Robert Ariail for February 18, 2020

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    brwydave Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Get out of the car very slowly, and place your hands on the roof. Stay calm and nothing will happen to you.

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    Pickled Pete  over 4 years ago
    MON, OCT 8 2018 : – -Trump praises ‘stop and frisk,’ calls for tougher policing tactics

    Feb 11, 2020 – Politics & PolicyTrump declares war on Bloomberg over stop-and-frisk

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    wellis1947 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    I understand why people are upset with Bloomberg, I really do, but the “argument” that Bloomberg is buying his way to the nomination is patently ridiculous!

    Sanders, Warren, Klobuchar, Biden and Buttigieg are okay because they are spending OTHER people’s money in the race, but Bloomberg is BAD because he’s spending his own? Seriously?

    Does ANYONE besides me recognize how moronicly stupid that argument is?

    Of course, Mikes’s “buying his way” into the White House – That’s how it’s done!

    Every President and every presidential candidate since Washington has “bought” his way into the White House! Anybody who’s ever spent a buck on flyers touting his qualifications for elective office is “buying” his way into office – the ONLY difference between $1 and $100,000,000 is scale – NOT intent!

    Never lose sight of the goal – EVERY candidate would love to be able to spend on his or her campaign as Bloomberg does on his and the “argument” that Bloomberg is “buying his way” into the White House is disingenuous at best and stupid at worst!

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    Zykoic  over 4 years ago

    I watched Bernie’s rally in Tacoma. My beloved democratic family has become insane. Looks like Russia 1916-1917. Mike may bring some sanity to the party. We live in a culture of ignorance. Does anyone study history?

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    DaBoogadie  over 4 years ago


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    bakana  over 4 years ago

    The Ghosts of Speeches Past are coming to haunt him, too.

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    wellis1947 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    The “number of donors” DOES provide a loose measure of the level of support – of course, so does the number of votes that person gets in the primary! Why would I (or anyone) “NEED” TO KNOW what level of support ANY person has before voting for him (or her?)

    I vote for the “best” candidate – the one who I believe has the best “ideas”, and the best chance of getting them into law once elected

    I truly think people have “conveniently” forgotten how amazingly difficult it was to even get the Affordable Care Act passed, and it was essentially a republican plan at heart, and now we have candidates who want to have “Medicare for All”, “Free College” for all, and “Forgivenessfor Student Loan Debt” while not addressing the nuts and bolts of how to pay fo any of it, let alone how they’d get this through a Congress that STILL is trying to kill any healthcare for Americans in the Senate.

    So many democrats lost their seats after voting for the A.C.A. THAT the House and Senate turned solidly red (and the Senate STILL IS!),

    Please keep in mind that republicans, even BEFORE they lost their minds and elected Trump, hated, absolutely hated, anything given to any but themselves “for free” – that has always been looked upon as stealing bread from the mouths of their own children!

    This means they’ll fight to the death against “free” healthcare, “free” tuition, and “free” debt forgiveness.

    So, unless a candidate has a plan for acquiring a “Super-majority” in both the House of Representatives AND the Senate, they AND their plans are SCREWED and are nothing more than “pipe dreams”.

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