Old 2c 20young 20days 21   2

bruno640320 Free

Retired from railcar mfg. company, doin' my-best to enjoy the remaining-time "On MY-Watch", now...! (USMC, '69 May-to-'71 March)

Recent Comments

  1. 8 days ago on Luann

    Maybe a Registered Nurse Practitioner, at first? Indeed, EMT-is not for the weak of stomach, ranks right up there with a Navy-Corpsman’s-duty, keeping us Marines of our pasts humbled more than once, LOL!

  2. 22 days ago on Pluggers

    Never knew that! That would-explain a lot of the issue, indeed!

    But, I do know for a fact: My-right eardrum is perforated, and the eustachian-tube occasionally does drain “ear-spit” outta that ear—-but very seldom causes inflammation issues, and I can still hear when it opens again.

    But kinda like a cracked-speaker cone, so, yeah somethin’ a fella-just gotta live with since MY-body style & brand is discontinued, no replacement parts unless y’ make your own, lol!!!

  3. 24 days ago on Pluggers

    Didn’t he have a dog named Sea-Biscuit, on the original-boxes, as well?

  4. 25 days ago on Bloom County

    “…but (I’m) you’re younger than that, now…” ☺!

  5. 26 days ago on Pluggers

    Agree, but it’s too-late for me, I reckon. I decided to try the foam-plugs this year, but ironically the tinnitus was deafening to the point of vertigo with them in! Made it even more-dangerous for me physically to try & operate the tractor in tight-spots, so for my own-sake, out they came! Once I settled in again, I was fine when I now could hear the (engine) governor open under-load.

    But, since I can still hear myself swear out loud when I romp into a hidden-chuckhole? I reckon it’s better than the alternative…???

  6. about 1 month ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Yeah, kinda like a tough, old sardine flavor, just a bit after rigor-mortis. I guess the tomato-paste “seasoning” was supposed to enhance the…flavor? Just had a small-tin that my Dad dared me to eat. I wasn’t man-’nuff at the time, I stopped at two-tentacles, those suckers were literally too-much for me to swallow, even with closed-eyes… :)

  7. about 1 month ago on Pluggers

    Yeah, since they, too tended to run-away for no real reason at all, lol!

  8. about 1 month ago on Pluggers

    Bet now you’ll stop sleeping-“commando”, eh? But then again with me? I mean, even A.I. needs more human-like attitudes… ?) /s

  9. about 1 month ago on Pluggers

    Lost about 50% of my-right side hearing from an M-60 “pig”. Cigarette filters weren’t the best, and even then were only used IF you had enough warning beforehand. Learned how to lip-read pretty good, really useful when someone whispers something they don’t, or rather didn’t, want you to hear, lol!

  10. about 1 month ago on Bloom County

    I remember Steve Martin’s-version, same as Carlin’s, except Steve went forward a bit-differently, with: " Why, no! You mind if I f*rt? It’s one of my-habits. Oh, I tried to stop once, gained a LOT-of weight though, so I continued to do so, and felt much better as a result."

    Close-’nuff of a quote, for purpose-of-intent, lol!