thinking anything you say is true!It IS satire, isn’t it…?

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  8. Bunnypancakehead
    DarkHorseSki  over 10 years ago

    The big problem with this comic strip is that statistics demonstrate that most people, who really want and need a job, actually do get a job when their unemployment expires. I have known LOTS of people who have deliberately milked their unemployment time as a sort of vacation/sabbatical. The problem is more an unwillingness on the part of the unemployed to try a different job, learn new skills, or be willing to take a significant pay cut. In my own life, I have taken significant pay cuts a few times and then continued to job hunt for a proper paying job but I know many who have been on the unemployment roles who can’t seem to make such a mental leap UNTIL they are forced to do so (by unemployment running out or other situations.)

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  9. Skipper
    3hourtour Premium Member over 10 years ago

    …The republicans have rigged…er…gerrrymandered congressional districts so that so that minority party districts are now thinly sliced into majority ones.This process only claims incumbents that dare to not be deemed republican enough.They eat their own,but there is no longer any chance for true personal thoughts or beliefs to enter into the system.The party is run by the few secret shadow puppets and political power is quitely leaving the people as their voice is gagged easily in this rigged system.One by one,this Smaug like dragon of political condensing will knock off democratic after democratic senate seat.Soon,in a Star Wars style takeover FOX News will announce that senators will no longer be elected by the people,than the house will be seated by the chosen few,and the majority of people will clamor for it…thus my over reaching troll like point…Rand Paul will seem like a true American libertarian and because of this,his political point of view will seem too liberal,and they will chop off his head…Happy New Year everyone…

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  10. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    Love hearing guys born with silver spoons relate to the common man.

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  11. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Yes that is what Jen is suggesting. (sarcasm intended)

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    albeort  over 10 years ago

    House dems. voted 163 t 32 to end unemployment benefits. In the senate 49 to 4. Fact!

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  13. Topzdrum 1w
    Hawthorne  over 10 years ago

    “And by definition, welfare programs are supported by extorting hard earned wages from the dwindling number of taxpaying folks and giving their money to those who refuse to work or to take responsibility for themselves.”

    Really ..?

    How would you employ those infants? Oh, wait – we have anti child labor laws. Well, what they hay, eh? Need to reduce the population somehow, just let them die.

    What about your old granny, immobilized in a wheelchair, incontinent … skilled, yes … would you hire her ..?

    How about those vets returned from foreign wars ..? Oh … yeah, they’ve already been thrown under the bus. No need to support them – or their families.

    I’ll tell you what ‘extortion’ is. Extortion is forcing people to buy an industrial product they can’t afford by law – say, ‘health insurance’ – which then declines to meet the obligation of their policy. The result of this is paying money to ‘insure’ you may be treated, not being treated by the policy you are forced by government law to purchase … so now you have no hope whatever of purchasing that medication your doctors agree that you need. Multiple doctors, yes.

    That is extortion .

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    Jib76  over 10 years ago

    Rand Paul is named for Russian fascist Ayn Rand who wrote the convoluted and illogical “Atlas Shrugged.” I tried to analyze it for a college ethics class and found all of its ethics circular and impenetrable – just like Senator Rand Paul’s statements.

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    artistdavid  over 10 years ago

    People choose the easiest way! If you get paid for months of inactivity, why work.I felt sorry for a guy with sign at the stop sign.I gave him some money. Next time by there, the same guy was getting some other suckers money. I realized he was making more per hour than I was as a skilled shipyard worker!

    The local news radio had a reporter who detected a person who dressed fine until he left to beg at his favorite spot. He had a costume which he wore to the spot where the suckers stopped and shelled out their hard earned money. Deserving poor get their Welfare honestly!

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    artistdavid  over 10 years ago

    I didn’t care for his Dad, but I’ll vote for Rand given to opportunity!

    Lib hatred of the worthy is ubiquitous! They hate Sarah Palin and love such as Millionaire Nancy who flyes home on Gov Jets.

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