Steve Breen for January 07, 2013

  1. All seeing eye
    Chillbilly  over 11 years ago

    The only miserable people I see are hate-filled right-wing extremists.

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  2. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  over 11 years ago

    Blaming Obama for the trillions in debt might be a great way to deflect blame, but completely inaccurate..About 70% of government expenditures are mandatory, programmed spending and interest on debt. These are expenses as a result of government programs passed by a series of previous Congresses. The other approximately 30% spending is discretionary, of which the military is by far the biggest item. And we all know who is the biggest offender of instigating military spending, don’t we?.Obama is also responsible for part of the debt – mainly the part to rescue the country from financial ruin in 2009. But for Obama not to run up the debt for committed expenditures would be tantamount to defying the Constitution. And we wouldn’t want that, would we?.The egregious legacy of passing massive debt to next generations is criminal. The current generation has to stop living the fantacy that stuff can be obtained for nothing and take responsibility for raising revenue and living within means.

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  3. 6907
    dpbriley  over 11 years ago

    One of the most interesting things this past weekend was watching all of the buyers remorse on Twitter. Quite a few people who voted for Obama are regretting their decision after their first paycheck of the year.It sure sucks when reality slaps in you the face as those who tried to tell you before hand stand by and say, “I told you so.”lol

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    dpbriley  over 11 years ago

    Oh, and for all of you on the left that complain about “corporate welfare” and how the republicans are to blame, let’s look at just one example of your collective ignorance on this one.The Walt Disney company will receive a substantial tax credit this year, and not just at the federal level. Disney received $718 million in tax credits in 2011, $183 million of that in federal tax credits. That’s some serious corporate welfare and something that I would be all up in arms about too.But who enables this to happen, who champions this type of “corporate welfare” and is the voice of Disney? Why none other then Richard Bates, Disney’s chief lobbyist in Washington DC and former executive director of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.Kinda beats up on your collective meme about those evil republicans and their lobbyists.It’s just so funny when you guys spout your talking points without reading, investigating and take the like of media matters and the dailykos as the gospel truth.

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  5. Missing large
    ARodney  over 11 years ago

    The debt is largely due to the recession. Get out of the recession (pass Obama’s jobs bill) and we get back to everyone paying taxes, 40% of the deficit will be gone. But if we make the huge mistake of Republican/Greek style austerity, we’ll be stuck in recession for the foreseeable future, begging rich people to create jobs already.

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  6. Sunset on fire
    Fuzzy Thinker Premium Member over 11 years ago

    “…If the government confiscated the ENTIRE adjusted gross income of ALL Americans earning more than $66,193 per year (100% tax), PLUS ALL of the corporate taxable income…” NOPE. There are some IRS (dot) Gov comparisons that you are not aware of: In 2009 the distributions of LLC and Partnerships was $10 Trillion. They go to the individual to bypass the Corporate Tax Rate. If you taxed them at 20% there would be a net increase in Revenues of at least $1 Trillion per year. Also, 17 million Individual/Joint Returns paid Zero Taxes where AGI was over $100K. If they paid their fair share, that would net another $500 Billion each year..But, I favor getting spending under control (which Obama sees as killing the Economy) and take care of these Loopholes for paying down the National Debt.

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    RONALD REAGAN ran this country to over $1 Trillion in debt for the first time, then quadrupled that debt. Republicans blaming the debt on Democrats alone, let alone the idiocy of blaming Obama, are like the “Family Circus” blame taker, “who me”?

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  8. 100 8161
    chazandru  over 11 years ago

    Debt is abstract. People are real. I don’t believe in money, I do believe in Children. Corporations and Government create “debt” through myriad means. People do what they’ve always done and get whatever they can how they can. We tend to be hoarders and self indulgent, especially in the US where everything comes so easy to too many of us.But when the storms come, the power goes out, and trucks can’t get to us, it is people who take care of children and other people.The debt is not as important as our people. It is my own opinion that if you don’t believe that statement, you have not faced true hardship, nor have any you truly love.Politicians can destroy us through inaction, but if we believe in one another, we can overcome anything.Respectfully,C.

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  9. Qwerty01s
    cjr53  over 11 years ago

    cj, ossi, gypsy—have fun paying your new taxes as the narcissist cannot negotiate spending cuts. Once he continues to destroy America, he will rebuild it into the government ruling everything in your life—just how he wants it."

    Ya know howwie, how President Obama wants it is so much closer to how I want it, and how the majority of American voters want it. So, that is music to my ears :-)

    It was shrubster & cheney and potentially romoney that had the plans to destroy America. Shrubster & cheney did a great deal of damage, but failed in the long run, the voters woke up, became suspicious and cautious.

    Obama won, get over it. It is what the majority of American voters want.

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  10. 200
    Michael Peterson Premium Member over 11 years ago

    It’s a book.It’s a play. Now, it’s a movie.

    There is no excuse for a relatively literate person not to realize that Les Miz is, in fact, an attack on stingy *****s who would let children live in poverty, illness and hunger.

    To use it as a reason for cutting “entitlements” is not just heartless but incredibly ignorant.

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  11. 300px little nemo 1906 02 11 last panel
    lonecat  over 11 years ago

    You say you’re debt free — what about your $52,000 share of the national debt? That’s what the discussion was about. Are you going to run out on that?

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  12. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    The “Family Circus” used to always blame “Who Me?”. The Republicans, after decades of wars and excess spending on “defense”, and tax breaks for corporations and the wealthiest Americans, are just a “circle jerk”.

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