Tom Toles for December 03, 2012

  1. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Still wondering when Republicans will propose specific spending cuts.-I guess there’s no rush, though.-Rush, the one with a capital, thinks Republicans ought to force going over the fiscal cliff. I wonder if his followers agree. He did give advice during the elections that was unparalled.

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    Doughfoot  over 11 years ago

    The GOP is outraged because Obama won’t do their work for them. They are outraged because he offers them fewer concessions than he did BEFORE he won a second term. How dare he not be a patsy!! How dare he begin negotiations from a posture of strength! The GOP approved the deal that created the “fiscal cliff.” Fine. Here’s how we work this: we go over the cliff. Taxes go up, spending goes down. It would be like hitting a reset button. Then the two parties would go about raising spending, but not to the former levels, and cutting taxes, but not to the former levels. The GOP would then claim that the Democrats were wholly responsible for all new non-defense spending, and claim credit for all new tax cuts, even though the net results of the whole procedure would be higher taxes, and lower spending. The Democrats could likewise deny responsibility for the outcomes that displease their base. The whole thing would be deeply dishonest, but that’s politics these days. In the 18th century they had an interesting way to get a decision from a jury: lock the twelve of them up without food or drink until they came to a unanimous decision. Let’s take six from each party and lock them in a room until they cut a deal. I’d let them have food and water and necessary medicine, but nobody gets out of the room or goes into it until they have a unanimous plan. If they haven’t done it in a week, then you can cut off their food supply, two days later you stop allowing them water. Who knows? Might work.

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  3. Klinger1
    walruscarver2000  over 11 years ago

    The first entitlement reform: Eliminate the filibuster forever!

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  4. All seeing eye
    Chillbilly  over 11 years ago

    The republicans are essentially demanding that the president give them another hostage. Fool him twice, he won’t get fooled again.

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  5. 100 8161
    chazandru  over 11 years ago

    Mr. Toles has very correctly made the man in the chair representative of both parties. Just as Romney was surprised by the President he encountered in the second debate, Boehnor is surprised at the President with whom he is negotiating this time. Boehnor was filmed leaning against the back of the elevators with a smile and a sigh after his negotiations in 2010, and said he was happy, he had gotten 95% of what he wanted. Doughfoot, braindead, and others have said the rest of what I might have added and my compliments to all the thoughtful comments I’ve read today in all of the Dec 3 toons. Respectfully,& Happy Holidayze,C.

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  6. Beegee square
    rwgate  over 11 years ago

    When you are in the middle of a recession, when homes are being foreclosed at record rates, when people don’t know if their job will be there tomorrow, or if their pay and hours will be cut, or their jobs shipped overseas, then they tend not to spend money. Higher unemployment means less coming in by way of taxes (both federally and in the states). At the same time the population continues to grow at an ever increasing rate. The only entity big enough to help is the government, and until people can get back to work, the government will continue to run deficits. That’s as it should be. There is time enough to cut back when we reduce unemployment, keep jobs in America, when we have something to work with. Asking the US to stay within a budget is like asking New Jersey to pay for all the Hurricane Sandy damage by itself, and still balance it’s budget.

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    ARodney  over 11 years ago

    Howie, repeating that lie doesn’t make it true. It really undermines your already laughable arguments when you come up with these hysterically inaccurate anecdotes from Fox News commentators. So, what do the GOP want to cut? Anyone have a guess? They sure aren’t going to say it out loud.

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    Marty Z  over 11 years ago

    The staunch conservatives in this forum seem to remember a GOP that never was, or at least hasn’t been since Eisenhower. When Reagan came into office, the debt was $1 trillion, and when he left, it was $2.6 trillion – IN 1989 DOLLARS. That’s over $4 trillion today. And we’re still paying interest on it. W Bush added another $5+ trillion, but that wasn’t the only damage. He left us in a hole that is difficult (expensive) to dig out of. And NOW the righties complain that we are spending too much? Where were they since 1980????

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  9. Sunset on fire
    Fuzzy Thinker Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Toles has a good TOON.

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    dannysixpack  over 11 years ago

    the democrats are idiots. they should have talking points like the republicans and use them. the republican talking point that works here is “SPECIAL INTERESTS”. let us examine.The republicans say they are protecting the 1%, as if we want to kill them or eat them. all we want is for the subsequent tax brackets to pay the SAME tax as the lowest tax bracket. In english, you don’t pay less tax as you make more definition, if you’re giving the %1 special treatment, then you are cow-towing to the special interests.Why do the repulicans want to give special treatment to the special interests?

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    edward thomas Premium Member over 11 years ago

    So the Republicans came out with their “plan” today. No tax increases on the wealthy, but “reform” SS, medicare and Medicaid, and generate other revenue from STILL unspecified tax loopholes. Since the wealthy don’t need the three programs, guess whose loopholes will get closed? Not theirs!

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