Prickly City by Scott Stantis for August 04, 2013

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    Darsan54 Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    As well they should!! We pay them to look into the legitimacy of those tax-free non-profits !!

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Imagine, not only did they look into liberal political groups attempting to apply for non-profit status, but they also looked into conservative groups doing the same thing. Don’t they know it’s okay for conservatives to cheat the system? Our entire economy is based on conservatives cheating the system!

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    KPOM  almost 11 years ago

    The blasé attitude of “progressive liberals” about the IRS snooping is very telling. I guess progressivism is simply support for an intrusive government who snoops on their cirizens like big brother. First of all, 501c(4) status doesn’t give organizations special tax breaks. All it means is that groups of individuals can pool their money and act as an organization and not pay a second level of taxation as they would in a for-profit corporation. Just as you aren’t taxed twice if you spend your own money for a social cause you shouldn’t be taxed again simply because you and your neighbors form an organization to coordinate your efforts. Second, liberal groups were not targeted. That’s just a myth put forth by Democrats in Congress trying to make this scandal to away. Whether its an over zealous IRS or political interference, we need to find out and root out the problem. Just because it wasn’t your groups targeted this time doesn’t mean it won’t be the next time.

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    Mneedle  almost 11 years ago

    Yes, and it is conservatives who believe in smaller government and LESS TAXES.

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    jbmlaw01  almost 11 years ago

    The Obama political appointees at IRS crossed the line. I favor the Fair Tax, which would eliminate the need for an IRS.

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    Comic Minister Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Carmen got blasted!

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    PastStepOne  almost 11 years ago

    You seem to be very confused… “If I have to pay taxes then the tea nuts should have to pay taxes” Individually, they do, same as you. But the tax code is set up so that Political, religious and charitable (I’m sure there are others too) organizations can be exempt from taxes. How is asking for that exemption, when they clearly qualify, somehow working the system? By the way… the so called “loopholes” in the tax code are there for a reason. They are there because the government wants people to put their money in those places, that’s why they give the tax break if you do.“If I applied for non profit They would question me” Sure you would be asked some questions, but if you started a legitimate non-profit it should be granted in a timely manner, and without asking very personal, non-relevant questions. But it shouldn’t take 4 years and counting, like it did in some cases. (Also, don’t believe the line about liberal groups being scrutinized too, it’s pure propaganda, the liberals have looked for the evidence, and found only a few very bad examples, while there are hundreds of conservative group examples.) The IRS also shouldn’t be asking questions about donors, when they know very well they aren’t supposed to ask those questions, and have no business with that information. They also shouldn’t use that information to start auditing donors if one of the applicants didn’t know better and actually sent in that information.Then after that you start complaining that you don’t have any money because you are over-taxed. Gee, maybe you should look into the Tea Party, since that’s what they believe too. You may find you agree with them more than you disagree. Don’t just believe all the media and Democrat Party propaganda about the Tea Party. (Sadly, there is plenty coming from the Republicans too.) It always amazes me when people believe the people that have everything to gain by convincing them, and ignore the ones trying to give honest advice. Always ask: What does this guy have to gain if I believe him?

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    Badfisherman  almost 11 years ago


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