Mike Luckovich for October 20, 2022

  1. Gt r at vmi jdp
    salakfarm Premium Member over 1 year ago

    So don’t vote for fascism. Inflation and gas price rises are mostly due to corporate greed. It’s not Biden’s fault.

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  2. Green 5 point celtic knot 300
    Erse IS better  over 1 year ago

    You can quite reasonably have several needs… but you only get to vote for ONE candidate per office. Totally unfair. Still, it is the way it (sometimes) works. You do need to choose wisely. Whackos who believe that the 2022 election was stolen are NOT a good choice. Neither are folks who think that women (and other non-white or non-male people) aren’t really… quite… fully human.

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  3. Missing large
    brwydave Premium Member over 1 year ago

    I need low fuel prices to keep my truck on the road proudly flying my Trump Flags.

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  4. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Murderous Saudi butchers who oppress women and support Republicans who want to create an alt-“Christian” Christofascist Caliphate of Y’all Qaeda of Gilead slashed oil production just in time to influence the election to hurt the Democrats who support personal freedom and help the Republicans who share their view that BIG INTRUSIVE GOVERNMENT should dictate control of women’s most private, personal decisions.

    Trump’s murderous puppet master Vladimir Putin, the one and only person Trump is terrified of criticizing, invades Ukraine, tries to wreak revenge on Zelensky for refusing to help Trump cheat in 2020, and helps drive up the price of gasoline.

    Actual oil prices have plummeted in world markets in the last few months, yet prices are being jacked up because the corporate masters who support Trump and Republicans want to reap unprecedented record profits. Time for the anti-trust lawyers at the Department of Justice to step in.

    Biden has taken unprecedented steps to rein in oil prices and costs of everything else, and under Biden, inflation in the United States has been kept FAR LOWER than most other countries. For comparison, check out the results of the Conservative government in the U.K.

    Republicans whine and cry about inflation (notwithstanding Biden’s record of success in keeping our inflation LOWER than other countries while also bringing unemployment to a fifty-year low), but Republicans have not actually offered a single serious proposal for actually lowering the prices of gas or anything else. In fact, the little they have proposed would — like the Conservative Party in the U.K., actually make things worse.

    The only weakness for Democrats is the failure to get this message across, but then again, we don’t own our own networks like Faux “News,” NoiseMax, OAN, Sinclair or others.

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  5. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Trump Disciples absolutely believe that gas prices are set by the ‘free market’ AND that Biden is responsible.

    AND, they have NO clue that patriotic multinational oil corporations are concentrated so that they can and do raise gas prices in order to manipulate the electorate.

    Trump Disciples are, of course, happy to be manipulated. And at the same time believe there is a free market.

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  6. Picture
    ibFrank  over 1 year ago

    Drilling in the US has got up 60% in the last year, it drop during the Trump’s administration.

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  7. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member over 1 year ago

    The world is struggling with inflation. We’re better off than most. In Japan, the yen is at its lowest point in 32 years against the dollar, having dropped to $1 = ¥150.

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  8. Animal bird feathers 158087
    jimchronister2016  over 1 year ago

    We hear the same thing every few years when Americans have too much Democracy and freedom of choice and Put th3 same idiots back in office who have said out loud WE WILL TAKE YOUR FREEDOMS AWAY, WE WILL END YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY RETIREMENT AND WE WILL DO THIS WITH GUNS, LIES AND JERRYMANDERING! THEY ARE NOT THE PARTY OF LINCOLN!

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  9. Myfreckledface
    VegaAlopex  over 1 year ago

    just another step in the corporate state to control the feeble minds to vote against their own interests…

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  10. A60d9b88 42df 4176 9e19 58ff3adf5129
    Cpeckbourlioux  over 1 year ago

    Go figure.

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  11. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Guess that gas guy will need to start collecting names off grave stones. A time honored GOP habit.

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  12. Direwolf 1
    Direwolf  over 1 year ago

    Oil prices going up is mainly fueled by fascist, oil producing countries driving up the cost and of course the oil companies seeing the opportunity to price gouge AND help their repug puppets take control of congress.

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  13. Missing large
    thetroms  over 1 year ago

    If you can afford the behemoth you can afford the gas!

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  14. Lifi
    rossevrymn  over 1 year ago


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  15. Joe the bugatti mulhouse clipped
    Call me Ishmael  over 1 year ago

    A nation of idiots, throwing away democracy as fast as we can. Here in Florida, our neo-Mussolini Governor is sending his election Polizei after the black and the poor. It’s a golden age.

