Jeff Stahler for July 27, 2013

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    ConserveGov  almost 11 years ago

    At least he learned how to read a teleprompter.

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    frodo1008  almost 11 years ago

    And while I am certain that President Obama is not fully satisfied with his own pols at this time, those of the Republican House of Representatives are the worst since such political pols began!!

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    dairyman23  almost 11 years ago

    He’s trying to do what the majority that elected him wanted him to do. The minority party is blocking him every chance they get.

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  4. Qwerty01s
    cjr53  almost 11 years ago

    What round ones? You mean like tax cuts for the wealthy, more cash incentives to the big oil companies, dismantling unions, shipping jobs overseas, and big bonuses for the top corporate brass?

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    ConserveGov  almost 11 years ago

    Ok. I’m positive that if it wasn’t for the Republican House, O would’ve tripled the debt by now.

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  6. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  almost 11 years ago

    Both parties have a platform that they believe addresses the needs of the constituents they serve. Both parties have representatives whose deeds do not fulfill those platforms. Both parties have representatives who will take moderate platform positions and take them to extremes. Both parties have determined that “it’s good to be the king”, and have put a higher priority on gaining and maintaining power than to do what’s best for the country. The only difference, at this time, is which group of watchers will have control over the watched.

    Their best hope is that we are too busy pointing fingers, calling names, laying blame, and broadly mischaracterizing the other side’s motives and/or methods that we won’t see what they’re doing to us. And if we do, we’ll be too busy squabbling to do anything about it.

    Judging from what I see here daily, it’s working.

    We have three choices:1 Write to the people who claim to represent us. Tell them how they are failing the people, and tell them you expect better. Most will not care; they have staffers who will distill your detailed explanation as to what you really want to “NSA spying: 27 votes for, 28 votes against” for example. My experience has certainly been that way. You can tell when your response says: “Always good to hear from my constituents. Thanks for your input.” that they have no interest in YOUR interests.

    2. Do your homework. Determine whether your representative is part of the problem or part of the solution, and vote accordingly. Advocate for the candidate of your choice. Work to make the system work the way it was designed to. Don’t be afraid to vote for an unknown from another party if the known entity has failed you; how can it be any worse? And the only way that Congress will notice we’re unhappy with them is to kick their members out. Notice how little they care that poll after poll gives them less than 20% approval rating…..

    3. Argue, point fingers, place blame, and get angry that nothing changes.

    I recommend option 1. First off, their response will tell you a lot about whether there’s any hope for them. Second, you can feel better voting against them if you have given them a chance to represent your feelings and they have failed to do so. Then I recommend option 2.

    Option three gets us nowhere except to provide some amusement on pages like these.

    If they don’t do their jobs, it’s our job to make them “former members of congress”. We know they are failing. We cannot afford to do the same. Future generations depend on us.

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  7. Qwerty01s
    cjr53  almost 11 years ago

    Well, there you have it. Those are not pluses for the middle-class. They are pluses for the top 2%, and they are not creating jobs in America. They are hoarding money overseas.

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