Tom Toles for November 01, 2009

  1. Mmc
    Donald Benson Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Newt was the guy who claimed credit for the Republican Revolution, then failed to take down an unpopular president despite a big, juicy sex scandal and amply-funded attack dogs (it wasn’t a “vast right-wing conspiracy” – just a handful of rich loons).

    Newt didn’t even have the sense to keep his own zipper up long enough to finish off Clinton, and he managed to fumble the “permanent conservative majority.” His abrupt fall and mad scramble to marry his mistress made Slick Willie look almost semi-respectable – and not even his best friends could do that.

    And yet Fox News – not the liberals – keeps trotting him out as the hope of the Republican party.

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  2. B3b2b771 4dd5 4067 bfef 5ade241cb8c2
    cdward  over 14 years ago

    This is what makes this cartoon relevant:

    “Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is once again making headlines by publicly pondering a 2012 presidential bid. In the interview, Gingrich said he would make the decision in February of 2011 and that probably would run if he and his wife, Callista, decided that they feel “a requirement as citizens that we run,” which would be based on how they asses the other candidates running for the Republican nomination.” (CBS News)

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  3. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 14 years ago

    Thanks for saving me the trouble, Benson. Newt is a nasty little sleazebag looking for the main chance.

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  4. Psychocat
    fbrewer  over 14 years ago

    Let’s see - Gingrich vs Palin in the GOP primary, with the winner picking Bachman for Veep, and proposing Big Baby Beck for Sec of State. Talk about a dream ticket. If they empty out the mental institutions, they might capture about 5% of the vote. Oh, forgot about Snott. 5% plus 1.

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  5. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 14 years ago

    Interesting article, fennec. And good point, scott!

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago

    Conservatives want Obama “wishy-washy”. They wishy he will washy from the public’s mind all the world-wide bloodshed and economic disaster that came from Bush and Cheney.

    Newty doesn’t stand a chance because his “Contract ON America”, was largely responsible for setting the stage for their disasters. They will not want the reminder up front. It was HIS leadership that de-regulated the financial industry, and brought down our economy- which meant, look for a war to save us.

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  7. Mmc
    Donald Benson Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Sad thing is, there must be plenty of qualified, patriotic and non-screwy conservatives – but it’s been years since the fringe and entrenched insiders let any of them get as far as a primary without publicly kissing the appropriate behinds. The Demos have their own faults, but they don’t force candidates to grovel for Michael Moore’s or even Ted Kennedy’s blessing.

    Bob Dole and George H. Bush may not have been Lincolns, but they were certainly better men before they consented to run on stands they previously and loudly opposed (Anybody remember Voodoo Economics?). And McCain accepting Palin was a humiliating public surrender more than anything else.

    I recall when the Democrats’ worst nightmare was that Colin Powell might run. Then assorted conservative “leaders” went on record to make it clear Powell was unacceptable, mainly for not having a record of kowtowing unto them. Powell took the hint, realizing he’d be attacked by his own party, and eventually sacrificed his sky-high approval and credibility to prop up that other respected war hero, George W. Bush.

    It seems reasonable to assume that a majority of veterans hold traditional conservative values, so there will soon be – or already are – hundreds of thousands of Republicans who’ve served in the current wars, and several times as many who’ve felt the impact through their families. The great hope of the Republican party is that they’ll be voting and even running based on the realities they’ve experienced first hand, and not on the failed theories and discredited ideas of the increasingly desperate old guard.

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