Henry Payne for January 26, 2013

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    ConserveGov  over 11 years ago

    I’m guessing that you’re being serious?

    Did you not hear the White House, Susan Rice, Hillary and Barrack himself on Letterman all claim this was a spontaneous protest over a YouTube film that got out of control?

    We now know they were completely lying to the American people to avoid showing how horrible his Mid East policy has been. They knew it was a terrorist attack within hours.

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    Tue Elung-Jensen  over 11 years ago

    Its funny how this is the bit people go on about when a certain question was far more note worthy.

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member over 11 years ago

    A lie: Departing from the Fox News script.

    Consequence: Being featured in a hack cartoon.

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    JHAppel  over 11 years ago

    ConserveGov – Have you ever heard of Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction that forced us into an unpaid-for and destructive war? Where was your outrage then?

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    PlainBill  over 11 years ago

    Oh, my the rattling of the dittoheads (none of whom seem to be competent to put on their socks without supervision). What has the party of Nay so upset is this is the closest Obama has come to Shrub’s screw ups. And they don’t even compare!! Shrub had repeated assertions that the Niger Letter was a fraud – and he still used it. Obama, Clinton, and Rice had a preliminary CIA report, stated that it was a preliminary report, and are accused of lying by fools who can’t get their shoes on the right feet!

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    jerry6665  over 11 years ago

    uh, i’m not sure where you were when the war actually started but our representative inspector as part of the inspection team in iraq stated that he did NOT see weaponry of “mass destruction”. he wanted to continue looking and asked bush/cheney for more time. he was THERE in IRAQ with a team!!!!

    hello! so not letting inspectors in is crap. bush wouldn’t give him more time and the inspector quit in protest when he was ordered back to the u.s. because bush was preparing for war. get off of faux slanted history and read the actual history.

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  7. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  over 11 years ago

    It is incredible how those living in RightLaLaLand can somehow equate culpability of four Americans killed in the most dangerous place on earth in the second 9/11 to 3000+ killed on American soil with prior warning in the first 9/11.

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    rockngolfer  over 11 years ago

    If you have 8 minutes here is an exchange between McCain and Hillary Clinton in which I think she comes out better.http://www.upworthy.com/watch-hillary-clinton-turns-the-tables-on-john-mccains-benghazi-grandstanding

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    Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Now can we have a cartoon about Dubya and Darth Cheney “testifying” about WMDs in Iraq?

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    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    Scott Ritter (weapons inspector) and William Rivers Pitt wrote the book on the WMDs being long gone in Iraq, published the book in the fall of 2002, while “W” and Cheney were beating the war drums, and putting out false information, that Colin Powell later apologized for lying to the UN to provide “ammunition”. That appearance was Powell’s self-described, “worst moment”.

    When a U.S “mission”, NOT an “embassy”, is located in a foreign country, AGAINST the recommendation of the folks only nominally in charge of the government, during what is an ongoing civil war, still, and the ambassador makes the decision to take risks, KNOWING that there are indeed “hostiles” in the neighborhood, but trusts his former alliances with the population will keep him safe, there is “blame” to be shared, even by those who died. The attack happened in Benghazi, the Libyans said, “Stay in Tripoli, where we CAN protect you”.

    Yes, some bad decisions were made, but it doesn’t matter if there were 400 B-52’s in the area at the time, the U.S. didn’t have authority to launch a military offensive, especially as we’d been warned by that “government” of the hazardous nature of OUR decision. And yes, Hillary probably did “sign off” on the ambassadors decision to go ahead, because HE probably assure his boss that things would be dangerous, but “okay”.

    Those are some of the issues, and question potential the Repubtards like Rancid Paul could have addressed, but didn’t. BTW, is Rancid going to pay for the NRA proposal to put armed guards in every kindergarten classroom in America, to keep our kids “safe”? (Also btw, many schools have had armed “resource officers” in the schools for decades, it didn’t stop the attack at Columbine (one of the two security officers was shot at on the parking lot before the pair entered the building to do their killing, and were NOT stopped by armed security).

    Payne has proven he’s a leader in that “Party of stupid”, Bobby Jindal referenced.

