Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for December 19, 2017

  1. Rick
    davidf42  over 6 years ago

    Morning, Village!


    Y’all be sure to check out Skippy this morning! Outstanding comic strip!

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  2. 350px gold star service banner.svg
    Dkram  over 6 years ago

    Good morning Vagabonds

    Snowing this morning, temps near 30. The sun ain’t shining that’s fer sher.

    Nothing happening today, just hanging out feeding a hungry fire.

    Blessings on your day all.


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  3. Silverknights
    JanLC  over 6 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds.

    Yesterday I saved myself a 4 hour visit to the DMV. Since we have the license plates from the old car, I just went online and transferred them to the new one. It didn’t cost as much as I feared, and now it’s done. I even printed out the new registration. All we have to do is put the plate on the new car and we’re done. We’ll get the new year sticker for it in a few days.

    We also had our meeting with a Medicare insurance agent. We ended signing up for a new policy with Humana that is not only zero premium but they pay the government $50 per month so our premium deducted from the Social Security payment will be $50 less than it would have been. It’s an experimental program, and from what the agent said, it was extremely popular during open enrollment (we weren’t limited to the open enrollment period because it is our first time signing up). We were speculating that by widening the pool of folks enrolled, they will spread the costs they incur over a broader base of incoming cash. They cannot change the rules in mid-year, so even if it doesn’t work out for them, they can’t stop until January 2019. That works out great for us for this year at least.

    It got below freezing this morning (31), but the sun is shining in a clear sky so it will warm up later (61 forecast). There’s a wind advisory for tomorrow and Thursday (40 to 50 MPH) just in time to move the RV over to the dealership for service. Good thing it’s only a half mile from here.

    Prayer group this morning, so I’m off to church in a little while. Everyone have a blessed day.

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    MontanaLady  over 6 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds,

    Our first day out was very good. It was 21 during the day, and was 19 when we woke up. Brrr! Fortunately, the bad weather won’t hit Montana until tomorrow. And today’s travel will be in the high 30’s with 0% precip anticipated. Hurray! There are some high passes we go through, so hopefully they won’t be icy.

    xoxoxo. Happy Trails

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  5. My boys
    woodworker318  over 6 years ago

    Good morning Vagabonds.

    Not too bad a day today. Temp is 39 with some clouds and sun shining through. No wind.

    Going to take it easy until I go to prayer meeting tonight.

    Peace to all of you.

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