Robert Ariail for August 17, 2021

  1. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  almost 3 years ago

    Many will be helped to emigrate, but because we screwed the timing badly, many will not. I blame bureaucrats who were in charge… and chose to do the paperwork FIRST… after they invented the forms. Bleaugh.

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    wellis1947 Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    The whole 20 year operation was doomed from the start. It was not a total failure, however. An entire generation of women were educated to expect better than chattel slavery – the women must be prompted that it’s up to them to better their own lives, and that just having a penis between one’s legs does not automatically make you superior – that penis can be easily removed any night she wishes to exert herself.

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    LOKKI  almost 3 years ago

    although i agree we could be helping others, trying to stop a century’s old war doesn’t make sense. if that was the case, what about all the other countries with psychotic governments?

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    Patjade  almost 3 years ago

    Don’t be fooled, it was flushed the moment we went in and Bush declared the Taliban was “no longer in existence” in 2004.

    “In a different kind of war, we had to recognize that we’re not facing a nation; we’re facing a group of people who have adopted an ideology of hatred and love to find places where they can hide. They’re like parasites. They kind of leech on to a host and hope the host weakens over time so they can eventually become the host. That’s why I said to the Taliban in Afghanistan: Get rid of al Qaeda; see, you’re harboring al Qaeda. Remember this is a place where they trained — al Qaeda trained thousands of people in Afghanistan. And the Taliban, I guess, just didn’t believe me. And as a result of the United States military, Taliban no longer is in existence. And the people of Afghanistan are now free.”

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    knutdl  almost 3 years ago

    Shaytân-e Bozorg

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    OmqR-IV.0  almost 3 years ago

    Nah, America’s credibility was flushed decades ago.

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    FrankErnesto  almost 3 years ago

    We could have left with dignity when Obama took office, but the military and defense lobbyists talked him into staying. For eight more years, and then Trump added four more.

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    mikeyman  almost 3 years ago

    The Afghans should remain tight knit.

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    toondel5 Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Of hundreds of such allegorical morphings I’ve seen – in both political and comic-book cartooning, this is the most brilliantly executed.

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    WestNYC Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    You can’t force a nation to live in modern times. If the Afghani population wishes to live as things were back in the 12th century, there is nothing we can or should do about it.

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    Valiant1943 Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    “When will we ever learn”…think Peter, Paul & Mary

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  12. Pilgrim
    Newenglandah  almost 3 years ago

    The lesson is, as with Vietnam, that even if the ascendant force is flawed or even evil (Ho Chi Minh, the Taliban) putting a corrupt and inept clique in power and propping them up with US troops is not the answer.

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    piper_gilbert  almost 3 years ago

    We were going to nation build in Afghanistan with 14 different tribes. In America, we have basically two tribes. How are we doing?

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    Michael G.  almost 3 years ago

    The best is yet to come!

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    T Smith  almost 3 years ago

    Barely a month ago, T**** was bragging that HE negotiated the capitulation to the Taliban (without consulting the Afghan gov’t), and it was structured so Biden couldn’t stop it even if he wanted.

    Now, the RNC is scrubbing it from their list of T**** “accomplishments.”

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    notjimothy  almost 3 years ago

    Unable to defeat the VC either. The most powerful armies can’t defeat indiginous idological ones. Wonder what we will be buying from the Afghans in ten years. We get ba lot of clothing from Vietnam now.

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    Pickled Pete  almost 3 years ago

    Yep, you can lead a horse to water

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    MuddyUSA   almost 3 years ago

    And Bush had the nerve to criticize Trump!!

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    The Love of Money is . . .  almost 3 years ago

    Isn’t this referred to as a “Royal Flush” ? In poker you’d push all your chips out on the table and go ‘all in’ and be winning so much “it would make your head spin”. . . . /S

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    hfelder7219  almost 3 years ago

    Afghanistan was previously a monarchy. Since democracy didn’t work, maybe we should have brought that back. I know someone who would love to be a monarch, assuming Kabul has a golf course!

