Ted Rall for June 03, 2013

  1. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  almost 11 years ago

    There are opportunity costs and I guess there’s merit in opportunity savings, too.

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  2. 8863814b f9b6 46ec 9f21 294d3e529c09
    mattro65  almost 11 years ago

    I don’t like how Apple indirectly exploits workers or how they legally avoid (I’d be surprised if they didn’t-put me in their shoes and I would too) paying their fair share, but I’d roast in Las Vegas for another 8 years before I’d give up my new iMac and start using (shudder-puke) PCs. I’m stuck because I don’t have the capabilities of building my own.

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    rini1946  almost 11 years ago

    the question is how much did they pay in taxes. second how much did the payroll they have in the U.S. pay in taxes. also how much did the people who own stock in apple pay when they got dividends. I’s sorry but quit trying to increase taxes and chase companies out to the U.S. and the jobs. Because china is buying smithville meats how much money do we get in taxes from china and that is just the tip of the iceberg Risk of being chicken little unless we make it more profitable for companies to manufacture in the U. S we will be little china

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    jdcorley  almost 11 years ago

    You play the game using the rules the league sets. I don’t hear too many people bitching about the home mortgage deduction, the standard deduction, EITC, etc. These are all legal deductions, or LOOPHOLES if you chose to use that term. To use the laws to your advantage is what

    When we eliminate the tax code in it’s entirety and replace it with a flat sales tax that everybody will pay, then we will all pay our fair share.

    And, BTW, corporations do not pay taxes, they merely collect it from their customers and pass it on to the governments.

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    echoraven  almost 11 years ago

    Got a chuckle out of this one. A chuckle out of a political cartoon, pat yourself on the back Ted.

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    jdcorley  almost 11 years ago

    Frakkin enter button!!

    To use the laws to your advantage is what everybody does. Right or wrong, the law allows it. Multiple tax jurisdictions with wildly varying rates encourages global companies to report their earnings in the lowest cost jurisdiction.

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    truthsayer  almost 11 years ago

    Rall ceased to be funny many years ago (if indeed he ever was); he’s nothing more than a far left ranter.

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    truthsayer  almost 11 years ago

    I assume your joking? Nine dollars apiece to provide healthcare? You must be talking about the future of Obamacare.

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  9. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Apple exploits the tax code. No surprise, so does every big corporation. Well, we certainly can’t have the IRS intruding into the private sector.Meanwhile, the Obama Administration is negotiating the “Trans-Pacific Partnership” in complete secrecy. Congress hasn’t seen it & will be submitted for "fast track " approval. The only ones in the loop are the big corporations that will probably certainly get huge benefits out of the deal. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dave-johnson/upcoming-trans-pacific-pa_b_3276855.htmlhttp://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/03/opinion/obamas-covert-trade-deal.html?nl=todaysheadlines&emc=edit_th_20130603http://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs/economic-intelligence/2013/04/19/trans-pacific-partnership-strikes-a-blow-against-growth-and-sustainable-developmentThanks to the left wing media for covering this story. Meanwhile conservatives still think Banghazi is a real scandal.

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  10. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 11 years ago

    CONGRESS wrote in all those loopholes, and typically hidden as amendments or riders on “must pass” bills, often NOT related to spending or budget bills. Over 90% of “tax codes” are exemptions, not taxes, and yes, they should be dropped from the code, greatly simplifying things. (and putting a lot of lawyers and accountants out of work!)

    I’m still trying to wrap my head around “Michael’s” “atheist Muslim terrorists”, when ever sectarian rant (from any religious group persecuting others actually) is “God is great!”

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  11. Androidify 1453615949677
    Jason Allen  almost 11 years ago

    “A good reason to abolish the IRS and the current tax system.”Except those same politicians would have a hand in whatever system would replace the IRS and the current tax system. Do you have any faith that either side wouldn’t make sure new loop holes were written? I don’t.

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  12. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    “Or that money could provide healthcare for a million people.”#Great idea. But what about the tens of millions more who can’t afford healh insurance? Shall we “milk” the rich to insure them as well?

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