Henry Payne for October 24, 2012

  1. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  over 11 years ago

    Radish did a better job of finding Iran than Romney did.

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  2. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  over 11 years ago

    If you are referring to George HW Bush, the 41st President of the United States, he is still alive.If you are not referring to him, then I apologize and ignore my comment.

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    Romney DOES make me think of “butter bar” “90 day wonders” and other terrible officers who got their enlisted men (and women) killed, because they were arrogant idiots. Which, anyone who’s really been in the military knows, it’s actually the senior NCO’s that make things “run”. (or yes, not, as “brown nosing” can see promotion in the enlisted ranks as well.)

    Obama is much more in touch with how our military actually works, and has done more for veterans than Bush(s) ever did as well, but it has been Republicans by far, who’ve cut funding INCREASES needed by VA to serve that expanding base of folks in need.

    Several commentators on the debates noted that while Obama did mention our troops and veterans, repeatedly, at no time did Mitt. I noted that as well. He who would “lead” us into wars, like Iraq (our ACTUAL longest war), Afghanistan, and with drumbeats for Iran, should be rational, reserved, knowledgable, and NOT led by a foreign state to defend THEIR adventurism in their region.

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  4. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Funny cartoon! As if the ChickenHawk or any of his family would actually serve in the military.-The collective courage of Willard’s clan wouldn’t fill the scabbard he’s wearing.-And, Payne has awarded him some medals. Or were those stolen from his horse?

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