Clay Jones for September 11, 2023

  1. Screenshot 2024 06 07 at 3.05.00 am
    Fern   9 months ago

    Yep, never forget Operation Timber Sycamore

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  2. Th marvin da martian
    Flashaaway  9 months ago

    Still no war crimes trials for Bush, Cheney et al? Hypocrites.

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  3. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member 9 months ago

    The January 6, 2001 attempted overthrow of the United States Capitol was just a continuation of conservative religious terrorists attacking the United States, trying to finish the job that was begun on September 11, 2001, only this time an inside job by DOMESTIC terrorists.

    September 11 was a three-pronged attack against American life:

    Our Economy: Two aircraft struck the World Trade Center in an attack against a potent symbol of our economy, but the Twin Towers represented only a tiny fraction of our whole economy.

    Our Military: A third plane hit the Pentagon — an attack on our military, but it is heavily, heavily fortified and, in any case, like our economy, is widely dispersed at bases around the nation and the world.

    Our Federal Government: The Fourth Plane — the one that heroic passengers brought down at Shanksville, Pennsylvania — was aimed by conservative religious terrorists at the United States Capitol building. Both houses of congress were in session that fall Tuesday.

    The U.S. Capitol, with both houses of congress in session, was a heavily-concentrated center of government, with the Supreme Court building less than 300 feet away and the White House just a couple of miles down Pennsylvania Avenue. As on September 11, on January 6, both houses of congress were in session, trying to conduct a constitutionally-mandated pro-forma official counting and certification of the Electoral College results. It was not merely an attack on our Federal Government, but on the very process of our democratic elections and peaceful transfer of power.

    As January 6 demonstrated, the Capitol building, open to the public and NOT heavily fortified, was a very vulnerable target. This was their “Reichstag moment,” but unlike Hitler in 1933, they failed. Or maybe it is more like their Munich beer putsch moment, when their first attempt failed, but later came back ten years later to succeed.

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  4. Green 5 point celtic knot 300
    Erse IS better  9 months ago

    That last dude’s hat ought to be red and have ‘MAGA’ on it. But here’s a difficult truth: Some people know that the truth is complex and it bothers them to deal with over-simplifications. And folks such as that “Murica” guy, know that “nuance” or “complexity” is just another way to spell “lying”. And they hate people who insist on lying at them (“to” isn’t a good word because it implies a certain amount of connection).

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  5. Screenshot 2024 06 07 at 3.05.00 am
    Fern   9 months ago

    Dems want you to forget the autonomous zone setup in Seattle, the 100+ day siege of a federal courthouse in Portland, the WWII monument defaced by the left, the $2B in arson damages, the siege in DC, well pretty much everything that they did in 2020.

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  6. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 9 months ago

    Clay, I will take issue with one thing in the cartoon:

    The 9/11 attack did not LEAD to any of those things.


    Republicans used the attack as a pretext to implement and execute ALL of those things you identified. The invasion of Iraq especially, was a TOTAL LIE from the beginning and Republicans KNEW it was a LIE from the beginning.

    Even NOW, most of them still claim that invasion was totally justified. They also have NO knowledge whatsoever about the agreement Bush signed that mandated the withdrawal.


    And, of course, they still believe that Clinton’s affair was WAY worse.

    And Obama was born in Kenya.


    And, again, there is NO ‘issue’ that Republicans do not weaponize and LIE about.

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  7. Logo
    TwilightFaze  9 months ago

    1,000% agree with you, Clay. The reasons we went to war were right, but definitely wrong too. We still got a lot of making up to do, but, if nothing else, at least we got the scumbag.

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  8. Funny monkey face
    baldyzuzu Premium Member 9 months ago

    How many died by the towers attack and how many died from countries invading Iraq. There was so much BS concerning both tragedies. The first was not accepting that the Saudis were the instigators and the other was done by Bush. We learned nothing from Vietnam.

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  9. Direwolf 1
    Direwolf  9 months ago

    I’m surprised the christian right winger terrorists that support trump don’t celebrate 9/11 along with their taliban brothers.

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  10. D2368647 e8f6 4012 b9e8 ca2bb82f553b
    DC Swamp  9 months ago

    60 Minutes aired a moving program last night regarding the incredible bravery of the FDNY on 9/11. It lasted the entire hour and was so inspiring, unlike the nasty, divisive comments displayed here.

    I will never forget that day, particularly people making the decision to die by jumping versus burning, and also the immense bravery of the firefighters and police officers, many who gave their lives to help others.

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  11. Bbb
    NeoconMan  9 months ago

    Hey, you Americans voted for this and a country always gets the government it deserves. In 2000, you had the choice of a highly intelligent, highly educated man, very experienced in government as a senator and a vice president, a precient man who foretold and led the way for the Senate’s funding of the internet, a man who saw global warming years before anyone else did, someone who would have continued Clinton’s sucessful economic policies, and yet you elected a doofus frat boy baseball manager and got all the results Clay listed. So own it.

