Michael Ramirez for December 27, 2012

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    PlainBill  over 11 years ago

    You left out a few, Mike.

    No training on proper use of a gun.Unrestricted access to guns.No restrictions on where a gun can be carried.High capacity magazines.Intimidation of those who seek to reduce the availability of guns.

    All of these courtesy of the National Rifle Association

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    rfarris58  over 11 years ago

    The firearm itself, being an inanimate object, will do nothing by itself. The gun did not kill anyone. All of the problems shown here added up to an individual using the gun as a tool to punish others for thier problems. Acesss to guns, large cap magazines, etc etc are part of the problem, but they are not the only problem.

    To “PlainBill” – “No restrictions on where a gun can be carried” – Sandy Hook is a Gun-Free Zone – the shooter didn’t care.

    To “misterdantes” – “Do you realise that Dickens is part of the popular culture?” Yes, Dickens is part of the popular culture, but not nearly as much as “Grand Theft Auto” et al. To fully determine how popular something is in pop culture is, look at sales – who sells more these days, Great Literature or first person shooter Video games?

    Everyone wants to blame the NRA for all these problems. How rediculous is it to blame a national organization for the actions of an individual? Wayne LaPierrie (Head of the NRA) was not standing behind the idiot at Sandy Hook – he had not even known that twit existed before that day. Personally, when a idiot does something criminal, I blame that person, for they, not some outside organization, they are the one who did the deed.

    The discussion on gun rights will be long and tiring for everyone. Unless we can all agree, here at the start, to take rhetoric out of the discussion and focus on clear, logical thought, the discussion will become ugly and destructive to this country. Don’t keep yelling your opinion to the world, offer clear and helpful ideas and solutions.

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    Fourcrows  over 11 years ago

    I have seen Gamestops all over Europe, even at the Arctic Circle in Rovaniemi, Finland.My first time in Galway, Ireland, I watched Scarface at 9pm, uncensored, on the local television network.Every industrialized nation has the same, sometimes even less restrictive, access to our “violent” culture, but none of them have these massacres or shooting deaths on a regular basis like we do. For some reason, we have a culture of fear-mongering that makes people want more and more guns, meaning that there is even more likelihood of things like this happening. The insane thing is, whenever something terrible happens, gun sales skyrocket because people think that they will never be able to buy another gun. Yes, all those things listed in the toon contribute to shaping the minds of young people, but young people in every other country are also exposed to it. We just keep guns lying around because the NRA and right wing pundits keep telling us we should, andact shocked when a kid picks some up and kills with them. That is the part of our culture that needs to change – the idea that an armed society is a safe society. Empirical evidence would seem to prove otherwise. Allow everybody up to one rifle, one shotgun, and one handgun, no large capacity magazines or semi-automatic rifles, and there is less access to weaponry that can cause mass shootings.

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    Chillbilly  over 11 years ago

    But not guns. Another gem by Ramirez.

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    lonecat  over 11 years ago

    Well then, I guess maybe they should enforce the laws that are on the books. That would be a start, anyway.

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    Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member over 11 years ago

    “Pop culture”? You mean, like editorial cartoons that go for easy answers and platitudes instead of real solutions, like gun control?

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    Marty Z  over 11 years ago

    Ramirez left out a few big ones:


    I’d put them ahead of “unearned fame” and “pop culture”.

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    zekedog55  over 11 years ago

    Good one on Harley! Thanks for the giggle…

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    parrotthead1957  over 11 years ago

    PlainBill introduces a few errors in his comment Michael Ramirez..

    Q1.“No training on proper use of a gun.” A1. Some states require (Fla.) where training is required for a CCL. Training is a personable responsibiltyQ2. “Unrestricted access to guns.” A2 There is an armful of restriction against certain people owing “guns”. No nut jobs, no felons, waiting periods, background checks. etc., etc. Have you ever been through the process to own a weapon? I think not. Not easy, not quick.Q3: “No restrictions on where a gun can be carried.” A3. False. My CCL states that it would be a crime for me to carry at any “public gathering.” That’s just about everywhere. Of course, if I wasn’t a law-abiding citizen, I wouldn’t care aboutn “gun free zones” and the like.Q4: “High capacity magazines.” A4. Most people don’t realize that many weapons will overheat and jam when show too much and too fast. That’s what happened in Aurora, Co. My WWII .303 British Enfield carries a 10 round magazine (plus one in the chamber), and it could be classified as an “Assult Rifle.” Q5: “Intimidation of those who seek to reduce the availability of guns.” The intimidation is from YOU trying restrict MY freedom to protect myself. I lived in LA (South Bridge) when MLK got assassinated in 1968. Riots in the streets, and the police pulled back to their stations for their own protection. We had to turn out our lights and hide because we had no self-protection.

    The NRA is no more responsible for Aurora and Newtown than the AAA is responsible for a 15-car pile up on the Interstate. Molon Labe!

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    I Play One On TV  over 11 years ago

    How does this reconcile with the NRA’s screaming, “Obama’s going to take away your guns!” in 2008? Or, “Obama is just waiting until his second term to take away all your guns”? So, you’re wrong, the NRA is wrong, or you’re both wrong.

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    Nicollette Daniel Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Easy access to guns…

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    Fuzzy Thinker Premium Member over 11 years ago

    So, when is society going to get back to basics: Make sure our children value human life.Focus, people. Parents are failing.

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    Mickey 13  over 11 years ago

    Compared to many of the cartoons being done at this time, I think this one stands head and shoulders above many in not just making a point but doing it creatively.

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    Fourcrows  over 11 years ago

    How appropriate I logged on in the bathroom and saw your post pop up. Your short answer has nothing to do with my ramble. To make it relevant, take those four other countries, tally up ALL the random shootings they’ve had like that (since WWII), add them up, combine all four countries, and you get a number LOWER than ours. It’s not about who got the best score in an individual incidence, it’s about the frequency in which it occurs. We have a problem in this country. Ramirez points out several factors which contribute to the problem, yes. But the issue is the countries that have stricter gun laws, limits, ammunition rationing, etc. have a much lower rate of incidence than we do. If extant culture were solely to blame, than countries with similar gun::people ratios (Canada and Switzerland) should have a similar rate. They don’t. One major difference is we confuse the “right to bear arms” with the right to own wherever weapon in whatever quantity we choose. We ignore the “well regulated” part.

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    alex Coke Premium Member over 11 years ago

    How about the 7 deadly sins?

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    rini1946  over 11 years ago

    I agree you hit most of it on the head

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    ninety_nine_percent  over 11 years ago

    Thank you Michael, something we can all agree on.

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