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    Stray  over 11 years ago

    The sarin gas that Saddam had has a shelf life of six months (after which it breaks down into an inert sludge). Iraq ceased production of sarin gas after the first Gulf War. Ergo, all he had was a rather nasty looking sludge. You wouldn’t want to drink it, but it hardly qualified as a weapon any more.

    Enriching uranium requires a lot of hydroelectric power. Bagdad had regular blackouts/brownouts. The nuclear program was ended after the first Gulf war. Ergo no nukes (which, by the way is the ONLY type of weapon that should be classified as “mass destruction”.

    Now either the Bush White House was incompetent in not knowing this or they lied. Pick one.

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    joe vignone  over 11 years ago

    What the f#*k? Is the government supposed to keep the American people appraised of ongoing situations and thereby our enemies, also? Besides, what could the public accomplish by knowing the truth? Anybody ever hear of clandestine operations?

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  13. Cat7
    rockngolfer  over 11 years ago

    She is wearing the glasses to correct double vision caused by the blood clot.Some of that 4 months she was in the hospital or recovering from the fall you people said she faked.

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    Marty Z  over 11 years ago

    gngodsil said (with a straight face): “…you idiot you! Saddam Husein duped us into that one …”*You must have a different dictionary than I do. Saddam said he didn’t have WMDs. Our inspectors said they couldn’t find WMDs.*Please explain your definition of “duped” for the rest of us.

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  15. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  over 11 years ago

    Balderdash!.“……..They said they could not find evidence that Saddam did not have wmd……”.So what? More importantly they had no evidence there were WMD. Hans Blix the U.N. representative looking for WMD reported no weapons were found and the threat of WMD being exaggerated. Blix and his team left Iraq and the search when the U.S. invasion became imminent.

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    Marty Z  over 11 years ago

    ansonia said, “They said they could not find evidence that Saddam did not have wmd.”*True. So are you saying that not finding evidence to the contrary IS SUFFICIENT REASON to invade a country?*Doesn’t’ that set the bar rather low?

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    chazandru  over 11 years ago

    The goal of R’s questioning Ms. Clinton was to provide film for ads that will be run should Ms. Clinton run for the presidency. The goal of the D’s was the same with a side of, as Jon Stewart put it, kissing her bottom. I watched the senate grill her and was satisfied with her answers and am wondering why the 1.4 billion dollars already allocated to be given for the security of other bases, including 13 she said are at risk, is not being paid.If a republican had been president when Benghazi was attacked, I believe we would have seen nearly the exact same assumptions, mistakes, and failures. The questioners who called this the worst attack on the US since 2001 are guilty of hyperbole at best. The results of 9/11/2001 is two wars, trillions of dollars wasted, and thousands of Americans dead. The results of 9/11/2012 is 4 dead and a warning that 1.4 billion dollars is needed to protect hundreds of other American diplomats, their staffs, and families. Ambassador Stevens knew the risks and did NOT have to be at that location. He did alert superiors the station was at risk, just as 13 other stations are at risk now. Several of those superiors have been removed from their positions and are facing further actions. However, Ambassador Stevens did NOT have to stay in Benghazi. He could have withdrawn to Tripoli or even France and CHOSE to be where he was. This politicizing of his death while failing to use dollars already allocated to prevent other diplomats from dying dishonors his service and his sacrifice. Mr. Payne and others are entitled to their opinions formed after the fact. The state dept, the military, and the CIA had to act in real time and in the fog that existed at that specific moment. I have no reason to question Ms. Clinton’s answers and every reason to doubt the objectivity of her questioners, from both parties.Respectfully,C.

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  18. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  over 11 years ago


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    lonecat  over 11 years ago

    ansonia said, " At the time Bush made the decision to go into Iraq, the UN supported the action." I’d be interested to see your source for this statement. Can you please provide this for us?

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    ransomdstone  over 11 years ago

    Poor Pain, he never gets it right, but he’s always far right.

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    OmqR-IV.0  over 11 years ago


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    lamberts93  over 11 years ago

    We had numerous and reliable intelligence reports at the time saying there were no WMDs in Iraq. They either weren’t given to the President or he chose to ignore them. Either way, the Bush Administration started that war for other reasons. We should have had the troops that were sent to Iraq push through Afghanistan to get Bin Laden years before it actually happened. Then we would have been out of the area for a while now.

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