Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for October 11, 2013

  1. My boys
    woodworker318  over 10 years ago

    Good morning Vagabonds.Cool weather continuing but sunny.Am going to bed now as I have to get up early for my annual eye doctor appointment and field vision test.Everyone have a good day.

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  2. 705px china xinjiang.svg
    arye uygur  over 10 years ago

    @Woodworker: Good luck with your eye exam.

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  3. 705px china xinjiang.svg
    arye uygur  over 10 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds. Yesterday was the 3rd day in a row filled with tension. The 1st day I went to 3 supermarkets in a row to do heavy shopping.

    The 2nd day I was over 4 or 5 hours at the clinic getting a lot of things done, including post-cold asthma.Yesterday my house guest left for Azerbaijan. He was expecting a package but had to leave before it reached my home. He said he would send me instructions as to how to mail it to him. This would involve over $50 postage with no guarantee it would reach Baku.

    About 2 hours after he went to the airport (by subway and air train). The huge package arrived! I phoned his cellphone. He had already reached JFK and asked me to take the package to him.

    I carried the package downstairs to my subway station and saw that 3 downtown trains weren’t stopping at my station. I ran up the stairs and down the stairs to the uptown side. The uptown train stopped but was so crowded I could barely fit it with the package. I took it the next station and saw the downtown trains were stopping there. It took 10 minutes to follow the crowd to the downtown side. The downtown train ran express, not stopping at my station and not stopping until it reached 145th St. I wondered whether I would get to the airport on time and my cellphone couldn’t work below ground.

    Finally I reached 53rd st. and I took the E train but had to get off to take an E train that would reach the air train.Once on the air-train I was able to phone my friend who told me to get off at terminal 8. He was there waiting. He quickly opened the large box to reveal a smaller box, reimbursing me for the train fare and ran to the security section. I reached home at 8:30 PM, had a snack and slept for a few hours, waking up to translate a composition from Spanish to English for a Yucatecan facebook friend.

    Today I plan to stay at home and TAKE IT EASY.

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  4. Rick
    davidf42  over 10 years ago

    Morning, Vagabonds.

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  5. Rick
    davidf42  over 10 years ago

    We just heard from our German friends. They made it home OK.

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  6. Silverknights
    JanLC  over 10 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds.

    Arye, it sounds like you have had quite a week. You deserve a down day for sure!

    We’re having a radiant barrier and new insulation installed in the attic today. It should improve our electrical consumption in the summer by about 20%. During inspection, we found out that we have almost no insulation in some places in our attic. When the weather hits 115, the heat in the attic gets up over 160 and radiates down into the house. No wonder the AC runs practically all the time! The barrier should prevent the attic temp from getting quite so high, and the insulation will prevent what heat there is from radiating through the ceiling.

    The rain has stopped here, but the aftereffect was that our internet service was down all day yesterday. Since we were both working from home yesterday, we both missed a day’s work.

    Poker class was different. We learned pot-limit Omaha which is the most complicated to learn. Not because the cards are played differently, but because you have to keep mental track of exactly how much money is in the pot because that’s the limit of how much can be bet. And the pot includes what is out on the table in the current round of betting. Whew! I survived it! (Actually, being a bookkeeper, my arithmetic skills are pretty good, so I didn’t do too badly.)

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  7. 350px gold star service banner.svg
    Dkram  over 10 years ago

    Good morning Vagabonds..Well you had quite a three days there Arye, time to start cutting Zs..Jan, you use insulation differently then we do. You keep the heat out, we keep the heat in. :-).Well, have fun..\\//_

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  8. 150606 petunias 003
    MontanaLady  over 10 years ago

    Good Morning, Vagabonds,

    Just getting caught up with all your escapades! First, Jan, your wine making sounds like lots of fun. I’ll bet it tastes real fine too. Good for you in fixing your insulation. Like Mark says………we insulate to keep the heat in………unfortunately, when this house was built 15 years ago, the summer heat wasn’t an issue, and this year those 21 days above 90 degrees made any north west facing rooms super hot.

    Good luck, Woodworker, on your eye exam. Let us know how you did.

    Arye, I’m just exhausted reading about your airport adventure! Take care, my Friend!

    As for us two today…………….we’re still tending the greenhouse. I’m letting those tomatoes ripen on the vine rather than in brown bags. The skins are getting tougher, but the tomato itself is still very sweet. And, since the bulk will be skinned before freezing, ……….. no problem.

    Mark…………….what is your sign-off today mean? \V/_ ???

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  9. My boys
    woodworker318  over 10 years ago

    Hello again.Just got back from the eye doctor a short while ago and everything is excellent. My field vision test and my eye pressure are great. Told me to come back in a year for another checkup. PTL

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  10. Phpppb2xt c1pm
    SWEETBILL  over 10 years ago


    @WW- Love it when they say, come back in a year :-)

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