Tom Toles for August 03, 2009

  1. Missing large
    CuckooBird  almost 15 years ago

    love tom toles

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  2. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  almost 15 years ago

    Bush put us there, and Bush will…oh, wait, Bush never finished it. He just diverted our forces to a completely unnecessary quagmire in Iraq, whose primary result was to give Al Qaeda an unimagined increase in recruiting.

    Oh, I’m sorry, Righties…you now consider it politically incorrect to mention anything Bush did, right?

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  3. Qwerty01s
    cjr53  almost 15 years ago

    I have to agree with Anthony 2816.

    Bush messed up America to make himself and several other “friends” richer, and the rest of us poorer.

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    ezdeb  almost 15 years ago

    That’s “preznit” Bush, people. Remember how he whined that Saddam “is the guy who tried to kill my dad”, as a last ditch effort to make the American people feel OK about dying in Iraq? Pathetic.

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  5. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    Sorry, that’s Governor Bush. At best ‘Acting President Bush’. Don’t forget, since the 2000 and 2004 elections were both tainted he was never Constitutionally elected to office.

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  6. Img 0002
    ezdeb  almost 15 years ago

    Snark alert: True, Dypak. But he was borned in Texas, which is a real state, not that “exotic”, frightening Hawaii. So no matter how freaky that whole Florida/Supreme Court thing went down in 2000,, GWB is white and talks about stuff we like, such as missions accomplished and bring it on and reminds us that we don’t take shit(e) from anyone, so whatever he did illegally or anti-American constitution, it’s OK. But now we have a half-dark person, and the right is just flummoxed. Change is bad and scary and not to be discussed! End snark.

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  7. Missing large
    kjhesser  almost 15 years ago

    I do not believe Obama was born in Hawaii, I believe his grandmother who says she was at his birth in Kenya. It sounds like you all are such Bush obsessed that you can not think beyond your hatred for him. Why hasn’t Obama pulled us out of both quagmires anyway? He is a shill of the Democrat machine and will just mire us in more needless laws and restrictions. It’s time for a 3rd party libertarian candidate to come in, liberate us from all the useless and debilitating laws and regulations that control our spending and tax us all to death. Our founding fathers wanted us free from foreign entanglements and we are mired in them, supporting despotic countries in the hopes of good will while they laugh at us. Anyway there are many very legitimate websites exposing Obomas foreign birth, OPEN YOUR EYES! “According to Obama’s Kenyan (paternal) grandmother, as well as his half-brother and half-sister, Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya, not in Hawaii as the Democratic candidate for president claims. His grandmother bragged that her grandson is about to be President of the United States and is so proud because she was present DURING HIS BIRTH IN KENYA, in the delivery room. -This, according to several news sites and Pennsylvania attorney Philip J. Berg (see video below) who is, surprisingly, a life long democrat himself. Berg is the former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania, and he has an impressive background in his activities as a democrat, but his support for the party seemingly stops when it comes to his trust in Barack Hussein Obama.”

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  8. 009 8a
    MaryWorth Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    ^ They why were there a birth announcement for Obama in a Hawaiian newspaper in 1962? I guess someone had a time machine and went back to “rewrite” history…

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  9. 009 8a
    MaryWorth Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    ezdeb said “But he was borned in Texas, which is a real state”

    No, Bush was born in New Haven, Ct.

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  10. Img 0002
    ezdeb  almost 15 years ago

    Dale, don’t blow my preznit myth. : 0

    I love this: jkessler: “He is a shill of the Democrat machine and will just mire us in more needless laws and restrictions.”

    Those pesky laws and restrictions are what brought Wall Street down, huh?

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  11. Img 0002
    ezdeb  almost 15 years ago

    By the way, Happy Birthday tomorrow, President Obama!

    Personally, I think it’s just wrong to have a president younger than I am. This has never happened before and I’m wondering what the…when the heck did this happen??

