Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for May 30, 2023

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    Dkram  about 1 year ago

    Hi Vagabonds

    A nice fair morning with temps in the low 50s. The forecast: Sunny and 80 degrees. Nice, and simple. (^.^)

    Good weather for a run to South Burlington for my sister’s bone shot (don’t ask me to spell that word) the brittle bone thing. We’ll be home early afternoon.

    Andy will have to get his own beer this morning and we’ll get the mail when we get home.

    Great day to yah Vagabonds and may God bless.


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  2. Silverknights
    JanLC  about 1 year ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds.

    Off to prayer group this morning, followed by taking Mike’s roommate to pick up his car finally. It’s been almost a week and $4000 to get it repaired. Then I’ll take the recycling over to the university. Since we’ve been storing it out of sight in the shed on the patio, it’s been a month since the last time. I’m hoping there’s enough room in the back of my car. LOL

    My prediction of the temp was right on the nose yesterday: 96 on a forecast of 92. Today’s forecast is for 90, so 94 probably.

    Everyone have a blessed day.

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    chris.smith618  about 1 year ago

    Good afternoon Vagabonds.

    We had a quiet Memorial Day with just the two of us. As it was national bratwurst day, we did brats and potato salad for the picnic feel. The family will not be over until tomorrow and I will be grilling hamburgers then. Mark, I know how you feel. Two weeks ago I put chicken quarters on the grill and ten minutes later I ran out of gas. Like you, I finished them off in the oven. I have been slow this year about getting my outdoor cooking summer ready. The grill is going, but my flattop still needs it’s spring cleaning.

    This year’s National Memorial Day Concert on PBS was very good and emotional. I hope you all took some time Sunday evening to watch. Sorry I am mentioning this after the fact, I was a bit under the weather this weekend.

    Our temperatures have been pleasant, mid to upper 50’s overnight and high 70’s to low 80’s during the day. Currently it is 84.

    May you all enjoy a blessed day.

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    MontanaLady  about 1 year ago

    howdy vagabonds,

    i takes so long to type any more! the chaplain over at the hospital will be stopping by later this week. i am anxious to meet her!


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