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    guyjen2004 Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Anyone remember when Quid Pro Joe said this?:

    “It’s hard to believe this has to be said, but unlike this president, I’ll do my job and take responsibility,” Biden wrote in June 2020. “I won’t blame others. And I’ll never forget that the job isn’t about me — it’s about you.”

    Well, he’s certainly not done that! The shameful speech he gave yesterday is just the latest finger-pointing and passing the buck by this incompetent fool.

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    Znox11  almost 3 years ago

    There is plenty of blame to go around, the US has been playing hot potato with Afghanistan for the past few decades. Sorry to say but…Joe, you wanted to be POTUS and this happened on your watch, you have to own it. I know the GOP is going to play this for all it’s worth but that is part of the game, the big question is…What do you do now?

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    preacherman Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    As the second panel states, we did introduce many egalitarian experiences to the Afghan psyche. And while I’m sure the Taliban will be quick to end these experiences, the memory of them will last for decades. Our twenty year sojourn in their nation may have planted the seed of freedom and equality. Only time will tell whether that seed will grow into a new nation for the Afghan people.

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    StackableContainers  almost 3 years ago

    America’s credibility on the world stage died an ugly death in 2016. We had no credibility left out there in the world to flush.

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  25. The eye of god
    Woodstock Generation Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Interesting that the US and Canada buy oil from the Saudis, and many Saudis supported the Taliban financially while they were fighting Americans and Canadians.

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    ncorgbl  almost 3 years ago

    The reason we were sent to Afghanistan was correct, and supported at the time by world opinion. The reasons we stayed were not correct. Thousands at the airport (all males pictured), some media reports “tens of thousands” were fleeing. Why will they (stupidly) hang onto a moving jet aircraft but not have the guts to fight the Taliban?

    If the Afghanis will not fight for their own country, neither should anyone else.

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  27. Sparrow
    kennnyp  almost 3 years ago

    the sad part is the fate of woman and girls….but you cannnot help men who will not fight for their freedom and families… it is their battle to win or lose….not US servicemen and women…we gave them the tools and training… ’you can lead a horse to water…"

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    timbob2313 Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    We lost our credibility long before that

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  29. Lord flasheart
    Same2Ubuddy  almost 3 years ago

    Thanks, Sleepy Joe.

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    dickanders Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    But there was something odd about actually nailing Osama Bin Laden — early on, when the US special forces located OBL and his gang on a mountain ridge, and called for a bombing mission to destroy him, the higher ups in the US military, even up to Rumsfeld (I believe) said, “No”, let’s contract with a couple of the local war lords to finish the job. Of course, OBL was a kind of local hero to a lot of the Afghan war lords, and by the time they could get organized, he was gone. Gone. Gone. Then George Bush lost interest in getting Bin Laden, said it was no longer important. Was it because Bin Laden was Saudi Arabian, like the 9/11 hijackers? Because he was the son of a rich Saudi contractor who was was tight with the Saudi royal family? I guess we’ll never know. Never know…

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    Duka  almost 3 years ago

    “The Taliban are the only people building back better.”— Rep. Lauren Boebert

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    Johnny on the Spot  almost 3 years ago

    Don’t worry about America’s Credibility. Trump flushed that down the toilet a long time ago.

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  33. Anim chromosomes
    chromosome Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    If we went on there longer, it would just be a bigger toilet at the end.

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    RussBowers  almost 3 years ago

    As soon as ‘we the people’ stop buying into fake narratives like hidden weapons of mass destruction and other such ploys to enter into useless conflicts that serve only to enrich the arms industry we may not ever see this happen again.

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    MFRXIM Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    The history:

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  36. Dp
    All the dinosaurs feared the T-Rex  almost 3 years ago

    I love how some people forget how the withdrawal started. Anything to push their narrative, right?

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    Tonto & Redd Panda  almost 3 years ago

    Hey it ain’t all bad. Look at the profits made by the American War Machine. A lot of rich guys, got a lot richer.

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  38. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  almost 3 years ago

    Also: The picture / text off screen to the left of that first frame: Same as the second frame.

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    ragsarooni Premium Member almost 3 years ago


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    MontanaTrav  over 2 years ago

    Thanks Joe!

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