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  12. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  almost 15 years ago

    Oh cool! Another birther to amuse me!

    kjhesser, No matter where Obama was born, his mother was American, therefore he is automatically American, too. Or have I got this wrong?

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  13. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 15 years ago

    Neither Bush nor Cheney were born in Texas, but Cheney had to give up his “homestead” status to run with “W”. Bush joined the Texas National Guard, and ran to Alabama to evade his “warrior” opportunity.

    The rock is “W”s ignorance, the hard place is Cheney’s arrogance and contempt for the law and Constitution.

    Bush actually promised during his campaign he would keep us safe and OUT of wars.

    It isn’t “bashing” to point out their administration was as on target as Cheney’s hunting accuracy. As the little corner guy points out, they couldn’t have hit bin Laden, the “real bad guy”, if he was chained inside a barrel and they had a shotgun. The key was using accurate intelligence, and from the word “go” the last thing Bush was able to apply was any interpretation of “intelligence”.

    The “birthers” are all anencephalics, so no “treatment” will save them.

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  14. John adams1
    Motivemagus  almost 15 years ago

    omQ R - you have it right. Regardless of whatever the birthers think, Obama is an American, because his mother is an American. And I’ve heard the “grandmother” story - it’s been debunked. She screwed up. There’s plenty of evidence for him being born – with documentation – in Hawaii, and none for him outside the US. Oh, there’s a fake Kenyan birth certificate that just turned up, but it is hilariously bad. It has him born in Mombasa (a more Muslim town, see?), but has the wrong age for his father, the wrong name of the country (“The Republic of Kenya” was still “The Dominion of Kenya” at that point) the wrong place for the birth – the Obamas live a thousand miles away – and overlooks the VERY obvious fact that Mombasa wasn’t part of Kenya at that point!! No doubt Phil Berg will pick it up anyway. And yeah, he says he’s a Democrat. One more lie on the pile.

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  15. 009 8a
    MaryWorth Premium Member almost 15 years ago


    President Bush was born July 6, 1946, in New Haven, Connecticut, to Barbara and George H.W. Bush – later the 41st President of the United States. In 1948, the family moved to Texas, where President Bush grew up in Midland and Houston

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  16. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  almost 15 years ago

    Dtroutma, if you haven’t already seen the pre-president Bush’s opinions on nation building, you’ll probably enjoy (or get nauseous over) this:

    Bush on Nation Building before Election:

    I’m worried about an opponent [Gore] who uses nation building and the military in the same sentence.

    I don’t think our troops ought to be used for what’s called nation building.

    … a nation-building corps from America. Absolutely not. Our military is meant to fight.

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  17. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    It’s kinda late, no one will see this, but I’ll post anyways. Don’t forget Big John McCain, born near Panama City, Panama. Good thing Daddy was white and in the US Navy. Otherwise John might have had the same problems Obama had. But we’re not a rascist nation, not at all.

    My big question for the birthers is who set up this supposed whole plan to get this little Kenyan kid into the US. Was the plan all along to get him elected President and then steal the country? If that is true we may as well give up now. If the Muslim Extremists are so good that they can pull some hocus pocus like this off they’re some pretty clever guys, more clever than we are, thats for sure.

    If the birthers are right we’re way out of our league. Good thing it’s all nonsense.

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  18. Chongyang 重阳
    mhenriday  almost 15 years ago

    The United States has the option to withdraw its military from the rock and the hard place, thus saving the taxpayers of that country millions of millions of dollars (the downside, of course, is that a sector of those who run the country wouldn’t make quite as much profits, and thus less would be left to «trickle down» to lobbyists and the politicians they buy and sell). This option, however, is not open to the people that call the rock and the hard place home….


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  19. Christmas 2007 at jessica s 089
    secondson  almost 15 years ago

    The birth certificate controversy is superfluous. B.H.O. is President. To continue the debate over this is wasteful and detrimental to our nation.

