Clay Jones for May 25, 2012

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    joe vignone  about 12 years ago

    90% of Wall St. money goes to Republicants. This ‘toon is BS. Besides since the conservative court said money is free speech the Dems have no choice but to solicit funds. Just look what’s happening in Mass. Elizabeth Warren is being out spent by 10 to 1 and it’s Wall St. money. In Wisconsin, Scott Walker is spending 10 times what the recall effort is spending to get him out. Most of it from outside the state donors, i.e. billionaires.

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  2. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Are there any Republicans on this board that believe that increasing concentration of wealth is a problem?

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    disgustedtaxpayer  about 12 years ago

    Obama attacks capitalists (successful ones) in public and behind scenes takes huge donations from them. -Obama attacks investments made with PRIVATE MONEY while his record is “investing” billions of taxpayer money into failing and bankruptcy “green” companies…..who in turn donate millions to Obama and the Democrats… is time for the House to investigate Obama’s crony capitalism Robin Hood policies, IMO.

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  4. Tmsho icon60
    josefw  about 12 years ago

    Oh, NO! Was Indieme speaking an untruth???

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    oneoldhat  about 12 years ago

    the person who was head of bain when gst steel was forced into bankruptcy held a fund raiser for bho

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