Matt Davies for October 11, 2020

  1. Missing large
    Sharont6  over 3 years ago

    We are being lied to about something (because we are talking about Trump). 1. Did he have COVID and is lying about being immune now? 2. Did he NOT have COVID and wasted all these resources as a political stunt and to advertise a drug he has stock in?

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  2. Dp
    All the dinosaurs feared the T-Rex  over 3 years ago

    I think that is what pissed me off the most. He denounces science then depends on it to survive. That’s absolute BS… He should have had to figure it out like so many in this country. He and his mask fearing idiots should have to sign a waiver that says they refuse ventilators and science to survive Covid. Like a DNR. WOW, they suck!

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  3. 3 stooges
    tee929  over 3 years ago

    He has taken the philosophy of PT Barnum to it’s dirtiest level

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    pheets  over 3 years ago

    Butbutbut! Didn’t he just say yesterday that he is immune?

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    gammaguy  over 3 years ago

    “We found the cure”

    Many suspect (and hope?) that he’s wrong.

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  6. Desron14
    Masterskrain Premium Member over 3 years ago

    And Nov. 3, the REST OF THE COUNTRY will find the cure for trumpism… BYE-DON 2020!

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    pc368dude  over 3 years ago

    (Pssst . . . the fat boy is yet ill, and in oh so many ways. Pass it on.)

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    JenSolo02  over 3 years ago

    Active duty military and their dependents are entitled to the quality of medical care and free prescriptions from military pharmacies, as are retirees and their dependents, retirees et al pay a relatively low fee for TRICARE prime, which gives them medical coverage through Humana Health Care, a private health system I.e. public/private partnership. For example, my primary care giver is at one of the many Naval base clinics Under the aegis of Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, but two of my specialists are civilian providers, to whom I do pay a copayment, I get all my meds at the base pharmacy closest to my house at no charge.

    My point in saying this is that given the vast number of active and retired military and their families served by the government and TRICARE, why can’t a similar system be set up for everyone? The funds could be covered by taxes on the UBER-WEALTHY, and we need to get rid of all the loopholes that the Drumpf family and their ilk have slimed their way through for generations! Charge taxes on AMAZON, and raise taxes on higher ups in GOOGLE, FACEBOOK, APPLE, and all other giant technology corporations that pay little, if no taxes at all! It is feasible. It doesn’t have to be government run like Bernie’s plan, it can be a public/private set-up by region. TRICARE has been managed regionally for decades. They did switch to Humana last year, and changed the regions, and there was minimal confusion, but nothing earth shattering.

    Get out and VOTE!!! There is too much at stake not to!

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    For a Just and Peaceful World  over 3 years ago


    NBC Nightly News: Controversy In California Over Republican-Installed Unofficial Ballot Boxes

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