    That we are fighting against Islamic extremism in their backyard is the reason we are not fighting them in our backyard. Lest we forget that jihad - or holy war - was declared on us. Oh, thats right, we should run away from the threat and apologize. Maybe that will make them love us. NOT.

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  20. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  almost 15 years ago

    Kitt, the mother’s citizenship might not be enough. Remember, it’s not that he’s a “citizen”, but that he’s a “natural born citizen”, a term yet to be defined.

    I’m a citizen, but I was born in Canada.

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  21. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  almost 15 years ago

    Agreed, Kitt. If their goal was only to remove Obama from office, they’d have given up last year when his birth certificate was put online.

    But obviously they’ve been told to keep pushing on, no matter what contrary evidence is placed in their path.

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  22. Missing large
    kjhesser  almost 15 years ago

    Anthony2816, As I understand the requirement of “natural born citizen” you must be born on property held by the USA. If you are born in a Military hospital in a foreign country or a territory under US government you are considered a natural born citizen. If you are born in a foreign country by a US mother you are not considered a naturral born citizen. I do not think someone with dual citizenship should be our president either. So I’m concerned with reports that Obama is reported to be a dual citizen of Indonesia. Why doesn’t Obama have the long form of his certificate made public? If I could stop so much controversy by doing such a simple thing I certainly would do it, anyone would. I have a hard time believing that a hard core democrat state would not try to do a cover up for “their guy” Believe me, I am not a “conspiracy junkie” but I have read a lot about our history and there have been many in our history. As far as more laws to regulate our markets, why do you blame the downturn to less laws, that is a presumption made by those who want more regulation. Anyway we have tripled our personal portfolio in the last 3 months so not all is bad with the market, but it wasn’t produced by additional regulation. I do believe Obama will go down as one of the most ineffective presidents in our history along side of Carter, no matter where he was born.

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  23. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  almost 15 years ago

    Our own interpretations of “natural born citizen” are kind of moot; it requires a Supreme Court interpretation, and that’s never happened.

    The Wikipedia entry gives many interesting cases, along with an informative discussion:

    You might want to review your positions based on this.

    Regarding “dual citizenship”, the U.S. doesn’t recognize the concept. Myself, I was born in Canada, but am a naturalized U.S. citizen. According to U.S. law, I’m 100% American. According to Canadian law, I have dual citizenship, and can return there as a full citizen at any time.

    Regarding Obama’s birth certificate, his birth certificate was produced online during the campaign…and promptly declared a forgery by the “birthers”. Since then, the Republican official in charge of Hawaii birth certificates confirmed that he has seen it, and validated it as correct. If that isn’t enough, then there’s nothing Obama could do at this time to satisfy the birthers.

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    pilotx  almost 15 years ago

    According to many economists such as Dr. Jack Strauss of Saint Louis University the lack of regulation was the prime cause of our current economic crisis. “Government is critical for establishing honest, transparent markets, enforcing contracts, providing free flow of information and protecting private property”. Just as we saw in the S&L crisis caused by deregulation in 1982 this one was also caused by a reduction in oversight and regulation. Who else will keep business in check?

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  25. Missing large
    pilotx  almost 15 years ago

    According to many economists such as Dr. Jack Strauss of Saint Louis University the lack of regulation was the prime cause of our current economic crisis. “Government is critical for establishing honest, transparent markets, enforcing contracts, providing free flow of information and protecting private property”. Just as we saw in the S&L crisis caused by deregulation in 1982 this one was also caused by a reduction in oversight and regulation. Who else will keep business in check?

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  26. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  almost 15 years ago

    Thanks, Senor, that’s very interesting…and very different from what I learned when I became a US citizen. I wonder if the policy has changed since then?

    Or maybe my memory is of this part, which seems to contradict the rest of the page:

    The opening lines of the Oath of Allegiance are meant to give the United States exclusive sovereignty over the newly naturalized citizen. In other words, you are a citizen of one and only one country, the United States of America. The idea is that as soon as you take the Oath of Allegiance and become an American, you are giving up your citizenship of your native country.

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