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  12. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member 9 months ago

    When we were attacked on 9/11 there was only one way that they could really win, and that was if their attack changed who we were.

    And it did. The attack fundamentally changed our nation, our way of life, our fundamental character.

    It didn’t have to. We could have, we should have made other decisions. We had difficult choices to make, and we failed. Repeatedly.

    Not only did THEY win 9/11, we pretty much let them win without a struggle.

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    MC3D  9 months ago

    Weird that we are reminded to never forget what was a horrific event, but only killed about 3,000 people, and yet so many are willing to forget the way that event was manipulated into promoting the deaths of far more people including more than twice as many US soldiers.

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  14. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member 9 months ago

    It led to 2 unnecessary wars with concomitant regional instabilities as well as uncounted numbers dying, both soldiers and everyday folk.

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  15. Pilgrim
    Newenglandah  9 months ago

    Something that is never mentioned: the Bush family made much of their vast fortune through an alliance with a family in Saudi Arabia, a family by the name of Bin Laden.

    I have to wonder if somewhere in the Bush mansions, buried under some chest of old paraphernalia, there is an old photo of little Georgie W playing with little Osama.

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    artegal  9 months ago

    Of all days to spew partisan garbage, can we not give it a rest on this anniversary?

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  17. Can flag
    Alberta Oil Premium Member 9 months ago

    Revenge… came with many unintended consequences for which Americans still pay, 22 years later.

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    Ontman  9 months ago

    The genius of Mr. Jones comes through.

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    thelordthygod666  9 months ago
    Espionage Act of 1917 – resulting in the arrest of Charles Lindbergh’s father – and thousands of others – for saying that Act violated the 1st amendment. Executive Order 9066 -resulting in the internment of over 100,000 American citizens because their ancestry was one of the countries the U.S. was at war with. The Patriot Act – doing away with the 5th amendment.
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  20. Photo 1501706362039 c06b2d715385
    Zebrastripes  9 months ago

    How can anyone turn a deaf ear or a blind eye to the damage being done to AMERICA! ???

    Thank you, Clay, for acknowledging 9-11. ❤️

    I’m shocked more aren’t recognizing this awful day in their strips today! Very sad! ☹️☹️

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  21. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  9 months ago

    GW Bush started a war in Iraq and a war in Afghanistan after Saudi Arabia attacked the USA.

    Saudi Arabia is decreasing oil production to raise USA gas prices to hurt Biden and help Trump.

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    Foxcarver Premium Member 9 months ago

    Then there was ‘the shoe bomber’ and we all had to take off our shoes in the airport. This was followed by ‘the underwear bomber’ (I am not making this up – Google it) but we never had to take off our underwear in the airport.

    Yes, yes, scanners, I know…beside the point.

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  23. Direwolf 1
    Direwolf  9 months ago

    The thing I remember most about that day was a firefighter. A report found him, covered in dirt and ash, clearly exhausted, head hanging down. The reporter went up to him and asked “What’s it like in there?” The firefighter replied with a single word, “Hell.” After pausing the reporter asked him “Are you ready to go back in?” Looking up the firefighter shook his head and said “No.”…then he got up and went back in.

    To this day when I think about true courage that firefighter is the image that comes to my mind.

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    smartgrr  9 months ago

    Kudos for not just stopping at Never forget

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    lsnrchrd.1 Premium Member 9 months ago

    Everything which is noted in panels 4 through 9 (ISIS existed before 9-11, but it has been enhanced by 4-9) already has rebounded negatively against the US, and will continue to negatively impact the US (particularly in foreign policy-relations) — possibly to far greater degree — for the rest of this century and beyond.

    No previous world empire has ever endured. All have grown, peaked, and then either steadily receded or been outright destroyed.

    Best case, the US is never more or less instantly destroyed, but instead experiences the “luxury” (in the historical sense) of gradual waning of influence but remaining an independent and functioning entity.

    Worst case: once the “waning” period is underway, and planetary military capacity steadily decreases, people with long memories seek revenge for Gitmo, enhanced interrogation, indefinite detention, Islamophobia, a 20 year war in a country wrongfully invaded (and a less lengthy but enormously destructive war in a second country wrongfully invaded), and ISIS.

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    ShadowMaster  9 months ago

    Very good points today, sir.

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  27. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  9 months ago

    Not to mention closing of public bathrooms.

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  28. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  9 months ago

    ‘They lack humanity’: Jon Stewart and 9/11 first responders excoriate GOP senators who blocked renewal of funding for 9/11 victims

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    AtomicForce91 Premium Member 9 months ago

    Or that it was brought about by the military industrial complex.

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    Treedodger  9 months ago

    G.W," It’s a tragedy that we can take advantage of."

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