Tom Toles for March 07, 2011

  1. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Not so long ago, people thought democracy would come automatically with capitalism.


    It’s not money that brings freedom, it’s just that we don’t want to criticise people who have the money we need by saying they are not free!

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  2. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member about 13 years ago

    ^^^ Democracy can also be seen as “the tyranny of the majority.” That is why in some ways a Republic is better – unless you’re in the majority.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  about 13 years ago

    Jade said, about 5 hours ago ^^^ Democracy can also be seen as “the tyranny of the majority.” That is why in some ways a Republic is better – unless you’re in the majority.

    that is the reason the USA original system devised by the Founders incorporated many items such as the electoral college for elections, so the highly populated states would not overwhelm the less populated states; and the Senate with 2 per state to represent each state and the House to elect numbers based on the census for as nearly equal representation as possible. …….a “pure” democracy would have the public vote on every issue the government deals with, and our Founders knew history, that democracy usually detiorates into Mob Rule.

    and the Founders said our form of government depends on a citizenry of people with Faith in God so that the majority would be law-abiding. A nation of scoff-laws cannot survive very long….and some Americans see the signs of the consequences of secularist efforts for the last 100 years to ban God and His Law from the public square.

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  4. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member about 13 years ago

    ^ Other nations don’t have electoral colleges and aren’t exactly mob ruled either.

    India has a form of democracy (although some righties regard all non-american forms of democracies tyrannies) and in just a few years, there will be more people there than in China!

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  5. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member about 13 years ago

    We all know that societies operating under God’s Laws never transgress them, and those who HAVEN’T received the 10 Commandments never do anything ELSE. Right?

    Only three of the 10 Commandments have any business being codified into civil law: The prohibitions on killing, stealing, and bearing false witness (perjuring another; if you’ve committed a crime, saying “I didn’t do it” doesn’t violate this Commandment, but saying “That guy did it” does). And these, in some form or another, have been included in every criminal code that’s ever been formulated, whether theologically-based or not, whether Abrahamic or not.

    The Rule that SHOULD be adhered to but rarely makes it into the law books is “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (or in an earier – and some would argue superior – formulation, “Do NOT do unto others that which would be hateful to yourself”), which likewise is hardly unique to “Judeo-Christian” morality. It would be nearly impossible to phrase with the required specificity, let alone to enforce, but (as Hillel said) “That is the whole of the Law. The rest is just commentary.”

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