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  16. 7bf81e16 8ef8 4134 8774 9ce680cc41b6
    The Nodding Head  over 1 year ago

    Yeah, but you’ll get war, persecutions, misogyny, and oligarchy for free!

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  17. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 1 year ago

    That is what will happen.

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  18. Wb
    mwksix  over 1 year ago

    But at least the trains run on time!

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  19. Dscn0307
    FrannieL Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Who cares about voting, civil rights, democracy, separation of church and state, privacy and bodily autonomy, or climate change as long as I can afford the gas to go to the store in my gas hawg and buy snacks to feed my heart disease, obesity and diabetes? /s

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  20. Missing large
    Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Nice. Very nice.

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  21. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 1 year ago

    Right-wing superhero movie ends ‘in disaster’ after $1 million in funders’ cash goes missing: report

    An attempt to make a Confederacy-promoting right-wing super hero movie has reportedly “ended in disaster” after $1 million in funders’ money has gone completely missing.

    The Daily Beast’s Will Sommer reports that the planned movie, called “Rebel’s Run,” was based on a comic book character created by far-right blogger Vox Day that features a hero named Rebel who is “sometimes depicted in a Confederate flag bustier” and who fights against “a global police force hunting down freethinking conservatives.”

    The film’s troubles started when Day, whose given name is Theodore Beale, decided to use a Utah-based firm called Ohana Capital Financial to hold the $1 million he’d raised in donations for the movie in escrow.

    Beale went with Ohana because it was a rare financial institution who would do business with him given his long history of unabashed racism and sexism.


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  22. Pat new 150
    Patjade  over 1 year ago

    You were expecting something else? The thing is, under fascism, you no longer have any say in the matter.

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  23. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  over 1 year ago

    Republican candidates these days seem to be some of the dumbest dumbazzes who ever dumbed their way around their azzes. And that leaves out the violent criminals (such as Herschel Walker) and the lunatics (such as Walker and far too many others to mention), and, of course, the traitors (also far too numerous to mention). And people who vote for those candidates are themselves either imbeciles, lunatics, fascists, or traitors. (If you’re a fascist you ARE a traitor, of course.)

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  24. Plsa button
    Richard S Russell Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Michael Moore’s Truth Tsunami #22 points out that …

    2. The truth today is that Corporate America has purposefully created this inflation “crisis” by taking advantage of the pandemic and the war as an excuse to raise prices on the average consumer. The result: Less money in the average person’s pocket — and record profits posted by numerous companies over the past two years. It’s been one of the biggest ruses in history. Republicans, having pledged their loyalty to make the 1% richer, are counting on us being too stupid to figure it out.

    3. How good has it been for the wealthy while a plague killed over one million of us? As my friend, Bernie Sanders, pointed out last week, it’s been really, really good:

     • The five big oil companies raised prices at gas pumps and that made them a whopping $59 billion in profits — that’s just during the 2nd quarter of this year!

     • Grocery prices were jacked up by over 33% last year and are expected to go up another 23% this year — making Big Food and Big Agra-billionaires a monstrous $382 billion richer during the pandemic, while the public was forced to feed their families less when they desperately needed to stay healthy in order to avoid the deadly virus.

     • In a year when Americans needed more health care than ever before, Big Pharma decided to make a killing by charging Americans the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs. Three of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the US — Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Abbott — made out like bandits, increasing their profits in just one year by 90% to over $54 billion.

     • And during last year, it was reported that 46% of all Americans either skipped or delayed the healthcare they needed because they could not afford it — because 85 million of them were uninsured or underinsured — while the six largest health insurance companies in America made over $60 billion in profits!

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  25. Cigar smoker
    Jack7528  over 1 year ago

    You voted for Biden then.

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  26. Missing large
    jvscanlan Premium Member over 1 year ago

    If the Media had spent the last year on the causes of inflation and high gas prices instead of just the horse race, Biden’s approval rating would be positive a Democratic Congress would be a shoe in. Biden is actually doing a really good job in a horrible situation. Same as Carter.

    Ok trolls, let’s hear your BS.

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  27. Animals being weird
    wildthing  over 1 year ago

    As if…………….republicans have offered any solutions to inflation. Tax cuts, deregulation, and privatization are the only tools they have. Maybe if we just banned all economics texts, I’m feeling bullied.

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  28. Joe the bugatti mulhouse clipped
    Call me Ishmael  over 1 year ago

    Relax – you’ll never have to vote again. President DeSantis has given us “poll polizei”, so your side will win forever. The country will be a $h1t#0le, but you can’t have everything…

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  29. Animal bird feathers 158087
    jimchronister2016  over 1 year ago

    Really! Daaaaaaaaaaa!

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