Rob Rogers for February 05, 2019

  1. Missing large
    Vidrinath Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Or Senate Majority Leader. Or multi term congressman from Iowa. Or elected official in Texas. Honestly any form of “good christian” Republican embraces it.

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  2. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia had been an actual member of the KKK, not just wearing a costume for cos-play. But because HE was the one who raised the issue, noted how he had wrestled with his conscience and come out on the other side to repudiate his earlier racism, he was able to rise above it and become an icon of the Civil Rights movement and a close ally of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    There is no way Ralph Northam did not know what was on his medical school yearbook page. It was his page. Whether he is or is not in the picture is not the point. He knew it was there and anyone going into politics would have known to take charge of the issue and put it out there on his own terms, as part of a past he had repudiated and grown away from, and how he learned the lessons of earlier perspectives he had shed.

    And he lost all credibility when he first apologized for being in the picture, and then the next day said he wasn’t in the picture. C’mon, Ralphie. If you wore blackface or a KKK hood (the MAGA hats of an earlier era), you would remember. And even if it wasn’t you, or the photo was inserted on your page in error, you would have known it was there and something any oppo researchers would eventually find, and should have been the one to being out in the open and frame the discussion on those terms.

    And really? You DO remember blackface for a Michael Jackson impersonation? And you knew not to use too much shoe polish because it is so hard to get off? Sounds like you had more experience with getting shoe polish off than you are copping to.

    Last Friday, when the story broke, Virginia senators Tim Kaine and Mark Warner gave Northam the benefit of the doubt. On Saturday, Northam did not make things better, but worse, and after his press conference, both Kaine and Warner, as well as others who had initially withheld judgment, called on him to resign.

    Having stepped IN it he now must step down from it.

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  3. Desron14
    Masterskrain Premium Member over 5 years ago

    So, to the Republicans, a “Racist” college picture from 30 years ago is a reason for a Democrat’s resignation, but current ongoing racism is NOT a cause to keep someone from running for office AS a Republican, I.E. Crazy Joe Arpio, or Steve King, or proven Pedophilia, I.E. Roy Moore, or a desire for Incest, I.E Donald “I’d love to Date Ivanka” Trump himself.

    Can you say “DOUBLE STANDARDS”? I can…

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