Gary Markstein for December 28, 2023

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    aristoclesplato9  5 months ago

    Most mass shootings occur in the urban environment where crime rates have gone through the roof. But the only shootings that get massive press are the ones involving white criminals.

    So in the minds of many, this is a white supremacist type of issue and that does nothing to address t he real issues. Just one of them.

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    ferddo  5 months ago

    Don’t forget, it’s never the right time to discuss gun control laws or reforms. Can’t do it right after a mass shooting – everybody’s too emotional. No use doing it after the shooting is no longer front page news, because nobody’s thinking about it.

    But do send more donations to the NRA, so LaPierre and his buds get their piggybank refilled…

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    Scoutmaster77  5 months ago

    Most mass shooters are legal gun owners until they kill a group of innocents (you know, kids and/or families), then their not.

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    Eiri Amach  5 months ago

    It’s only Dec 28th. It might still be a bit early to take down the 2023 count sheet…

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  5. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  5 months ago

    Republicans refuse to do anything, stop voting for people who support mass murder.

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    redderek Premium Member 5 months ago

    A mass shooting averages 1 person shot per minute. Pretty easy when police response is more than 15 minutes. Stopping good people from protecting themselves is not the method. Need to start enforcing the current laws and make those current laws actually hurt the criminals.

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    cherns Premium Member 5 months ago
    I agree with the ironic message of the ‘toon, but has Markstein never tallied counts? Although I don’t suppose that it’s a universal rule, “Tally marks are typically clustered in groups of five for legibility. The cluster size 5 has the advantages of (a) easy conversion into decimal for higher arithmetic operations and (b) avoiding error, as humans can far more easily correctly identify a cluster of 5 than one of 10.” —Wikipedia article on Tally_marks . Typically, a tallyer makes four upright strokes and one diagonal one.

    I remember once, long ago, working as a poll watcher in a Canadian election (on paper). The poll officer was pulling ballots one by one and calling out the candidate, as we around the table were tallying the counts. Every once in a while we would pause and compare numbers. This was done fairly quickly, except for one watcher who hadn’t heard of the five-stroke group—she was actually making single strokes, and then counting them one by one. Someone showed her the common way of doing it, and the comparisons went better after that.

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    cdward  5 months ago

    On January 4 we hit the 7th mass shooting for the year.

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